

Note: Only God has that secret and these idiots trying to do this are just barking up a tree where there is no squirrel. If they really want to know how to do this, just ask Adam and Eve; Oh wait! they have grown old and died, because they disobeyed God.  

Scientists who study the human cell have come up with more than 300o theories to explain why we grow old and die.  In recent years, molecular biologists have succeeded in manipulating genes and proteins to slow down the aging process in laboratory animals and human cells (Satan's work to get people from God. Thin about it!)  Such advantages have prompted  some prominent citizens to finance research on "the problem of death."  What directions have such investigations taken?

Turning back the eternal clock. Some biologists believe that a key factor in aging lies in the end sections of our chromosomes, called telomeres.  Telomeres protect the genetic information in pour cells as the reproduce.  But each time the cells divide,the telomeres shorten.  Eventually, the cells stop dividing and aging sets in. 

The 2009 Nobel laureate Elizabeth Blackburn and her team identified an enzyme that delays the shortening of the telomeres and, and as result, the aging of the cell. However, their report acknowledges that telomeres "are not magical life extenders - they don't let us live past the normal human life span, as we know it."

  Note:  that is because, as it says in the Bible, each one of our hairs are numbered, so when it is time to leave this world, you leave, no if ands or buts about it.  Eventually, they will fail in the end anyway, because that is the way God intended.

Cellular reprogramming is another approach to curb aging.  When our cells become too old to replicate, they may send the wrong signals to nearby immune cells, cause inflammation, chronic  pain and disease. Recently, scientists in France have reprogrammed cells taken from elderly people, some of whom were over 100 years old.  The research team leader , Professor Jean-Mark Lemaitre that their work demonstrated "the reversibility of aging" in the cells.

Again, that is Satan's work. God intended for all of us to grow and die, and then in the resurrection and Armageddon, then people will get a chance otherwise, only because it is God's plan.  He has all these things figured and planned out and NOTHING is going to change that!  

Next time:  The Search for Long Life - CAN SCIENCE LENGTHEN OUR LIVES? 

From the jw.org publications

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