
"Jehovah Is . . . Great in Power" - Conclusion of Does Jehovah's Power Make Him Unapproachable?

Imagine meeting a man so huge and powerful that you feel intimidated by him.  However, in time you notice that he seems gentle. He is ever ready and eager to use his power to help and protect people, especially the defenseless and vulnerable. He never abuses  his strength.  You see him slandered without cause, yet his demeanor is firm but calm, dignified, even kind. You find yourself wonder if you would be able to show the same gentleness and restraint, especially if you were that strong!  As you come to know such a man, would you not begin  to feel drawn to him?  We have far more reason for drawing close to the almighty Jehovah.  Consider the full sentence that is the basis for the title of this chapter:  "Jehovah is slow to anger and great in power."  (Nahum 1:3)   Jehovah is not quick to use his power against people, not even the wicked.  He is mild-tempered and kind.  He has proved to be  "Slow to anger" in the face of many provocations. -Psalm 78:37-41. 

Consider Jehovah's self-restraint from a different angle. If you had unlimited power, do you think you might, at times, be tempted to make people do things your way?  Jehovah with all his power, does not coerce people to serve him.  Even though serving God is the only way to everlasting life, Jehovah does not force us into such service. Rather, he kindly dignifies each individual  with freedom to choose. He warns of the consequences of bad choices and tells of the rewards of good choices.  But the choice itself, he leaves to us.  (Deuteronomy  30:19, 20)  Jehovah simply  has not interest in service performed  out of coercion or out of morbid fear of his awesome power.  He seeks those  who will serve him willingly, out of love. -2 Corinthians 9:7. 

Let us look at a final reason why we need not live in dread of the Almighty God. Powerful humans tent to be fearful of sharing power with others.  Jehovah, however, delights in empowering his loyal  worshipers. He delegates  considerable authority to others  such as his Son.  (Matthew  28:18) Jehovah also empowers his servants in another way.  The Bible explains:   "Yours, O Jehovah, are the greatness and the mightiness and the beauty and the excellency and the dignity for everything in the heavens and in the earth  is yours. . . . In your hand there are power and mightiness, and in your hand is your ability to make great and to give strength to all." - 1 Chronicles 29:11, 12.

Yes, Jehovah will be pleased to give you strength.  He even imparts  "power beyond what is normal" to those who want to serve him.  (2 Corinthians 4:7)  Do you not feel drawn to this dynamic God, who uses his power in such kind and principled ways?  In the next chapter, we will focus on how Jehovah uses his power to create. 

Next time: Chapter 5/ Creative Power-"The Maker of Heaven and Earth" 

From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah

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