
Will Man Ruin the Earth Beyond Repair?

"A generation is going, and a generation is coming, but the earth remains forever." -KING SOLOMON, 11th CENTURY B.C.E."

To the ancient Bible writer, the fleeting matter of man stood in sharp contrast with the permanence of the earth.  Indeed, for thousands of years, generations have come and gone, and yet the planet Earth has proved to be remarkably resilient and stable in its ability to host life-until n ow.

The years since World War II have been dubbed by some as the Great Acceleration.  In a single lifetime, people have seen remarkable advances in transportation, communication, and other technologies, which have brought unprecedented economic changes.  Many enjoy a standard of living once thought possible.  In the meantime, the earth's population has nearly tripled.

All of this, however, has not come without cost. Human activities are said to be  pushing the earth beyond its natural cycles. In fact, some scientists say we have entered a new geological epoch called the Anthropocene-an age in which humans are making an increasingly notable impact on the planet.

The Bible foretold a time when man would 'ruin the earth.' (Revelation 11;18) Some wonder if we are living in such a time.  How much further damage will be done?  Is there a point of no return?  Indeed, will man ruin the earth beyond repair?


From the Watchtower magazine, 2014

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