
CITIES Why in Crisis?

Other Grim Realities

Poverty can lead to crime. In one South American city noted  for its innovative modern architecture, crime has become so rampant that the city is rapidly becoming a landscape of iron railings.  From the richest to the poorest, citizens are erecting fences to protect their property and privacy. In effect, they live in cages.  Some even put up the railings before their house is finished.

Large populations also strain a city's  ability to provide such basics as water and sanitation. It is estimated that in one Asian city, 500,000 public toilets are needed. Yet, a recent survey indicated that only 200 working toilets could be found! 

Not to be overlooked either is the devastating effect overpopulation often has on the local environment. Nearby farmlands disappear as city boundaries expand.  Former United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization chief Federico Mayor says:   "Cities consume enormous amounts of energy, exhaust water supplies, and devour food and materials. . . . Their physical environment is worn out because it can no longer provide the input or absorb the output." 

Note: When God said to Adam to procreate  and fill the earth. He meant for them and all of us to have some common sense and only produce the amount of children that they could afford to provide food, housing, clothes, and  medication. Has anyone ever heard of birth control?  God did not mean for us to overpopulate. He thought we would have enough sense to limit ourselves to the amount of children that we could afford.   The public should not have to provide for children whose parents who don't have the sense to know when to quit having children, that includes the ones who are not married and having children when God intended for all of us to be married, then have children. If people don't want to get married, then they are suppose to stay celebate and not procreate-have sex at all.  No one uses any common sense anymore, if they ever did. Just being truthful. 

Next time:  CITIES Why in Crisis?/Big-City Problems in Western Lands 

From the Awake! magazine 

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