
Love Helps Us to Endure Hatred - LOVE FOR JEHOVAH HELPS US TO ENDURE HATRED - Conclusion

  Perhaps one of our biggest tests come from members of our own  family.  When we begin to show interest in the truth, some family members may think that we have been misled.  Others may think that we have lost our mind.  (Compare Mark 3:21.)  They may even violently oppose us.  This negative reaction should not surprise us.  Jesus said: "A man's enemiws will be those of his own household." (Matthew 10:36)   Of course,  regardless of how our relatives view us, we refuse to treat them as our enemies.  On the contrary, as our love for Jehovah grows, so does our love for people.  (Matthew 27:31-39)  But we will never compromise our standards by ignoring the Bible laws and principles just to please another human. 

Georgina quoted earlier mangaged to stand firm despite severe opposition from her mother.  Georgina explains:  "My mother and I began studying the Bible with the Witnesses. But six moths later when I wantedto attend meetings, my mother's attitude changed drastically.  I discovered that she was in contact with apostates, and she used their arguments when she talked to me.  She also insult me, pull my hair, chok me, and throw away my literature.  After I turned 15, I got baptized.  My mother tried to stop me from serving Jehovah by putting me in a home with other teens, some of whom took drugs and committed crimes.  Opposition is especially hard to deal with when it somes from someone who should love you and care for  you." 

How did Georgina cope?  She says:  "The day my mother turned against me, I had just finished reading the entire BIble. I was now fully convinced that I had found the truth, and I felt very close to Jehovah.  I often prayed to him, and he heard me.  When I was living in that home, a sister invited me to her house, and we studied the Bible together. All the while, I was strengthened by the brothers and sisters at the Kingdom Hall.  They made me part of their  families.  I saw firsthand that Jehovah is stronger than our opposers, not matter who they are."

The apostle Paul wrote that nothing can "separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38, 39) Even though we may suffer for a time, Jehovahg will alkways be at our  side to comfort and strengthen us.  And as Georgina's experience shows, Jehovah will also help us by means of our precious spiritual family. 


From the jw.org publications

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