
CITIES Why in Crisis? -What Future for Cities?

What Future for Cities?

Many observers believe that technology notwithstanding, cities offer services and advantages that will continue to draw people.  Whatever the future may hold, today's cities are in trouble now!  And no solution is in sight for the massive problems of housing and sanitation for the growing millions of urban poor.  Nor has anyone come close to finding a means to eliminate crime, environmental decay, or urban pollution.

Some would argue that governments should simply funnel more money into their cities.  But given the track record that many governments have in managing their assets, is it realistic to think that solving problems of cities is as simple as writing out a check?  Decades ago the book The Death and Life of Great American Cities said; "There is a wistful myth that if only  we had enough money to spend . . . , we could wipe out all of our slums . . .  (Note:  If landlords cared enough to put money into these buildings instead of their pockets, maybe things would be better; and if governments were not run by Satan who makes them corrupt and greedy and immoral,  and dispassionate, maybe then  this world would not be in the shape it is in.) But look what we have built with the first several billions: Low-income projects that had become worse centers of delinquency, vandalism, and general social hopelessness than the slums they were suppose to replace.  "These words continue to ring true.

But if the money is not the solution, what is?  We must remember that cities are made up of people, not just buildings and streets. So in the final analysis, it is people  who must change if city life is to improve.  "The best economy of a city is the care and culture of men." says Lewis Mumford in The City in History. And if drug abuse, prostitution, pollution, environmental decay, social inequality, vandalism, graffiti, and the like are to be eliminated, more is required than an increased police presence or a fresh coat of paint. People must be helped to make dramatic changes in their thinking and behavior. 

 Note: That would help, but it still would not solve the whole problem. Some people were not brought up to care for property values or to take care of something in order for it to stay in good living conditions. If some of the people were not taught manners, how is anyone suppose to know to take care of property?  

Next time: CITIES Why in Crisis? What Future for Cities?/A Change in Management

From the Awake! magazine 

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