
Jehovah Blesses Our Efforts to Observe the Memorial - INVITING OTHERS TO THE MEMORIAL

 Jehovah's people have a long history of inviting others to the Memorial.  As early as 1881, brothers and sisters in the United States were invited to meet together in a private home in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, for that special occasion. Later, each congregation held its own Memorial.  In March 1940, publishers were told that they could invite anyone in their territory who showed interest.  In 1960, for the first time, Bethel provided congregations with printed invitations.  Since then, billions of Memorial invitations have been distributed. Why do we put forth such  much time and effort to invited others?

One reason why we invite others to observe the Memorial with us is that we want those who attend for the first time to learn the truth about what Jehovah and Jesus have done for all of us.  (Read John 3:16.) We hope   that what they see ad hear at the Memorial will move them to learn more and to become servants of Jehovah. But others will benefit as well. 

Next time: Jehovah Blesses Our Efforts to Observe the Memorial - INVITING OTHERS TO THE MEMORIAL

From the jw.org publications

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