
Is the Bible the Word of God?

Changing Attitudes Toward the Bible

In recent times, however, confidence in the authority of the Bible has waned.  "In theory,"  says the handbook The World's Religions,  "all Christians [still] accept the Bible as authoritative, both in guiding their actions and in forming their beliefs."  In practice, however, that is simply no longer true.  Many people now view the Bible as no more than  "unreliable human tradition."  Though acknowledging that the Bible writers as no more than fallible men who struggled to explain deep spiritual truths but who lacked the knowledge and enlightenment we have today.

In truth, very few people nowadays really let the Bible guide their thoughts and actions.  How often, for example, do you hear people say that the Bible's standards of morality are simply old-fashioned and impractical?  Many feel free to water down the Bible's laws and principles-or even to ignore them completely when it seems expedient to do so.  Some who call themselves Christians blatantly ignore what the Bible says about fornication, adultery, dishonesty and drunkenness.  - 1Corinthians 6:9, 10.

Why is this so?  Early in the 20th century, one reason was identified by archaeologist Sir Charles Marston in his book The Bible Is True.  People, he said, were too quick to "accept without a murmur many of the speculations of modern writers"  Who attacked the integrity of the Bible.  Could that still be  true today?  How should you view the opinions and theories of scholars who undermine confidence in the Bible?  See what  the next article has to say about this.

Next time The Bible Really Is Inspired of God's Word

Watchtower, 2010

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