
"Become Imitators of God" in Your Use of Power -Love Is the Key

The key to using power aright is love.  Does not God's own example demonstrate this?  Recall the discussion of God's four cardinal attributes-power, justice, wisdom, and love-in Chapter 1.  Of the four qualities, which one predominates? Love.  "God is love," says 1 John 4:8.  Yes, Jehovah's very essence is love; it influences all that he does.  So every expression of his power is motivated by love and is ultimately for the good of those who love him.

Love will also help us to use our power aright.  After all, the Bible tells us that love is "kind" and  "does  not look for its own interests."  (1 Corinthians 13:4, 5)  Hence, love will not allow us  to act in a harsh or cruel manner toward those over whom we have a measure of authority.  Instead, we will treat others with dignity and put their needs and feelings ahead of our own. - Philippians 2:3, 4. 

Love is related to another quality that can help us to avoid misusing power: godly fear.  What is the value of this quality?  "In the fear of Jehovah one turns away from bad," says Proverbs 16:6.  The misuse of power is certainly  among the bad ways from which we should turn away.  Fear of God will restrain us from mistreating those over whom we have power.  Why?  For one thing, we know that we  are accountable to God for the way we treat such ones.  (Nehemiah 5:1-7, 15) But godly fear involves more than that.  The original- language terms used for "fear" often refers to a profound reverence and awe of God.  The Bible thus associates fear with love of God.  (Deuteronomy 10:12,13)  This reverential awe includes a healthy fear of displeasing God-not simply because we fear the consequences but because we truly love him. 

To illustrate: Think about the wholesome relationship between a little boy and his father.  The boy senses his father's warm, loving interest in him.  But the boy is also aware that his father will discipline him if he misbehaves.  The boy does not live in morbid fear of his father. On the contrary, he dearly loves his father.  The youngster delights in doing what will bring  his father's smile of approval.  So it is with godly fear. Because we love Jehovah, our heavenly Father, we dread doing anything that would make him feel  "hurt at his heart."  (Genesis 6:6)  Rather, we long to make his heart rejoice.  (Proverbs 27:11)  That is why we want to use our power aright.  Let us take a closer look at how we may do so.

Next time: "Become Imitators of God" in Your Use of Power - Within the Family 

From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah 

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