
Love Helps Us to Endure Hatred


On the night before he died, Jesus reminded his disciples to love one another.  (Read John 15:12, 13)  He knew that self-sacrificing love would them to stay united and to endure the world's hatred.  Consider the example of the congregation in Thessalonica.  From the time it was formed, its members were persecuted. Yet, the brothers and sisters there became examples of integrity and love.  (1 Thessalonians 1:3, 6, 7)  Paul encouraged them to continue showing love, even  "in fuller measure."  (1 Thessalonians 4:9, 10)  Love would move them to console the depressed and support the weak.  (1 Thessalonians 5:14)  They followed Paul's instructions, for in his second letter, written about a year later, Paul could say to them:  "The love of each and every one of you is increasing toward one another. (2 Thessalonians 1:3-5)  Their love helped them toendure hardship and persecution.

Consider the experience of Danylo, mentioned earlier, and his wife.  When their town became engulfed in war, they continued to attend the meetings, to preach as best they could, and to share what food tehy had with their brothers and sisters.  Then one day, Danylo was approached by armed soldierrs.  "They demanded that I renounce my faith," says Danylo. When I refused, the beat me and  pretended to shoot me, firing over my head.  Before leaving, they threatened to return to rape my wife.  But our brothers quickly put us on a trainto another town.  I will never forget the love of those dear brothers. And when we arrived at the new town, the local brothers gave us food and helped me to find a job and a home! As a result, we were able to provide refuge for other Witnesses fleeing the war zone." Such  experiences show that our Christian love and help to endure hatred.

Next time:Love Helps Us to Endure Hatred - LOVE FOR OUR ENEMIES HELPS US TO ENDURE HATRED

From the jw.org publications

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