
Chapter 5/Creative Power-"The Maker of Heaven and Earth"

HAVE you ever stood near a fire on a cold night?  Perhaps you held out your hands at just the right distance from the flames to enjoy the radiating warmth. If you leaned in too close, the heat becomes too unbearable.  If you stepped back too far, the cool night air closed in, and you felt chilled. 

There is a "fire" that warms our skin by day.  That "fire" is burning some 93 million miles away!  What power the sun must have for you to be able to feel its heat from such a distance!  Yet, the earth orbits that awesome thermonuclear furnace at just the right distance.  Too close, and earth's water would vaporize; too far, and it would all freeze. Either extreme would render our planet lifeless.  Essential to life on earth, sunlight is also clean and efficient, not to mention delightful. -Ecclesiastes 11:7.  

Nevertheless, most people take the sun for granted, even though their lives depend on it. Thus, they miss what sun can teach us.  The Bible also says of Jehovah:  "You . . .prepared the luminary, even the sun."  (Psalm 74:16)  Yes, the sun brings honor to Jehovah, "the Maker of heaven and earth."  (Psalm 19:1; 146:6)  It is just one of countless heavenly bodies that teach us about Jehovah's immense creative power.  Let us examine some of these more closely and then turn our attention to the earth and the life that thrives upon it. 

Next time: Creative Power -"The Maker of Heaven and Earth" -"Raise Your Eyes High Up and See"

From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah

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