
Protective Power-"God Is for Us a Refuge" - Jehovah Provides Physical Protection

Consider, first, t he matter of physical protection. As Jehovah's worshipers,, we can expect such protection as a group. Otherwise,, we would be easy prey for Satan. Think about this:  Satan, "the ruler of this world," would like nothing more than to eliminate true worship.  (John 12:31; Revelation 12:17)  Some of the most powerful governments on earth have banned our preaching work and have tried to wipe us out completely. Yet, Jehovah's people have remained firm and have continued to preach without letup!  Why have mighty nations been unable to put a stop to the activity of this relatively small seemingly defenseless group of Christians? Because Jehovah has shielded  us with his powerful wings! -Psalm 17:7, 8.

What about physical protection during the coming "great tribulation"?  We need not fear the execution of God's judgments.  After all, "Jehovah know how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous people for the day of judgment to be cut off."  (Revelation 7:14; 2 Peter 2:9)  In the meantime, we can always be certain of two things. First, Jehovah will never allow his loyal servants to be effaced from the earth. Second, he will reward integrity keepers with everlasting life in his righteous new world-if necessary, by means of a resurrection. For those who die, there is no safer place to be than in God's memory. -John 5:28, 29. 

Even now, Jehovah safeguards us through his living "word," which has the motivating power to heal hearts and reform lives.  (Hebrews 4:12)  By applying its principles, we can in some respects be protected from physical harm. "I, Jehovah am . . . teaching you to benefit yourself," says Isaiah 48:17.  Without question, living in harmony with God's Word, can improve our health and extend our life.  For example, because we apply the Bible's counsel to abstain from fornication and to cleanse ourselves of defilement, we avoid unclean practices and hurtful habits that wreak havoc in the lives of many ungodly ones.  (Acts 15:29; 2 Corinthians 7:1) How thankful we are the protection of God's Word! 

Next time: Protective Power-"God Is for Us a Refuge" - Jehovah Protects Us Spiritually

From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah 

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