
The Bible Really Is God's Inspired Word

Consider the Evidence

So can the Bible be trusted?  It is important that you decide correctly on this matter.  Why?  because if the Bible does contain communication from God himself, it would be foolish-if not fatal-to ignore it.  The extent to which you let it be a real influence in guiding your actions and forming your beliefs will be greatly diminished if you view it simply as the words of men rather than the Word of God. -1Thessalonians 2:13.

How can you decide?  Well, how do you decide whether to trust you meet?  One thing is sure.  It is very difficult to have real trust in anyone about whom you know very little.  Only as you get to know people well do you learn over time. if they are truly honest and trustworthy.  You can get to know the Bible in the same way.  Do not accept without question speculative or even prejudiced theories that undermine confidence in the Bible  Take the time to consider the evidence that supports the Bible's claim to be "inspired of God."

Next time: Attacks From "Friends"

Watchtower, 2010

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