
You Can Find True Happiness - TRUE-LIFE EXPERIENCE

 Real-life experiences confirm that the three steps we just considered to lead to true happiness, regardless of our circumstances.  Consider what happened to 19-year-old Jovidon Bobojonov, from Tajikistan. who refused to take up military service.  On October 4, 2019, we was abducted from his home, kept in detention for months, and treated like a criminal.  This injustice received international attention.  It was reported that he was beaten in an attempt to pressure him to take a  military oath of allegiance and put on a uniform.  After that, he was convicted and sent to a labor camp until finally the president of the country pardoned him and ordered his release.  Throughout the entire ordeal, Jovidon maintained his integrity and his happiness.  How?  By always being conscious of his spiritual need.

While in prison, Jovidon took in spiritual food, even when he did not have a Bible or any of our publications.  How was that possible? Local brothers and sisters delivered physical food to him and wrote the day's text on the grocery bags.  Thus, he was able to read the Bible and meditate on it every day.  After he was released from prison, he had this advice for those who have not yet faced severe trials:  "It is imperative that you see your freedom  to the fullest to deepen your knowledge of Jehovah by reading his Word and our publications.

Our brother lived  by Jehovah's standards.  Rather than to dwell on wrong desires and get involved in bad conduct, he focused on  Jehovah and on what He values.  Jovidon marveled at the beauty of God's creation .  Every morning he would wake up  to the sounds of birds chirping and singing. At night he gazed at the moon and the stars .  He said: "Those gifts from Jehovah made me feel happy and encouraged." When we are grateful for Jehovah's spiritual and physical provisions, we have a joyful heart, and that joy can strengthen our ability to endure.

Next time: You Can Find True Happiness -TRUE-LIFE EXPERIENCE - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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