
Continue with The Great Flood

Noah and his sons had done a good job building the ark.  The water lifted up, and it floated right on top of the water. Then one day, after the rain stopped falling, the sun began to shine. What  a sight it was!  There was just one big ocean everywhere. And the only thing that could be seen was the ark floating on top. 

Note: According the Bible, they sent out a raven now and then to see if the water receded; He kept doing this days after day until  one day, the raven came back with an olive leave, which, if i remember was on a twig,  in his beak and that told Noah and his family that the waters had gone down and they open the door and go outside. They were on land full of  lush trees and bushes, not a small island in the middle of the ocean/sea. In the picture they had here in the book, they were on a small island with the animals, not a good  example of what is in the Bible. 

The giants were gone  now. No more would they be around to hurt people. All of them had died, along with their mothers and the rest of the bad people. But what happened to their fathers?

The fathers of the giants were not really human like us. They were angels that had come down to live as men on earth. So when the flood came, they did not die with the rest of the people.  They stopped using the human bodies they had made and went back to heaven as angels. But they were no longer allowed to be part of the family of God's angels. So they became the angels of Satan.   In the Bible they are called demons.

God now made the wind blow, and the waters of the flood began to go down. Five months later the ark came to rest on top of a mountain. many more days passed, and those inside the ark could look out and see the tops of the mountains. The water kept on going down and down.

Next time: Conclusion of  The Great Flood

From the jw.org publications 

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