
Love One Another Intensely - BE A PEACEMAKER

Jesus taught us the importance of making  peace with a brother who has something against us. (Read Matthew 5:23, 24)  He emphasized that we need to maintain good relations with others if we are to please God.  Jehovah is happy when we do our best to make peace with our brothers.  He will not accept our worship if we hang on to resentment and refuse even to try to  make peace. - 1 JOHN 4:20. 

We may find it difficult to make peace. Why? Consider what happened to Mark.  He felt hurt when a brother criticized him and said bad things about him to others in the congregation.  How did Mark react?  "I lost control and got angry," he recalls.  Afterward, though, Mark regretted his behavior and tried to apologize to the brother and restore peace with him.  But the brother rejected Mark's efforts.  Initially, Mark thought, 'Why should I keep trying if he does not want to make peace?' However, the circuit overseer encouraged him not to give up. What did Mark do?

When Mark analyzed his thinking, he realized that he lacked humility and tended to be self-righteous. He recognized that he needed to change his attitude. (Colossians 3:8, 9, 12)  He humbly approached the brother again and apologized for his behavior.  Mark also wrote letters to the brothers, saying how sorry he was and how much he wanted to make fresh start. Mark even gave the brother small gifts that he thought the brother would like. Sadly, the brother continued to hold a grudge. Nevertheless, Mark continued to obey Jesus' command to love his brother and to be forgiving.  (Read Colossians 3:13, 14) Even when others do not respond to our efforts to make peace, true Christian love will help us keep forgiving them and praying for a positive outcome. - MATTHEW 18:21, 22; GALATIANS 6:9.

Jesus urged us to keep treating others the way we want to be treated. He added that we should not limit our love only to those who show love in return.  (Luke 6:31-33)  Though it would be unusual, what if someone in the congregation avoids you and refuses to greet you?  That is what Lara experienced. She explains: "A sister ignored me, and I did not know why. I felt tense and did not enjoy going to the meetings."  At first, Lara reasoned:  'I am not at fault. After all, others in the congregation also feel that this sister behaves strangely.' 

Lara took steps to make peace.  She prayed to Jehovah and decided to talk to the sister.  They spoke about the problem, hugged each other, and made peace.  Everything seemed fine. Lara relates: "But later, the sister showed he same attitude toward me as she did earlier. I was so discouraged.  "Initially,  Lara felt that she could be happy only if the other sister changed her attitude.  Eventually, though, Lara realized that the best thing she could do was to continue treating the sister with love and "freely forgiving" her.  (Ephesians 4:32-5:2)  Lara remembered that true Christian love "does not keep account of the injury. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." (Corinthians 13:5, 7)  Lara regained her peace of mind. In time, the sister was friendlier with her.  When you pursue peace with your brothers and sisters and continue loving them, you can be sure that "the God of love and of peace will be with you." - 2  CORINTHIANS 13:11.

Next time: Love One Another Intensely - BE IMPARTIAL

From the jw.org publications

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