
"Follow His Steps Closely"


What does it mean to follow someone's footsteps?  In the Bible, the words "walk" and "feet" at times refer to a person's course of life.  (Genesis 6:9; Proverbs 4:26)  The example a person sets may be compared to footprints, or footsteps, that he leaves behind as he walks. So to follow someone's footsteps means to follow  his example.,, to imitate him.

What, then, does it mean to follow Jesus' footsteps?  Put simply, it means to imitate his example.  In our theme text, the apostle Peter is specificallty  commenting on the fine example Jesus set in the endurance of suffering; however, there are many other ways in which we can imitate Jesus.  (1 Peter 2:18-25)  Really, Jesus' entire life course-everything he said and did-is an example for us to follow. 

As imperfect humans, can we really follow Jesus' example?   Yes, we can.  Recall that Peter urges us "to follow [Jesus'] steps closely" - not perfectly.  If we follow his footsteps carefully, doing the best we can as imperfect humans, we will be heeding the apostle John's words: "Go on walking just as that one [Jesus] walked." - 1 JOHN 2:6.

Next time: "Follow His Steps Closely" - WHY FOLLOW JESUS' FOOTSTEPS?

From the jw.org publicaitons

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