
DOES THE DEVIL Make us Sick?

Various Causes of Sickness

Most people do not believe in the spirits.  When they get sick, they go to a doctor-if they can afford it.  Of course, a sick person can go to a doctor and still not get healed.  Doctors cannot perform miracles.  But many superstitious individuals who could be healed go to a medical doctor only when it is too late.  They try spiritistic healing methods first,  and when these fail they go to a doctor as a last resort.  Many die unnecessarily.

Others face untimely death because of ignorance.  They do not recognize symptoms and do not know what practical steps to take to prevent sickness.  Knowledge  helps to prevent unnecessary suffering.  It is noteworthy that literate mothers lose fewer children to sickness than do illiterate ones.  Yes, ignorance can be fatal.

Negligence is anther cause of illness.  For example, many get sick because they allow insects to crawl over food before it is eaten or because the ones preparing the food do not wash their hands beforehand.  Sleeping without a mosquito net in malaria-infested regions is also dangerous. In matters of health, it is often true that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

An unwise life-style has caused millions to get sick and die prematurely.  Drunkenness, sexual immorality, misuse of drugs and use of tobacco have ruined the health of many.  If a person indulges in these vices and then falls sick,is it because someone put a spell on him or a spirit attacked him? No, he is to blame for his sickness.  Blaming the spirits would be a refusal to accept responsibility for an  unwise life-style.

Of course, some things we cannot control. For example, we could be exposed to sickness-causing microbes or to pollution.  This is what happened to owmadji.   Her mother did not know what was causing the diarrhea.  Her children are not sick as often as other children because she keeps her house and yard clean and always washes her hands before preparing food.  But all children get sick once in a while.  some 25 different organic infections can cause diarrhea.  Chances are, not one will ever know which one caused Owmadji's problem.

Next time: The Long-Term Solution

Watchtower, 1999

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