
Coping With Cultural Differences

God's Word encourages youths:  "Listen, my son, to the discipline of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother."  (Proverbs 1:8) Difficulties may arise, though, when a father's standard of discipline and a mother's "law" are influenced by a culture that is different from the one in which their children find themselves. 

Of course, it is up to each family head to determine how he will preside  over his own household, and he should not be unduly influenced by other families.  (Galatians 6:4, 5) Still, good communication between parents and children may open the way to accepting  new customs.  

Many of the customs or practices prevalent in developed lands, however, are harmful to the spiritual health of Christians. Sexual immorality, greed, and rebellion are often promoted through popular  music and entertainment.  (Romans 1:26-32) Christian parents cannot afford to abdicate their responsibility to control their children's choice of music and entertainment just because the parents have difficulty understanding the language.  They must set firm guidelines.  Yet, this may present a challenge.

Carmen says:  "We often don't understand the lyrics of the music our children  listen to.  The tune might sound all right, but if the words have double meanings or if there are slang expressions  that are immoral, we would not know."  How have  they coped with this situation?  Miguel  says:  "We spend  a lot of time teaching our children about the dangers of immoral music, and we try to help them choose music that would be approved by Jehovah."  Yes, that vigilance and reasonableness are needed to cope with cultural differences. -Deuteronomy 11:18, 19; Philippians 4:5. 

Next time: Reaping the Rewards

From the Watchtower magazine, 2002

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