The well-known historical figure Jesus Christ described this feature of the knowledge of God in clear terms. He said: "This means everlasting life,Their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth,Jesus Christ." (John 17:3) Imagine -knowledge that leads to everlasting life!
Do not quickly dismiss everlasting life as a mere dream. Instead, look at the way the human body is made. It is splendidly designed to taste, hear, smell, see and feel. There is so much on the earth that delights our senses-delicious food, pleasant birdsong, fragrant flowers, beautiful scenery, delightful companionship! And our amazing brain is far more than a supercomputer, for it enables us to appreciate and enjoy all such things. Do you think that our Creator wants us to die and lose all of this? Would it not be more reasonable to conclude that he wants us to live happily and to enjoy life forever? Well, that is what the knowledge of God can mean for you.
KNOWLEDGE That Leads To Everlasting LIfe
A WARM embrace from someone you love. Hearty laughter during a good meal withe dear friends. The pleasure of watching your children cheerfully at play. Moments like these are bright spots in life. For many, however, life seems to present one serious problem after another. If that has been your experience, take heart.
It is God's will that you enjoy lasting happiness under the best conditions in wonderful surroundings. this is no mere dream, for God actually offers you the key to such a happy future. That key is knowledge.
We are talking about a special kind of knowledge that is far greater than human wisdom. It is "the very knowledge of God." (Proverbs 2:5) Nearly 2,000 years ago, a Bible writer said: "Every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God." (Hebrews 3:4) Think of the knowledge that the Maker of all things must possess! The Bible says that God counts and names all the stars. What a staggering thought, since there are hundreds of billions of stars in our own galaxy, and astronomers say that there are about a hundred billion other galaxies! (Psalm 147:4) God also knows all about us, (since he is the Creator ) so who else could provide better answers to life's important questions? -Matthew 10:30.
Picture two men trying to repair their cars. Frustrated, one man throws down his tools. The other calmly corrects the problem, turns the ignition key, and smiles as the engine starts up and runs smoothly. You would not have a hard time guessing which of the two men had and instruction manual from the manufacturer. Does it not make sense that God would provide instructions to guide us in life? As you may know, the Bible claims to be just that-a book of instruction and guidance from our Creator, designed to impart the knowledge of God. -2 Timothy 3:16.
If the Bible's claim is true, think of what treasures of knowledge that book must contain! (the claim is true,I have no doubt, God does not lie) At Proverbs 2:1-5, it urges us to seek wisdom, to dig for it as we would for a hidden treasure-not in the soil of human thinking, but in God's own Word. If we search there, we will "find the very knowledge of God." Since God understands our limitations and needs, he gives us instructions that will help us to lead peaceful, happy lives. (Psalm 103:14; Isaiah 48:17) Furthermore, the knowledge of God offers us exciting good news.
From the Book of KNOWLEDGE That Leads To Everlasting Life, 1995
A WARM embrace from someone you love. Hearty laughter during a good meal withe dear friends. The pleasure of watching your children cheerfully at play. Moments like these are bright spots in life. For many, however, life seems to present one serious problem after another. If that has been your experience, take heart.
It is God's will that you enjoy lasting happiness under the best conditions in wonderful surroundings. this is no mere dream, for God actually offers you the key to such a happy future. That key is knowledge.
We are talking about a special kind of knowledge that is far greater than human wisdom. It is "the very knowledge of God." (Proverbs 2:5) Nearly 2,000 years ago, a Bible writer said: "Every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God." (Hebrews 3:4) Think of the knowledge that the Maker of all things must possess! The Bible says that God counts and names all the stars. What a staggering thought, since there are hundreds of billions of stars in our own galaxy, and astronomers say that there are about a hundred billion other galaxies! (Psalm 147:4) God also knows all about us, (since he is the Creator ) so who else could provide better answers to life's important questions? -Matthew 10:30.
Picture two men trying to repair their cars. Frustrated, one man throws down his tools. The other calmly corrects the problem, turns the ignition key, and smiles as the engine starts up and runs smoothly. You would not have a hard time guessing which of the two men had and instruction manual from the manufacturer. Does it not make sense that God would provide instructions to guide us in life? As you may know, the Bible claims to be just that-a book of instruction and guidance from our Creator, designed to impart the knowledge of God. -2 Timothy 3:16.
If the Bible's claim is true, think of what treasures of knowledge that book must contain! (the claim is true,I have no doubt, God does not lie) At Proverbs 2:1-5, it urges us to seek wisdom, to dig for it as we would for a hidden treasure-not in the soil of human thinking, but in God's own Word. If we search there, we will "find the very knowledge of God." Since God understands our limitations and needs, he gives us instructions that will help us to lead peaceful, happy lives. (Psalm 103:14; Isaiah 48:17) Furthermore, the knowledge of God offers us exciting good news.
From the Book of KNOWLEDGE That Leads To Everlasting Life, 1995
What Does It Mean to Be LOYAL?
Conclusion of Prove Your Loyalty With Positive Actions
Loyalty to God also includes loyalty to his organization. Necessarily, 0ver the years there have been corrections and adjustments to our understanding of certain Scriptures. The fact is that no one is as spiritually well fed as we are. (Matthew 24:45-47) Unquestionably, Jehovah as stuck with his modern-day organization. Can we not do likewise? A.H. Macmillan did. Shortly before his death, he said: " I have seen Jehovah's organization grow from a small beginning, when I dedicated myself to God at the age of twenty-three in September 1900, to a worldwide society of happy people who are zealously proclaiming his truths. . . . I am convinced more than ever before, as I see the end of my service to God on earth approach, that Jehovah has directed his people and given them just what they needed at the proper time." Brother Macmillan served faithfully and loyally for nearly 66 years, until his death on August 26, 1966. He was a fine example of loyalty to God's visible organization. In addition to being loyal to the organization, we will be loyal to one another? When faced with the threat of brutal persecution, will we remain loyal to our brothers and sisters? During World War II, our brothers in the Netherlands set a fine example of loyalty. An elder from the Groningen Congregation, Klaas de Vries , was subjected to cruel, merciless interrogation by the Nazi Gestapo, placed in solitary confinement for 12 days with only bread and water, and then questioned again. With a revolver pointed at him and under threat of death, he was given two minutes to divulge the whereabouts of responsible brothers, as well as other vital information. The only thing Klaas would say was: "I will not become a traitor." Three times he was threatened with the revolver. Finally the Gestapo gave up, and Klaas was sent to another prison. Never did he betray his brothers.
Will our loyalty extend to our closest relative-our marriage mate? Even as Jehovah honored his covenant relationship with the nation of Israel, are we loyal to our wedding vows? More than being unswerving in allegiance, actively pursue a close relationship with your mate. Take the initiative to make your marriage secure. Spend time together, communicate freely and openly with each other, support and encourage each other, listen to each other, laugh together, cry together, play together, work together to achieve mutual goals, please each other, be friends. Be especially careful to avoid developing romantic feelings toward others. While it is right and proper to develop acquaintances and even close friendships with others outside of your marriage, romantic feelings should be limited to your mate. Do not let anyone else come between you and your mate. -Proverbs 5:15-20.
Remain loyal to believing friends and family. As the years pass, do not forget them. Keep in touch, write, call, visit. Wherever life's path may lead you, try not to disappoint them. Make them happy to say that they know you or are related to you. Loyalty to them will keep you strong for what is right and will be a source of encouragement for you. -Esther 4:6-16.
Yes, true loyalty includes positive action to preserve precious relationships. Do what you can to repay Jehovah's loving-kindness. Imitate Jehovah's loyalty in your dealings with the Christian congregation, your marriage mate, family and friends. Loyalty proclaim Jehovah's virtues to your neighbors. The psalmist had it right when he said: "Jehovah's expressions of loving-kindness I will sing about even to time indefinite. For generation after generation I shall make your faithfulness known with my mouth." (Psalm 89:1) Are we not drawn to such a God? Indeed, "his loving-kindness is to time indefinite." -Psalm 100:5.
Next time:KNOWLEDGE That Leads to Everlasting Life
Watchtower, 2001
Loyalty to God also includes loyalty to his organization. Necessarily, 0ver the years there have been corrections and adjustments to our understanding of certain Scriptures. The fact is that no one is as spiritually well fed as we are. (Matthew 24:45-47) Unquestionably, Jehovah as stuck with his modern-day organization. Can we not do likewise? A.H. Macmillan did. Shortly before his death, he said: " I have seen Jehovah's organization grow from a small beginning, when I dedicated myself to God at the age of twenty-three in September 1900, to a worldwide society of happy people who are zealously proclaiming his truths. . . . I am convinced more than ever before, as I see the end of my service to God on earth approach, that Jehovah has directed his people and given them just what they needed at the proper time." Brother Macmillan served faithfully and loyally for nearly 66 years, until his death on August 26, 1966. He was a fine example of loyalty to God's visible organization. In addition to being loyal to the organization, we will be loyal to one another? When faced with the threat of brutal persecution, will we remain loyal to our brothers and sisters? During World War II, our brothers in the Netherlands set a fine example of loyalty. An elder from the Groningen Congregation, Klaas de Vries , was subjected to cruel, merciless interrogation by the Nazi Gestapo, placed in solitary confinement for 12 days with only bread and water, and then questioned again. With a revolver pointed at him and under threat of death, he was given two minutes to divulge the whereabouts of responsible brothers, as well as other vital information. The only thing Klaas would say was: "I will not become a traitor." Three times he was threatened with the revolver. Finally the Gestapo gave up, and Klaas was sent to another prison. Never did he betray his brothers.
Will our loyalty extend to our closest relative-our marriage mate? Even as Jehovah honored his covenant relationship with the nation of Israel, are we loyal to our wedding vows? More than being unswerving in allegiance, actively pursue a close relationship with your mate. Take the initiative to make your marriage secure. Spend time together, communicate freely and openly with each other, support and encourage each other, listen to each other, laugh together, cry together, play together, work together to achieve mutual goals, please each other, be friends. Be especially careful to avoid developing romantic feelings toward others. While it is right and proper to develop acquaintances and even close friendships with others outside of your marriage, romantic feelings should be limited to your mate. Do not let anyone else come between you and your mate. -Proverbs 5:15-20.
Remain loyal to believing friends and family. As the years pass, do not forget them. Keep in touch, write, call, visit. Wherever life's path may lead you, try not to disappoint them. Make them happy to say that they know you or are related to you. Loyalty to them will keep you strong for what is right and will be a source of encouragement for you. -Esther 4:6-16.
Yes, true loyalty includes positive action to preserve precious relationships. Do what you can to repay Jehovah's loving-kindness. Imitate Jehovah's loyalty in your dealings with the Christian congregation, your marriage mate, family and friends. Loyalty proclaim Jehovah's virtues to your neighbors. The psalmist had it right when he said: "Jehovah's expressions of loving-kindness I will sing about even to time indefinite. For generation after generation I shall make your faithfulness known with my mouth." (Psalm 89:1) Are we not drawn to such a God? Indeed, "his loving-kindness is to time indefinite." -Psalm 100:5.
Next time:KNOWLEDGE That Leads to Everlasting Life
Watchtower, 2001
What Does It Mean to Be LOYAL?
Prove Your Loyalty With Positive Actions
Being synonymous with loving-kindness, loyalty also carries a strong sense of mutuality. If loving-kindness is demonstrated toward you, then the same can be expected in return. Loyalty is repaid in kind. That David understood the implication associated with che'sedh is evident in his words: "I shall laud your name." Why? "Because of your loving-kindness and because of your trueness." (Psalm 138:2) As a recipient of Jehovah's loving-kindness, David was obviously moved to worship and praise him. Hence, as we contemplate Jehovah's demonstration of loving-kindness toward us, are we moved to reciprocate? For instance, if Jehovah's name is reproached, does your concern for his reputation motivate you to speak up in his defense?
That was what happened to one relatively new Christian and his wife when they attended the funeral of a relative who had been killed in a motorcycle accident. It was a non-religious service, and those in attendance were allowed to say something about the deceased. One speaker proceeded to blame God for this young man's untimely death by saying, 'God wanted him in heaven, so he took him.' Our Christian brother found it impossible to remain silent. He stepped up to the podium, even through he had neither Bible nor notes. "Do you think a merciful and compassionate, almighty God approves of situations like this?" He asked. He then proceeded with a ten-minute impromptu discourse with Scripture quotations explaining why we die, what God has done to rescue mankind from death, and the marvelous prospect of a resurrection to everlasting life on a paradise earth. The more than 100 people in attendance broke out in extended applause. The brother later recalled: "I felt an inner joy that I had never felt before. I thanked Jehovah for educating me in his wisdom and for giving me the opportunity to defend his holy name."
Loyalty to Jehovah includes loyalty to his Word, the Bible. Why? Because through the pages of the Bible, Jehovah teaches us how to live. The laws and principles recorded therein are indeed the finest and most beneficial precepts for life. (Isaiah 48:18) Do not let pressure from others or your own weaknesses cause you to deviate from adherence to Jehovah's laws. Remain loyal to God's Word.
Next time: Conclusion of Prove Your Loyalty With Positive Actions
Watchtower, 2001
Being synonymous with loving-kindness, loyalty also carries a strong sense of mutuality. If loving-kindness is demonstrated toward you, then the same can be expected in return. Loyalty is repaid in kind. That David understood the implication associated with che'sedh is evident in his words: "I shall laud your name." Why? "Because of your loving-kindness and because of your trueness." (Psalm 138:2) As a recipient of Jehovah's loving-kindness, David was obviously moved to worship and praise him. Hence, as we contemplate Jehovah's demonstration of loving-kindness toward us, are we moved to reciprocate? For instance, if Jehovah's name is reproached, does your concern for his reputation motivate you to speak up in his defense?
That was what happened to one relatively new Christian and his wife when they attended the funeral of a relative who had been killed in a motorcycle accident. It was a non-religious service, and those in attendance were allowed to say something about the deceased. One speaker proceeded to blame God for this young man's untimely death by saying, 'God wanted him in heaven, so he took him.' Our Christian brother found it impossible to remain silent. He stepped up to the podium, even through he had neither Bible nor notes. "Do you think a merciful and compassionate, almighty God approves of situations like this?" He asked. He then proceeded with a ten-minute impromptu discourse with Scripture quotations explaining why we die, what God has done to rescue mankind from death, and the marvelous prospect of a resurrection to everlasting life on a paradise earth. The more than 100 people in attendance broke out in extended applause. The brother later recalled: "I felt an inner joy that I had never felt before. I thanked Jehovah for educating me in his wisdom and for giving me the opportunity to defend his holy name."
Loyalty to Jehovah includes loyalty to his Word, the Bible. Why? Because through the pages of the Bible, Jehovah teaches us how to live. The laws and principles recorded therein are indeed the finest and most beneficial precepts for life. (Isaiah 48:18) Do not let pressure from others or your own weaknesses cause you to deviate from adherence to Jehovah's laws. Remain loyal to God's Word.
Next time: Conclusion of Prove Your Loyalty With Positive Actions
Watchtower, 2001
What Does It Mean to Be LOYAL?
Conclusion of Jehovah Demonstrated Loyalty
Of course, David was not a perfect man. In fact, he sinned gravely. However, rather than abandoning him, Jehovah extended loyal love toward a deeply repentant David. Throughout David's life, Jehovah repeatedly acted to preserve and promote life. He intervened in behalf of the one suffering distress. Loving-kindness, indeed! -2 Samuel 11:1-12:25; 24:1-17.
The nation of Israel as a whole entered into a special dedicated relationship with Jehovah when they agreed to the terms of the Mosaic Law covenant at Mount Sinai. (Exodus 19:3-8) Hence, Israel is depicted as being in a marriage relationship with Jehovah. To Israel it was said: "Jehovah called you as if you were a wife." And Jehovah said to her: "With loving-kindness to time indefinite I will have mercy upon you." (Isaiah 54:6, 8) How did Jehovah demonstrate loyalty in this special relationship?
Jehovah took the initiative to provide for the needs of the Israelites and to strengthen their ties with him. He delivered them from Egypt, organized them into a nation, and brought them into "a land flowing with milk and honey." (Exodus 3:8) He provided regular spiritual instruction through the priests, Levites and a steady stream of prophets and messengers. (2 Chronicles 17:7-9; Nehemiah 8:7-9; Jeremiah 7:25) When the nation turned to serving other gods, Jehovah corrected them. When they repented, he forgave them. Admittedly, the nation of Israel was a difficult "wife." Yet, Jehovah was not quick to cast her off. Because of his promises to Abraham, He loyally stuck with the Israelites until his purposes in connection with them were fulfilled. (Deuteronomy 7:7-9) What a sterling example for married folk today!
Jehovah also demonstrates loyalty toward mankind in general in that he provides the basic necessities of life for all men, righteous and unrighteous. (Matthew 5:45; Acts 17:25) More than that, he has provided the ransom sacrifice of his Son so that all mankind might have the opportunity to be released from bondage to sin and death and to enjoy the glorious prospects of perfect, everlasting life in Paradise. (Matthew 20:28; John 3:16) The ransom provision was the ultimate act to preserve and promote life. It was indeed "intervention on behalf of someone suffering misfortune or distress."
Next time: Prove Your Loyalty With Positive Actions
Watchtower, 2001
Of course, David was not a perfect man. In fact, he sinned gravely. However, rather than abandoning him, Jehovah extended loyal love toward a deeply repentant David. Throughout David's life, Jehovah repeatedly acted to preserve and promote life. He intervened in behalf of the one suffering distress. Loving-kindness, indeed! -2 Samuel 11:1-12:25; 24:1-17.
The nation of Israel as a whole entered into a special dedicated relationship with Jehovah when they agreed to the terms of the Mosaic Law covenant at Mount Sinai. (Exodus 19:3-8) Hence, Israel is depicted as being in a marriage relationship with Jehovah. To Israel it was said: "Jehovah called you as if you were a wife." And Jehovah said to her: "With loving-kindness to time indefinite I will have mercy upon you." (Isaiah 54:6, 8) How did Jehovah demonstrate loyalty in this special relationship?
Jehovah took the initiative to provide for the needs of the Israelites and to strengthen their ties with him. He delivered them from Egypt, organized them into a nation, and brought them into "a land flowing with milk and honey." (Exodus 3:8) He provided regular spiritual instruction through the priests, Levites and a steady stream of prophets and messengers. (2 Chronicles 17:7-9; Nehemiah 8:7-9; Jeremiah 7:25) When the nation turned to serving other gods, Jehovah corrected them. When they repented, he forgave them. Admittedly, the nation of Israel was a difficult "wife." Yet, Jehovah was not quick to cast her off. Because of his promises to Abraham, He loyally stuck with the Israelites until his purposes in connection with them were fulfilled. (Deuteronomy 7:7-9) What a sterling example for married folk today!
Jehovah also demonstrates loyalty toward mankind in general in that he provides the basic necessities of life for all men, righteous and unrighteous. (Matthew 5:45; Acts 17:25) More than that, he has provided the ransom sacrifice of his Son so that all mankind might have the opportunity to be released from bondage to sin and death and to enjoy the glorious prospects of perfect, everlasting life in Paradise. (Matthew 20:28; John 3:16) The ransom provision was the ultimate act to preserve and promote life. It was indeed "intervention on behalf of someone suffering misfortune or distress."
Next time: Prove Your Loyalty With Positive Actions
Watchtower, 2001
What Does It Mean to Be LOYAL?
Jehovah Demonstrated Loyalty
Jehovah told his friend Abraham: "I am a shield for you." (Genesis 15:1; Isaiah 41:8) These were not mere words. Jehovah protected and delivered Abraham and his household from Pharaoh and from Abimelech. He helped Abraham rescue Lot from a four-king confederacy. Jehovah restored the procreative powers of 100-year-old Abraham and 91-year -old Sarah so that through them might come the promised Seed. Jehovah regularly communicated with Abraham through visions, dreams and angelic messengers. In fact, Jehovah demonstrated loyalty to Abraham while he was alive and also long after his death. Over the centuries, Jehovah kept his promises to Abraham's descendants, the nation of Israel, despite their waywardness. Jehovah's relationship with Abraham was a demonstration of what true loyalty is-love translated into action. -Genesis, chapters 12 to 25.
It was said that "Jehovah spoke to Moses face to face, just as a man would speak to his fellow." (Exodus 33:11) Yes, Moses had a relationship with Jehovah that was more intimate (no, not the kind you are thinking of, get your mind out of the gutter, they were like brothers) than that of any other prophet prior to Jesus Christ. How did Jehovah demonstrate loyalty to Moses?
As a 40-year-old man with power and ability, Moses presumptuously took it upon himself to liberate his people. But it was not yet time. He had to flee for his life. For 40 years he herded sheep in Midian. (Acts 7:23-30) Still, Jehovah did not abandon him. When the time was right, Moses was brought back to lead Israel out of Egypt.
Similarly, Jehovah demonstrated loyalty to David, the famous second king of Israel. While David was only a youth, Jehovah told the prophet Samuel: "Get up, anoint him, for this is he!" From then on, Jehovah loyally protected and guided David while he was matured as the future king of all Israel. Jehovah delivered him "from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear" and from the hand of the Philistine giant Goliath. He gave David victory after victory over Israel's enemies, and Jehovah delivered David from the spear of jealous, hateful Saul. -1 Samuel 16:12; 17:37; 18:11; 19:10.
Next time: Continue with Jehovah Demonstrated Loyalty
Watchtower, 2001
Jehovah told his friend Abraham: "I am a shield for you." (Genesis 15:1; Isaiah 41:8) These were not mere words. Jehovah protected and delivered Abraham and his household from Pharaoh and from Abimelech. He helped Abraham rescue Lot from a four-king confederacy. Jehovah restored the procreative powers of 100-year-old Abraham and 91-year -old Sarah so that through them might come the promised Seed. Jehovah regularly communicated with Abraham through visions, dreams and angelic messengers. In fact, Jehovah demonstrated loyalty to Abraham while he was alive and also long after his death. Over the centuries, Jehovah kept his promises to Abraham's descendants, the nation of Israel, despite their waywardness. Jehovah's relationship with Abraham was a demonstration of what true loyalty is-love translated into action. -Genesis, chapters 12 to 25.
It was said that "Jehovah spoke to Moses face to face, just as a man would speak to his fellow." (Exodus 33:11) Yes, Moses had a relationship with Jehovah that was more intimate (no, not the kind you are thinking of, get your mind out of the gutter, they were like brothers) than that of any other prophet prior to Jesus Christ. How did Jehovah demonstrate loyalty to Moses?
As a 40-year-old man with power and ability, Moses presumptuously took it upon himself to liberate his people. But it was not yet time. He had to flee for his life. For 40 years he herded sheep in Midian. (Acts 7:23-30) Still, Jehovah did not abandon him. When the time was right, Moses was brought back to lead Israel out of Egypt.
Similarly, Jehovah demonstrated loyalty to David, the famous second king of Israel. While David was only a youth, Jehovah told the prophet Samuel: "Get up, anoint him, for this is he!" From then on, Jehovah loyally protected and guided David while he was matured as the future king of all Israel. Jehovah delivered him "from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear" and from the hand of the Philistine giant Goliath. He gave David victory after victory over Israel's enemies, and Jehovah delivered David from the spear of jealous, hateful Saul. -1 Samuel 16:12; 17:37; 18:11; 19:10.
Next time: Continue with Jehovah Demonstrated Loyalty
Watchtower, 2001
What Does It Mean to Be LOYAL?
THE Jewish hasidim from the second century B.C.E. viewed themselves as truly loyal. Their name comes from cha-sidh', the basic Hebrew term for "loyal." It is derived from the noun che'sedh, which is frequently translated "loving-kindness," "loyal love," "kindness," "goodness," "mercy." According to the Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, che'sedh "is active, social and enduring [and ] designates not just a human attitude, but also the act that emerges from this attitude. It is an act that preserves or promotes life. It is intervention on behalf of someone suffering misfortune or distress. It is demonstration of friendship."
Obviously, in many languages no one word can express the full meaning associated with this Hebrew term as used in the Bible. In any case, loyalty in the Biblical sense means more than faithful adherence to commitments. It includes the idea of loving attachment along with the taking of positive action so as to benefit others. To understand what true loyalty means, consider how Jehovah demonstrated it toward Abraham, Moses, David, the nation of Israel and mankind in general.
Next time: Jehovah Demonstrated Loyalty
Watchtower, 2001
Obviously, in many languages no one word can express the full meaning associated with this Hebrew term as used in the Bible. In any case, loyalty in the Biblical sense means more than faithful adherence to commitments. It includes the idea of loving attachment along with the taking of positive action so as to benefit others. To understand what true loyalty means, consider how Jehovah demonstrated it toward Abraham, Moses, David, the nation of Israel and mankind in general.
Next time: Jehovah Demonstrated Loyalty
Watchtower, 2001
Reaching Those Hard to Reach
JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES strive to contact everyone they can with the Kingdom message. At times, it takes an extraordinary effort to reach those who are seldom at home. (Mark 13:10) In this regard, a special pioneer minister in a South American country relates the following experience.
"One day I became aware that the state government would be visiting the territory to which my wife and I are assigned. Since he was obviously one of those who are rarely at home, I wrote a letter to him and enclosed several Bible publications, including the brochure What Does God Require of Us? And the Books Mankind's Search for God and Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. My letter explained the purpose of each of these publications.
Because I was interested in finding out his reaction to the literature, I requested a meeting with him. Some weeks later I was granted a meeting, and I took along a copy of the video Jehovah Witnesses -The Organization Behind the Name. The meeting lasted about two hours. After watching the video with the governor, I asked him what he thought of it. He replied: 'There is no other organization on earth like yours. I wish I had people like you who could help me complete my government projects!' Then he asked if I had ever been to the world headquarters of our organization. I told him that although it had been my goal since I was 14 years old, I had not the opportunity to visit our world headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. It was one of those hard-to-reach goals. He looked at me intently for a moment. Then he said that he wanted me to have that opportunity. He took care of our legal permits and gave us the airplane tickets as a gift!
"The governor now regularly receives the Watchtower and Awake magazines. We hope that soon we will be able to start a Bible study with him."
Next time: What Does It Mean to Be LOYAL?
Watchtower, 2001
"One day I became aware that the state government would be visiting the territory to which my wife and I are assigned. Since he was obviously one of those who are rarely at home, I wrote a letter to him and enclosed several Bible publications, including the brochure What Does God Require of Us? And the Books Mankind's Search for God and Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. My letter explained the purpose of each of these publications.
Because I was interested in finding out his reaction to the literature, I requested a meeting with him. Some weeks later I was granted a meeting, and I took along a copy of the video Jehovah Witnesses -The Organization Behind the Name. The meeting lasted about two hours. After watching the video with the governor, I asked him what he thought of it. He replied: 'There is no other organization on earth like yours. I wish I had people like you who could help me complete my government projects!' Then he asked if I had ever been to the world headquarters of our organization. I told him that although it had been my goal since I was 14 years old, I had not the opportunity to visit our world headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. It was one of those hard-to-reach goals. He looked at me intently for a moment. Then he said that he wanted me to have that opportunity. He took care of our legal permits and gave us the airplane tickets as a gift!
"The governor now regularly receives the Watchtower and Awake magazines. We hope that soon we will be able to start a Bible study with him."
Next time: What Does It Mean to Be LOYAL?
Watchtower, 2001
Do Not Give Up
Helping a "prodigal" child 'come to his sense' requires patience and can be a challenge to parents and others. But do not give up. "Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) We have the Scriptural assurance that Jehovah wants people to repent and live. In fact, he has taken the initiative in making an arrangement to reconcile humans to himself. (2 Corinthians 5:18, 19) His patience has made it possible for millions to come to their senses. -Isaiah 2:2, 3.
Should not parents, then, use every Scriptural method possible to help their prodigal minor to come to his senses? Imitating Jehovah, be long-suffering as you take possible steps to help your child come back to Jehovah. Firmly stick to Bible principles, and try to reflect Jehovah's qualities of love, justice and wisdom while you pray to him for his help. Just as many hardened rebels have responded to Jehovah's loving invitation to come back, your prodigal son or daughter may well return to God's protective flock. -Luke 15:6, 7.
Next time: Reaching Those Hard to Reach
Watchtower, 2001
Helping a "prodigal" child 'come to his sense' requires patience and can be a challenge to parents and others. But do not give up. "Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) We have the Scriptural assurance that Jehovah wants people to repent and live. In fact, he has taken the initiative in making an arrangement to reconcile humans to himself. (2 Corinthians 5:18, 19) His patience has made it possible for millions to come to their senses. -Isaiah 2:2, 3.
Should not parents, then, use every Scriptural method possible to help their prodigal minor to come to his senses? Imitating Jehovah, be long-suffering as you take possible steps to help your child come back to Jehovah. Firmly stick to Bible principles, and try to reflect Jehovah's qualities of love, justice and wisdom while you pray to him for his help. Just as many hardened rebels have responded to Jehovah's loving invitation to come back, your prodigal son or daughter may well return to God's protective flock. -Luke 15:6, 7.
Next time: Reaching Those Hard to Reach
Watchtower, 2001
How Others Can Help
What about a youth who is not disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation but who has become weak in faith? "If one member suffers," wrote the apostle Paul, "all the other members suffer with [him]." ( 1 Corinthians 12:26) Others can take an active interest in such a youth. Of course, a measure of caution is needed, since a spiritually ailing youth could adversely influence other young ones. (Galatians 5:7-9) In one congregation, well-meaning adults who wanted to help some youths who had become spiritually weak invited them to gatherings to play popular music together. Though the youths readily complied and enjoyed such sessions, their influence on one another eventually led them to cut their ties with the congregation. ( 1 Corinthians 15:33; Jude 22, 23) What can help heal the ailing child is, not social gatherings with no spiritual direction, but association that helps him to cultivate a tasted for spiritual things.
When a youth who has left the congregation comes back to the Kingdom Hall or attends an assembly, think of how he may feel. Should we not show the welcoming attitude of the prodigal's father in Jesus' parable? (Luke 15:18-20; 25-32) A teenager who left the Christian congregation and later attended a convention stated: "I thought everybody would ignore a person like me, but the brothers and sisters approached me and welcomed me. I was deeply moved." He began studying the Bible again and was later baptized.
Next time: Do Not Give Up
Watchtower, 2001
What about a youth who is not disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation but who has become weak in faith? "If one member suffers," wrote the apostle Paul, "all the other members suffer with [him]." ( 1 Corinthians 12:26) Others can take an active interest in such a youth. Of course, a measure of caution is needed, since a spiritually ailing youth could adversely influence other young ones. (Galatians 5:7-9) In one congregation, well-meaning adults who wanted to help some youths who had become spiritually weak invited them to gatherings to play popular music together. Though the youths readily complied and enjoyed such sessions, their influence on one another eventually led them to cut their ties with the congregation. ( 1 Corinthians 15:33; Jude 22, 23) What can help heal the ailing child is, not social gatherings with no spiritual direction, but association that helps him to cultivate a tasted for spiritual things.
When a youth who has left the congregation comes back to the Kingdom Hall or attends an assembly, think of how he may feel. Should we not show the welcoming attitude of the prodigal's father in Jesus' parable? (Luke 15:18-20; 25-32) A teenager who left the Christian congregation and later attended a convention stated: "I thought everybody would ignore a person like me, but the brothers and sisters approached me and welcomed me. I was deeply moved." He began studying the Bible again and was later baptized.
Next time: Do Not Give Up
Watchtower, 2001
When a Minor Is Disfellowshipped
What if a minor who lives with his parents gets involved in serious wrongdoing and because of his unrepentant attitude is expelled from the congregation? Since the child lives with his parents, they are still responsible for instructing and disciplining him in harmony with God's Word. How can this be done? -Proverbs 6:20-22; 29:17.
It may be impossible-indeed, it would be best-to give such instruction and discipline during a private study of the Bible. A parent must look beyond the child's hardened attitude and try to see what is in his heart. What is the whole range of his spiritual sickness? (Proverbs 20:5) Can the tender part of his heart be reached? What scriptures can be used effectively? The apostle Paul assures us: "The Word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12) Yes, parents can do more than simply tell their offspring not to get involved in wrongdoing again. They can try to imitate and nurture the healing process.
An erring youth needs to restore his relationship with Jehovah. The first step he must take is to "repent . . . and turn around." (Acts 3:19; Isaiah 55:6, 7) In helping the youth in their home to repent, parents must 'keep themselves restrained under evil, instructing with mildness' the child who is not favorably disposed. ( 2 Timothy 2:24-26) They need to "reprove" him in the Biblical sense. The Greek word rendered "reprove" can also be translated "give convincing evidence." (Revelation 3:19; John 16:8) To reprove, therefore, involves showing enough evidence to convince the child of the sinfulness of his course. Admittedly, doing so is not easy. Where possible, the parents can appeal to his heart, using all means Scripturally appropriate to convince him. They should try to help him to appreciate the need to "hate what is bad, and love what is good." (Amos 5:15) He may come back to his "proper senses out from the snare of the Devil."
In restoring one's relationship with Jehovah, prayer is a must. Of course, no one should "make request" concerning blatant sin that is clearly being practiced unrepentantly by any individual once associated with the Christian congregation. ( 1 John 5:16, 17; Jeremiah 7:16-20; Hebrews 10:26, 27) Yet, parents can ask Jehovah to give them wisdom to deal with the situation. (James 1:5) If a disfellowshipped youth gives evidence of repentance but does not have "freeness of speech toward God," the parents might pray that if God finds a basis for pardoning the child's error, that His will be done. (1 John 3:21) Hearing the prayers should help the youth to see Jehovah as a merciful God." -Exodus 34:6, 7; James 5:16.
If a baptized youth is disfellowshipped, the congregation members are expected "to quit mixing in company with" him. ( 1 Corinthians 5:11; 2 John 10, 11) This may eventually help him to 'come to his senses' and return to God's protective fold. (Luke 15:17) Whether he comes back or not, however, members of the congregation can encourage the family of the disfellowshipped youth. We can all look for opportunities to show "fellow feeling" and to be tenderly compassionate" toward them. -1 Peter 3:8, 9.
Next time: How Others Can Help
Watchtower, 2001
What if a minor who lives with his parents gets involved in serious wrongdoing and because of his unrepentant attitude is expelled from the congregation? Since the child lives with his parents, they are still responsible for instructing and disciplining him in harmony with God's Word. How can this be done? -Proverbs 6:20-22; 29:17.
It may be impossible-indeed, it would be best-to give such instruction and discipline during a private study of the Bible. A parent must look beyond the child's hardened attitude and try to see what is in his heart. What is the whole range of his spiritual sickness? (Proverbs 20:5) Can the tender part of his heart be reached? What scriptures can be used effectively? The apostle Paul assures us: "The Word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12) Yes, parents can do more than simply tell their offspring not to get involved in wrongdoing again. They can try to imitate and nurture the healing process.
An erring youth needs to restore his relationship with Jehovah. The first step he must take is to "repent . . . and turn around." (Acts 3:19; Isaiah 55:6, 7) In helping the youth in their home to repent, parents must 'keep themselves restrained under evil, instructing with mildness' the child who is not favorably disposed. ( 2 Timothy 2:24-26) They need to "reprove" him in the Biblical sense. The Greek word rendered "reprove" can also be translated "give convincing evidence." (Revelation 3:19; John 16:8) To reprove, therefore, involves showing enough evidence to convince the child of the sinfulness of his course. Admittedly, doing so is not easy. Where possible, the parents can appeal to his heart, using all means Scripturally appropriate to convince him. They should try to help him to appreciate the need to "hate what is bad, and love what is good." (Amos 5:15) He may come back to his "proper senses out from the snare of the Devil."
In restoring one's relationship with Jehovah, prayer is a must. Of course, no one should "make request" concerning blatant sin that is clearly being practiced unrepentantly by any individual once associated with the Christian congregation. ( 1 John 5:16, 17; Jeremiah 7:16-20; Hebrews 10:26, 27) Yet, parents can ask Jehovah to give them wisdom to deal with the situation. (James 1:5) If a disfellowshipped youth gives evidence of repentance but does not have "freeness of speech toward God," the parents might pray that if God finds a basis for pardoning the child's error, that His will be done. (1 John 3:21) Hearing the prayers should help the youth to see Jehovah as a merciful God." -Exodus 34:6, 7; James 5:16.
If a baptized youth is disfellowshipped, the congregation members are expected "to quit mixing in company with" him. ( 1 Corinthians 5:11; 2 John 10, 11) This may eventually help him to 'come to his senses' and return to God's protective fold. (Luke 15:17) Whether he comes back or not, however, members of the congregation can encourage the family of the disfellowshipped youth. We can all look for opportunities to show "fellow feeling" and to be tenderly compassionate" toward them. -1 Peter 3:8, 9.
Next time: How Others Can Help
Watchtower, 2001
Be Patient but Firm
When a youth starts to drift away, he may try to isolate himself and resist any effort by his parents to have a spiritual discussion with him. What can parents do in such trying situation? Consider what Jehovah did with ancient Israel. He pup up with the "stiff-necked" Israelites for over 900 years before abandoning them to their wayward path. (Exodus 34:9; 2 Chronicles 36:17-21; Romans 10:21) Despite their repeatedly 'putting him to the test,' Jehovah "was merciful" to them. "Many times he made his anger turn back, and he would not rouse up all his rage." (Psalm 78:38-42) God was faultless in his dealings with them. Loving parents imitate Jehovah and are patient when the child not immediately respond to their efforts to help him.
Being long-suffering, or patient, does not mean "suffering long;" it denotes a refusal to give up all hope for improvement in a disturbed relationship. Jehovah set an example of how to be long-suffering. He took the initiative by sending his messengers to the Israelites "again and again." Jehovah "felt compassion for his people," even though "they were continually making jest at the messengers of the true God despising his words." ( 2 Chronicles 36:15, 16) He appealed to the Israelites, saying: "Turn back, please, every one from his bad way." (Jeremiah 25:4, 5) Yet, Jehovah did not compromise his righteous principles. The Israelites were instructed to "turn back" to God and to his ways.
Parents can imitate Jehovah in being long-suffering by not hastily giving up on the deviating child. Without losing hope, they can take the initiative to keep the lines of communication open or to reestablish communication. While sticking to righteous principles, they can "again and again" appeal to the child to return to the way of the truth.
Next time: When a Minor Is Disfellowshipped
Watchtower, 2001
When a youth starts to drift away, he may try to isolate himself and resist any effort by his parents to have a spiritual discussion with him. What can parents do in such trying situation? Consider what Jehovah did with ancient Israel. He pup up with the "stiff-necked" Israelites for over 900 years before abandoning them to their wayward path. (Exodus 34:9; 2 Chronicles 36:17-21; Romans 10:21) Despite their repeatedly 'putting him to the test,' Jehovah "was merciful" to them. "Many times he made his anger turn back, and he would not rouse up all his rage." (Psalm 78:38-42) God was faultless in his dealings with them. Loving parents imitate Jehovah and are patient when the child not immediately respond to their efforts to help him.
Being long-suffering, or patient, does not mean "suffering long;" it denotes a refusal to give up all hope for improvement in a disturbed relationship. Jehovah set an example of how to be long-suffering. He took the initiative by sending his messengers to the Israelites "again and again." Jehovah "felt compassion for his people," even though "they were continually making jest at the messengers of the true God despising his words." ( 2 Chronicles 36:15, 16) He appealed to the Israelites, saying: "Turn back, please, every one from his bad way." (Jeremiah 25:4, 5) Yet, Jehovah did not compromise his righteous principles. The Israelites were instructed to "turn back" to God and to his ways.
Parents can imitate Jehovah in being long-suffering by not hastily giving up on the deviating child. Without losing hope, they can take the initiative to keep the lines of communication open or to reestablish communication. While sticking to righteous principles, they can "again and again" appeal to the child to return to the way of the truth.
Next time: When a Minor Is Disfellowshipped
Watchtower, 2001
Be Long-Suffering,
Be Merciful,
Be Patient But Firm
Draw Close to God
"Draw close to God," wrote the disciple James, "and he will draw close to you." (James 4:8) To do so, a young person must be helped to cultivate a taste for the Word of God. (Psalm 34:8) Initially he will need "milk" -the basic teachings of the Bible. But as he takes delight in God's Word and acquires a taste for "solid food" -deep spiritual information-spiritual maturity will not be far off for him. (Hebrews 5:11-14; Psalm 1:2) A youth who admitted that he had been swallowed up in the way of the world began to appreciate spiritual values. What helped him turn around? Responding to a suggesting to read the whole Bible, he kept to a regular Bible reading schedule. Yes, reading the Word of God regularly is essential for cultivating a close bond with Jehovah.
How vital that parents help their children to cultivate a fondness for God's Word! Despite having a regular Bible study, one teenage girl associated with delinquents. Regarding her family study, she recalls: "When Father asked the questions, I just read off the answers, without even looking at his face." Instead of just covering the material during a family study, wise parents employ the art of teaching. (2 Timothy 4:2) For a youth to enjoy the study, he must feel involved. Why not ask viewpoint question and let him express himself. Encourage the young ones to make practical application of the material under consideration.
Moreover, make the Scriptural discussion lively. When appropriate, have young ones act out Bible events and dramas. Help them visualize the location and features of the land where events being discussed too place. Using maps and charts may help. Yet, with little imagination, a family study can be made lively and varied. Parents also do well to examine their own relationship with Jehovah. As they themselves draw closer to Jehovah, they can help their children to do so. -Deuteronomy 6:5-7.
Prayer also helps one draw close to God. A girl in her early teens felt torn between the Christian way of life and her association with friends who did not share her beliefs. (James 4:4) What did she do about it? "For the very first time," she confessed, "I really prayed to Jehovah about how I felt." She concluded that her prayer was answered when she eventually found within the Christian congregation a friend in whom she could confide. Feeling that Jehovah was guiding her, she began to build a personal relationship with God. Parents can help their children by improving the quality of their own prayers. When praying as a family, parents can pour out their heart so that their children can feel the personal bond between the parents and Jehovah.
Next time: Be Patient but Firm
Watchtower, 2001
"Draw close to God," wrote the disciple James, "and he will draw close to you." (James 4:8) To do so, a young person must be helped to cultivate a taste for the Word of God. (Psalm 34:8) Initially he will need "milk" -the basic teachings of the Bible. But as he takes delight in God's Word and acquires a taste for "solid food" -deep spiritual information-spiritual maturity will not be far off for him. (Hebrews 5:11-14; Psalm 1:2) A youth who admitted that he had been swallowed up in the way of the world began to appreciate spiritual values. What helped him turn around? Responding to a suggesting to read the whole Bible, he kept to a regular Bible reading schedule. Yes, reading the Word of God regularly is essential for cultivating a close bond with Jehovah.
How vital that parents help their children to cultivate a fondness for God's Word! Despite having a regular Bible study, one teenage girl associated with delinquents. Regarding her family study, she recalls: "When Father asked the questions, I just read off the answers, without even looking at his face." Instead of just covering the material during a family study, wise parents employ the art of teaching. (2 Timothy 4:2) For a youth to enjoy the study, he must feel involved. Why not ask viewpoint question and let him express himself. Encourage the young ones to make practical application of the material under consideration.
Moreover, make the Scriptural discussion lively. When appropriate, have young ones act out Bible events and dramas. Help them visualize the location and features of the land where events being discussed too place. Using maps and charts may help. Yet, with little imagination, a family study can be made lively and varied. Parents also do well to examine their own relationship with Jehovah. As they themselves draw closer to Jehovah, they can help their children to do so. -Deuteronomy 6:5-7.
Prayer also helps one draw close to God. A girl in her early teens felt torn between the Christian way of life and her association with friends who did not share her beliefs. (James 4:4) What did she do about it? "For the very first time," she confessed, "I really prayed to Jehovah about how I felt." She concluded that her prayer was answered when she eventually found within the Christian congregation a friend in whom she could confide. Feeling that Jehovah was guiding her, she began to build a personal relationship with God. Parents can help their children by improving the quality of their own prayers. When praying as a family, parents can pour out their heart so that their children can feel the personal bond between the parents and Jehovah.
Next time: Be Patient but Firm
Watchtower, 2001
Why Some Decide to Leave
There are hundreds of thousands of young ones who serve Jehovah happily in the Christian congregation. Why, then, do other young ones leave? They may feel that they are losing out on something that the world offers. (2 Timothy 4:10) (Yeah, it offers too much temptation to anyone, along with trouble) Or they may consider Jehovah's protective sheepfold too restrictive. A guilty conscience, a strong interest in the opposite sex, or a desire to be accepted by one's peers can also cause a youngster to drift away from Jehovah's flock A youth may quit serving Go because of what seems to be hypocrisy on the part of his parents or some other Christian.
A child's rebellious behavior are usually symptoms of spiritual weakness, reflections of what is in his heart. (Proverbs 15:13; Matthew 12:34) For whatever reason a youth goes astray, the root of the problem often lies in his not having "an accurate knowledge of truth." (2 Timothy 3:7) More than merely going through the motions of worshiping Jehovah, it is important that young ones cultivate a close personal relationship with him. What will help them do so?
Next time: Draw Close to God
Watchtower, 2001
There are hundreds of thousands of young ones who serve Jehovah happily in the Christian congregation. Why, then, do other young ones leave? They may feel that they are losing out on something that the world offers. (2 Timothy 4:10) (Yeah, it offers too much temptation to anyone, along with trouble) Or they may consider Jehovah's protective sheepfold too restrictive. A guilty conscience, a strong interest in the opposite sex, or a desire to be accepted by one's peers can also cause a youngster to drift away from Jehovah's flock A youth may quit serving Go because of what seems to be hypocrisy on the part of his parents or some other Christian.
A child's rebellious behavior are usually symptoms of spiritual weakness, reflections of what is in his heart. (Proverbs 15:13; Matthew 12:34) For whatever reason a youth goes astray, the root of the problem often lies in his not having "an accurate knowledge of truth." (2 Timothy 3:7) More than merely going through the motions of worshiping Jehovah, it is important that young ones cultivate a close personal relationship with him. What will help them do so?
Next time: Draw Close to God
Watchtower, 2001
"Rejoice because . . . he was lost and was found." -Luke 15:32.
"I'M LEAVING the truth!" How shocking it is for God-fearing parents who have tried hard to bring up their children in the Christian way to hear these words from a child! Other youths just "drift away" without actually declaring their intentions. (Hebrews 2:1) Many of these resemble the prodigal son in Jesus' parable, who left his father's house and squandered his inheritance in a distant land. -Luke 15:11-16.
Though most of Jehovah's Witnesses do not have this problem, for those who do, no words of comfort can completely remove their grief. And not to be overlooked is the unhappiness. Deep down, his conscience may trouble him. In Jesus' parable, the prodigal son eventually "came to his senses," To the joy of his father. How can parents and others in the congregation help prodigals to 'come to their senses'?
Next time: Why Some Decide to Leave
Watchtower, 2001
"I'M LEAVING the truth!" How shocking it is for God-fearing parents who have tried hard to bring up their children in the Christian way to hear these words from a child! Other youths just "drift away" without actually declaring their intentions. (Hebrews 2:1) Many of these resemble the prodigal son in Jesus' parable, who left his father's house and squandered his inheritance in a distant land. -Luke 15:11-16.
Though most of Jehovah's Witnesses do not have this problem, for those who do, no words of comfort can completely remove their grief. And not to be overlooked is the unhappiness. Deep down, his conscience may trouble him. In Jesus' parable, the prodigal son eventually "came to his senses," To the joy of his father. How can parents and others in the congregation help prodigals to 'come to their senses'?
Next time: Why Some Decide to Leave
Watchtower, 2001
Make Family Discussions Enjoyable
Among the best ways to instruct your children are a regular family Bible study and a daily Scriptural discussion. A family study is most effective when it is regular. if left up to chance or to a spur-of-the-moment decision, it is likely to be infrequent at best. So parents must 'buy out the time' for the study. (Ephesians 5:15-17) Coming up with a definite time that is convenient for all can be a challenge One family head found that as the children grow older,their different schedules were making it harder to get the whole family together. Yet, the family was always together on the nights of the congregation meetings. The father therefore arranged to have the family study on one of those nights. This worked out well. All three children are not baptized servants of Jehovah.
However, it is not enough just to cover some Scriptural material during the study. Jehovah taught the restored Israelites through the priests, who 'expounded and put meaning into the Law, "giving understanding in the reading." (Nehemiah 8:8) One father who successfully helped all seven of his children to love Jehovah always retreated to his room before the family study in order to prepare, tailoring the material to the needs of each child. He made the study enjoyable for his children. "The study was always fun," recalls one of his grown sons. "If we were out playing ball in the yard when we were called for the family study, we instantly put our ball away and ran in for the study. It was one of the most enjoyable evenings in the week."
The psalmist declared: "Look! Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah; the fruitage of the belly is a reward." (Psalm 127:3) Training our children takes time and effort, but doing so properly can mean everlasting life to our young ones. What a fine reward that would be! May we, then, eagerly imitate Jehovah when training our children. However, while parents are entrusted with the responsibility of "bringing [children] up in the discipline of and mental-regulating of Jehovah," there is no guarantee of success. (Ephesians 6:4) Even with the very best care, a child could become rebellious and stop serving Jehovah. What then? That will be the subject for the next article.
Watchtower, 2001
Among the best ways to instruct your children are a regular family Bible study and a daily Scriptural discussion. A family study is most effective when it is regular. if left up to chance or to a spur-of-the-moment decision, it is likely to be infrequent at best. So parents must 'buy out the time' for the study. (Ephesians 5:15-17) Coming up with a definite time that is convenient for all can be a challenge One family head found that as the children grow older,their different schedules were making it harder to get the whole family together. Yet, the family was always together on the nights of the congregation meetings. The father therefore arranged to have the family study on one of those nights. This worked out well. All three children are not baptized servants of Jehovah.
However, it is not enough just to cover some Scriptural material during the study. Jehovah taught the restored Israelites through the priests, who 'expounded and put meaning into the Law, "giving understanding in the reading." (Nehemiah 8:8) One father who successfully helped all seven of his children to love Jehovah always retreated to his room before the family study in order to prepare, tailoring the material to the needs of each child. He made the study enjoyable for his children. "The study was always fun," recalls one of his grown sons. "If we were out playing ball in the yard when we were called for the family study, we instantly put our ball away and ran in for the study. It was one of the most enjoyable evenings in the week."
The psalmist declared: "Look! Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah; the fruitage of the belly is a reward." (Psalm 127:3) Training our children takes time and effort, but doing so properly can mean everlasting life to our young ones. What a fine reward that would be! May we, then, eagerly imitate Jehovah when training our children. However, while parents are entrusted with the responsibility of "bringing [children] up in the discipline of and mental-regulating of Jehovah," there is no guarantee of success. (Ephesians 6:4) Even with the very best care, a child could become rebellious and stop serving Jehovah. What then? That will be the subject for the next article.
Watchtower, 2001
Be Reasonable
When giving ear to their children, parents must be reasonable and reflect "the wisdom from above." (James 3:17) "Let your reasonableness become known to all men," wrote the apostle Paul. (Philippians 4:5) What does it mean to be reasonable? One definition of the Greek word translated "reasonableness" is "not insisting on the letter of the law." While upholding firm moral and spiritual standards, how can parents be reasonable?
Jehovah sets an outstanding example in reasonableness. (Psalm 10:17) When he urged Lot and his family to leave the doomed city of Sodom, Lot "kept lingering." Later, when Jehovah's angel asked him to escape to the mountainous region, Lot said: "I am not able to escape to the mountainous region . . .Please,now,this city [Zoar] is nearby to flee there and it is a small thing. May I, please, escape there-Is it not a small thing?" How did Jehovah react to this? He said: "Here I do show you consideration to this extent also, by my not overthrowing the city of which you have spoken." (Genesis 19:16-21, 30) Jehovah was willing to consent to Lot's request. Yes, parents need to adhere to the standards that Jehovah God sets out in his Word, the Bible. Still, it might be possible to accommodate the young one's wishes when Bible principles are not jeopardized.
Being reasonable includes preparing the children's heart so that they are ready to accept counsel. In an illustrative way, Isaiah compared Jehovah to a farmer and said: "Is it all day long that the plower plows in order to sow seed, that he loosens and harrows his ground? Does he not, when he has smoothed out its surface, then scatter black cumin and sprinkle the cumin, and must he not put in wheat,millet and barley in the appointed place, and spelt as his boundary?" -Isaiah 28:24, 25.
Jehovah "plows in order to sow seed" and "loosens and harrows his ground." He thus prepares the heart of his people before disciplining them. In correcting their children, how can parents 'plow' their offspring's heart? One father imitated Jehovah when correcting his four -year-old boy. When his son hit a neighbor boy, the father first listened patiently to his son's excuses. Then, as if to 'plow' the son's heart, the father told a story of a little boy who suffered terrible hardship at the hands of a bully. Upon hearing the story the boy was moved to say that the bully must be punished. Such 'plowing' prepared the boy's heart and made it easier for him to see that hitting the neighbor boy was the act of a bully and was wrong. -2 Samuel 12:1-14.
A sledge or cart wheel is used for grains with tougher chaff. Still, he will not tread the harder grains to the point of crushing them. Likewise , when Jehovah wants to remove anything undesirable in his people, he varies his treatment according to existing needs and circumstances. He is never arbitrary or heavy-handed. (Isaiah 28:26-29) Some children respond to just a glance from their parents, and nothing more is needed. Others require repeated reminders, while still others may need persuasion of a stronger kind. Reasonable parents will apply correction according to the individual child's needs.
Next time: Make Family Discussions Enjoyable
Watchtower, 2001
When giving ear to their children, parents must be reasonable and reflect "the wisdom from above." (James 3:17) "Let your reasonableness become known to all men," wrote the apostle Paul. (Philippians 4:5) What does it mean to be reasonable? One definition of the Greek word translated "reasonableness" is "not insisting on the letter of the law." While upholding firm moral and spiritual standards, how can parents be reasonable?
Jehovah sets an outstanding example in reasonableness. (Psalm 10:17) When he urged Lot and his family to leave the doomed city of Sodom, Lot "kept lingering." Later, when Jehovah's angel asked him to escape to the mountainous region, Lot said: "I am not able to escape to the mountainous region . . .Please,now,this city [Zoar] is nearby to flee there and it is a small thing. May I, please, escape there-Is it not a small thing?" How did Jehovah react to this? He said: "Here I do show you consideration to this extent also, by my not overthrowing the city of which you have spoken." (Genesis 19:16-21, 30) Jehovah was willing to consent to Lot's request. Yes, parents need to adhere to the standards that Jehovah God sets out in his Word, the Bible. Still, it might be possible to accommodate the young one's wishes when Bible principles are not jeopardized.
Being reasonable includes preparing the children's heart so that they are ready to accept counsel. In an illustrative way, Isaiah compared Jehovah to a farmer and said: "Is it all day long that the plower plows in order to sow seed, that he loosens and harrows his ground? Does he not, when he has smoothed out its surface, then scatter black cumin and sprinkle the cumin, and must he not put in wheat,millet and barley in the appointed place, and spelt as his boundary?" -Isaiah 28:24, 25.
Jehovah "plows in order to sow seed" and "loosens and harrows his ground." He thus prepares the heart of his people before disciplining them. In correcting their children, how can parents 'plow' their offspring's heart? One father imitated Jehovah when correcting his four -year-old boy. When his son hit a neighbor boy, the father first listened patiently to his son's excuses. Then, as if to 'plow' the son's heart, the father told a story of a little boy who suffered terrible hardship at the hands of a bully. Upon hearing the story the boy was moved to say that the bully must be punished. Such 'plowing' prepared the boy's heart and made it easier for him to see that hitting the neighbor boy was the act of a bully and was wrong. -2 Samuel 12:1-14.
A sledge or cart wheel is used for grains with tougher chaff. Still, he will not tread the harder grains to the point of crushing them. Likewise , when Jehovah wants to remove anything undesirable in his people, he varies his treatment according to existing needs and circumstances. He is never arbitrary or heavy-handed. (Isaiah 28:26-29) Some children respond to just a glance from their parents, and nothing more is needed. Others require repeated reminders, while still others may need persuasion of a stronger kind. Reasonable parents will apply correction according to the individual child's needs.
Next time: Make Family Discussions Enjoyable
Watchtower, 2001
Keep the Lines of Communication Open
To be successful in training children, parent must strive to keep open the lines of communication with their young ones. Jehovah, though fully aware of what is in our heart, encourages us to communicate with him. (1 Chronicles 28:9) After giving the Israelites the Law, Jehovah assigned the Levites to instruct them, and he sent the prophets to reason with them and to correct them. He also showed a willingness to hear their prayers. -2 Chronicles 17:7-9; Psalm 65:2; Isaiah 1:1-3, 18-20; Jeremiah 25:4; Galatians 3:22-24.
How can parents imitate Jehovah when they communicate with their children? First and foremost, they must make time for them. Parents also do well to avoid thoughtless comments that ridicule, such as, "Is that all? I thought it was something important;" "That is silly;" "Well, what do you expect? You are just a child." (Proverbs 12:18) To encourage children to open up, wise parents who ignore their children when the children are little may find themselves ignored when the children are older. Jehovah has always been willing to listen to his people. He keeps his ear open to those who humbly turn to him in prayer. -Psalm 91:15; Jeremiah 29:12; Luke 11:9-13.
Consider also how certain aspects of God's personality have made it easy for his people to approach him freely. For example, King David of ancient Israel sinned gravely by having an adulterous relationship with Bath-sheba. Being an imperfect human, David committed other serious sins in his life. Yet, he never failed to approach Jehovah and seek his forgiveness and reproof. Undoubtedly, God's loving-kindness and mercy made it easier for David to return to Jehovah. (Psalm 103:8) By displaying such godly qualities as compassion and mercy, parents can help keep open the lines of communication even when children err. -Psalm 103:13; Malachi 3:17.
Next time: Be Reasonable
Watchtower, 2001
To be successful in training children, parent must strive to keep open the lines of communication with their young ones. Jehovah, though fully aware of what is in our heart, encourages us to communicate with him. (1 Chronicles 28:9) After giving the Israelites the Law, Jehovah assigned the Levites to instruct them, and he sent the prophets to reason with them and to correct them. He also showed a willingness to hear their prayers. -2 Chronicles 17:7-9; Psalm 65:2; Isaiah 1:1-3, 18-20; Jeremiah 25:4; Galatians 3:22-24.
How can parents imitate Jehovah when they communicate with their children? First and foremost, they must make time for them. Parents also do well to avoid thoughtless comments that ridicule, such as, "Is that all? I thought it was something important;" "That is silly;" "Well, what do you expect? You are just a child." (Proverbs 12:18) To encourage children to open up, wise parents who ignore their children when the children are little may find themselves ignored when the children are older. Jehovah has always been willing to listen to his people. He keeps his ear open to those who humbly turn to him in prayer. -Psalm 91:15; Jeremiah 29:12; Luke 11:9-13.
Consider also how certain aspects of God's personality have made it easy for his people to approach him freely. For example, King David of ancient Israel sinned gravely by having an adulterous relationship with Bath-sheba. Being an imperfect human, David committed other serious sins in his life. Yet, he never failed to approach Jehovah and seek his forgiveness and reproof. Undoubtedly, God's loving-kindness and mercy made it easier for David to return to Jehovah. (Psalm 103:8) By displaying such godly qualities as compassion and mercy, parents can help keep open the lines of communication even when children err. -Psalm 103:13; Malachi 3:17.
Next time: Be Reasonable
Watchtower, 2001
Love-The Motivating Force
"God is Love," says the apostle John. So, then, the training Jehovah provides is always motivated by love. (1 John 4:8; Proverbs 3:11, 12 ) Does this mean that parents who have natural affection for their offspring would find it easy to imitate Jehovah in this regard? Not necessarily. God's love is principled love. And one Greek scholar points out that such love "does not always run with the natural inclinations." God is not blinded by sentimentality. He always considers what is best for his people. -Isaiah 30:20; 48:17.
Consider the love Jehovah showed in dealing with the Israelites. Moses used a beautiful analogy to describe Jehovah's love for the young nation of Israel. We read: "Just as an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its fledglings, spreads out its wings, takes them, carries them on its pinions, Jehovah alone kept leading [Jacob]." (Deuteronomy 32:9,11, 12) To teach her young to fly, the mother eagle stirs up her nest,' fluttering and flapping her wings to urge her young ones to take off. When a young bird finally dives out of the nest, which is often lodged on a high crag, the mother "hovers over" the young. If it seems that the fledgling might hit the ground, the mother swoops down under it, carrying 'on her pinions.' Lovingly, Jehovah cared for the newborn nation of Israel in s similar way. He gave the people the Mosaic Law. (Psalm 78:5-7) God then watched over the nation with a keen eye, ready to come to the rescue when his people were in trouble.
How may Christian parents imitate Jehovah's love? First, they must teach their children the principles and standards found in God's Word. (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) The goal is to help the young learn to make decisions in harmony with Bible principles. In doing this, loving parents hover over their young ones, so to speak, observing how they apply the principles they have learned. As the children get older and are gradually given greater freedom, the caring parents are ready to "swoop down" and 'carry their young on their pinions' whenever there is danger. What type of danger?
Jehovah God warned the Israelites of the consequences of bad associations. (Numbers 25:1-18; Ezra 10:10-14) Associating with the wrong crowd is also a common peril today. ( 1 Corinthians 15:33) Christian parents do well to imitate Jehovah in this regard. A 15 year old girl named Lisa became interested in a boy who did not share her family's moral and spiritual values. "My parents immediately noticed a change in my attitude and showed concern," relates Lisa. "At times they corrected me, and at other times they tenderly encouraged me." They sat down with Lisa and listened patiently, thus helping her to deal with what they discerned to be the underlying problem-the desire to be accepted by her peers.
Next time: Keep the Lines of Communication Open
Watchtower, 2001
"God is Love," says the apostle John. So, then, the training Jehovah provides is always motivated by love. (1 John 4:8; Proverbs 3:11, 12 ) Does this mean that parents who have natural affection for their offspring would find it easy to imitate Jehovah in this regard? Not necessarily. God's love is principled love. And one Greek scholar points out that such love "does not always run with the natural inclinations." God is not blinded by sentimentality. He always considers what is best for his people. -Isaiah 30:20; 48:17.
Consider the love Jehovah showed in dealing with the Israelites. Moses used a beautiful analogy to describe Jehovah's love for the young nation of Israel. We read: "Just as an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its fledglings, spreads out its wings, takes them, carries them on its pinions, Jehovah alone kept leading [Jacob]." (Deuteronomy 32:9,11, 12) To teach her young to fly, the mother eagle stirs up her nest,' fluttering and flapping her wings to urge her young ones to take off. When a young bird finally dives out of the nest, which is often lodged on a high crag, the mother "hovers over" the young. If it seems that the fledgling might hit the ground, the mother swoops down under it, carrying 'on her pinions.' Lovingly, Jehovah cared for the newborn nation of Israel in s similar way. He gave the people the Mosaic Law. (Psalm 78:5-7) God then watched over the nation with a keen eye, ready to come to the rescue when his people were in trouble.
How may Christian parents imitate Jehovah's love? First, they must teach their children the principles and standards found in God's Word. (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) The goal is to help the young learn to make decisions in harmony with Bible principles. In doing this, loving parents hover over their young ones, so to speak, observing how they apply the principles they have learned. As the children get older and are gradually given greater freedom, the caring parents are ready to "swoop down" and 'carry their young on their pinions' whenever there is danger. What type of danger?
Jehovah God warned the Israelites of the consequences of bad associations. (Numbers 25:1-18; Ezra 10:10-14) Associating with the wrong crowd is also a common peril today. ( 1 Corinthians 15:33) Christian parents do well to imitate Jehovah in this regard. A 15 year old girl named Lisa became interested in a boy who did not share her family's moral and spiritual values. "My parents immediately noticed a change in my attitude and showed concern," relates Lisa. "At times they corrected me, and at other times they tenderly encouraged me." They sat down with Lisa and listened patiently, thus helping her to deal with what they discerned to be the underlying problem-the desire to be accepted by her peers.
Next time: Keep the Lines of Communication Open
Watchtower, 2001
Discipline-What It Means
For fear of being accused of abuse-physical, verbal or emotional-some parents shy away from correcting their children. We need not harbor such fears. The word "discipline" as used in the Bible does not imply any king of abuse or cruelty. The Greek word for "discipline" primarily relates to instruction, education, correction and, at times, firm but loving chastisement.
In providing such discipline, Jehovah God sets a perfect example. Comparing Jehovah to a human father, the apostle Paul wrote: "Don't all parents correct their children? . . .Our human fathers correct us for a short time, and they do it as they think best. But God corrects us for our own good, because he wants us to be holy." (Hebrews 12:7-10, Contemporary English Version) Yes, Jehovah disciplines his people to the end that they may be holy or pure. We can certainly learn much about disciplining children by considering how Jehovah has trained his people. -Deuteronomy 32:4; Matthew7:11.
Next time - The Motivating Force
Watchtower, 2001
For fear of being accused of abuse-physical, verbal or emotional-some parents shy away from correcting their children. We need not harbor such fears. The word "discipline" as used in the Bible does not imply any king of abuse or cruelty. The Greek word for "discipline" primarily relates to instruction, education, correction and, at times, firm but loving chastisement.
In providing such discipline, Jehovah God sets a perfect example. Comparing Jehovah to a human father, the apostle Paul wrote: "Don't all parents correct their children? . . .Our human fathers correct us for a short time, and they do it as they think best. But God corrects us for our own good, because he wants us to be holy." (Hebrews 12:7-10, Contemporary English Version) Yes, Jehovah disciplines his people to the end that they may be holy or pure. We can certainly learn much about disciplining children by considering how Jehovah has trained his people. -Deuteronomy 32:4; Matthew7:11.
Next time - The Motivating Force
Watchtower, 2001
"Don't all parents correct their children?" -HEBREWS 12:7, Contemporary English Version
A SURVEY that was taken in Japan a few years ago revealed that about half of the adults interviewed felt that there was too little communication between parents and their children and that parents indulged their children too much. In another survey in that country, nearly a quarter of those who responded admitted that they did not know how to interact with children. This trend is not unique to the Orient. "Many Canadian parents admitted they feel unsure how to be good parents," reported The Toronto Star. Everywhere, parents are finding it hard to bring up their children.
Why do parents have trouble rearing their children? A major reason is that we are living in "the last days," and "critical times hard to deal with" are here. (2 Timothy 3:1) In addition, "the inclination of the heart of man is bad from his youth up," states the Bible. (Genesis 8:21) And youths are especially vulnerable to the attacks of Satan, who like "a roaring lion" preys on the inexperienced. (1 Peter 5:8) Obstacles certainly abound for Christian parents, who set out to bring up their children "in the discipline and mental regulating of Jehovah." (Ephesians 6:4) How can parents help their children grow up to be mature worshipers of Jehovah, able to distinguish "both right and wrong?" -Hebrews 5:14.
Foolishness is tied up with the heart of a boy," observed wise King Solomon. (Proverbs 13:1; 22:15) To rid their hearts of such foolishness, young ones require loving correction from their parents. Youths, though, do not always welcome such correction. In fact, they often resent counsel regardless of who gives it. Parents, therefore, must learn to "train up a boy according to the way for him." (Proverbs 22:6) When children take hold on such discipline, it can mean life to them. (Proverbs 4:13) How vital that parents know what is involved in training their young ones!
Next time: Discipline -What It Means
Watchtower, 2001
A SURVEY that was taken in Japan a few years ago revealed that about half of the adults interviewed felt that there was too little communication between parents and their children and that parents indulged their children too much. In another survey in that country, nearly a quarter of those who responded admitted that they did not know how to interact with children. This trend is not unique to the Orient. "Many Canadian parents admitted they feel unsure how to be good parents," reported The Toronto Star. Everywhere, parents are finding it hard to bring up their children.
Why do parents have trouble rearing their children? A major reason is that we are living in "the last days," and "critical times hard to deal with" are here. (2 Timothy 3:1) In addition, "the inclination of the heart of man is bad from his youth up," states the Bible. (Genesis 8:21) And youths are especially vulnerable to the attacks of Satan, who like "a roaring lion" preys on the inexperienced. (1 Peter 5:8) Obstacles certainly abound for Christian parents, who set out to bring up their children "in the discipline and mental regulating of Jehovah." (Ephesians 6:4) How can parents help their children grow up to be mature worshipers of Jehovah, able to distinguish "both right and wrong?" -Hebrews 5:14.
Foolishness is tied up with the heart of a boy," observed wise King Solomon. (Proverbs 13:1; 22:15) To rid their hearts of such foolishness, young ones require loving correction from their parents. Youths, though, do not always welcome such correction. In fact, they often resent counsel regardless of who gives it. Parents, therefore, must learn to "train up a boy according to the way for him." (Proverbs 22:6) When children take hold on such discipline, it can mean life to them. (Proverbs 4:13) How vital that parents know what is involved in training their young ones!
Next time: Discipline -What It Means
Watchtower, 2001
You Can Build True Faith
You too can build true faith-the kind of faith described by the apostle Paul in his letter to the Hebrew Christians. Such faith, he said, is "the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld." (Hebrews 11:1) Having such faith, you will be absolutely sure that all your hopes and expectations, including God's promise of a resurrection, will be realized. You will be convinced that such hopes are based on sure guarantees, not on wishful thinking. You will know that Jehovah has never failed to keep his promises. (Joshua 21:45; 23:14; Isaiah 55:10, 11; Hebrews 6:18) God's promised new world will be as real to you as if it were already here. (2 Peter 3:13) And you will see how clearly with eyes of faith that Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, and God's Kingdom are all realities,not delusions.
You are not left on your own to build true faith. Besides making his Word freely available, Jehovah has also provided a worldwide Christian congregation that is devoted to helping righthearted people build faith in God. (John 17:20; Romans 10:14, 15) Accept all the help that Jehovah provides through that organization. ( Acts 8:30, 31) And since faith is a fruit of God's holy spirit, pray constantly for that spirit to help you to develop true faith. -Galatians 5:22.
Do not be putting off by skeptics who scoff at anyone who professes faith in God and his Word. (1 Corinthians 1:18-21; 2 Peter 3:3, 4) In fact, true faith is of immense value in straightening your stand against such attacks. (Ephesians 6:16) Sarah Jayne found that to be true, and she always encouraged those who visited her in the hospital to build up their own faith. "Make the truth your own," she would say. "Study God's Word. Stay close to God's organization. Pray constantly. Stay active in Jehovah's service." -James 2:17, 26.
Seeing her faith in God and in the resurrection,one of her nurses said: "You really do believe this, don't you?" When asked what gave her such an optimistic outlook despite her trials, she replied: "It is having faith in Jehovah. He is a real friend to me, and I dearly love him."
Watchtower, 2001
You too can build true faith-the kind of faith described by the apostle Paul in his letter to the Hebrew Christians. Such faith, he said, is "the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld." (Hebrews 11:1) Having such faith, you will be absolutely sure that all your hopes and expectations, including God's promise of a resurrection, will be realized. You will be convinced that such hopes are based on sure guarantees, not on wishful thinking. You will know that Jehovah has never failed to keep his promises. (Joshua 21:45; 23:14; Isaiah 55:10, 11; Hebrews 6:18) God's promised new world will be as real to you as if it were already here. (2 Peter 3:13) And you will see how clearly with eyes of faith that Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, and God's Kingdom are all realities,not delusions.
You are not left on your own to build true faith. Besides making his Word freely available, Jehovah has also provided a worldwide Christian congregation that is devoted to helping righthearted people build faith in God. (John 17:20; Romans 10:14, 15) Accept all the help that Jehovah provides through that organization. ( Acts 8:30, 31) And since faith is a fruit of God's holy spirit, pray constantly for that spirit to help you to develop true faith. -Galatians 5:22.
Do not be putting off by skeptics who scoff at anyone who professes faith in God and his Word. (1 Corinthians 1:18-21; 2 Peter 3:3, 4) In fact, true faith is of immense value in straightening your stand against such attacks. (Ephesians 6:16) Sarah Jayne found that to be true, and she always encouraged those who visited her in the hospital to build up their own faith. "Make the truth your own," she would say. "Study God's Word. Stay close to God's organization. Pray constantly. Stay active in Jehovah's service." -James 2:17, 26.
Seeing her faith in God and in the resurrection,one of her nurses said: "You really do believe this, don't you?" When asked what gave her such an optimistic outlook despite her trials, she replied: "It is having faith in Jehovah. He is a real friend to me, and I dearly love him."
Watchtower, 2001
"Faith Follows the Thing Heard"
It is not enough, however, simply to have a Bible or even to believe that it is inspired. "Faith," writes the apostle Paul, "follows the thing heard." (Romans 10:17) Hearing the Bible, not just having a Bible, is what builds faith. You "hear" what God has to say by reading and studying his Word. Even young ones can do this. Paul says that "from infancy" Timothy was taught "the holy writings" by his mother and grandmother. Does this suggest that some king of brainwashing was involved? No! Timothy was not manipulated or deceived in any way. He was "persuaded to believe" what was heard and read. -2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14, 15.
Sarah Jayne became persuaded in the same way. Like the first-century Beroeans, she "received the word [from her parents and other teachers] with the greatest eagerness of mind." As a little child, she no doubt put instinctive trust in what her parents told her. Later, as she grew up, she did not just blindly or passively accept everything she was taught. She 'carefully examined the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.' -Acts 17:11.
Next time: You Can Build True Faith
Watchtower, 2001
It is not enough, however, simply to have a Bible or even to believe that it is inspired. "Faith," writes the apostle Paul, "follows the thing heard." (Romans 10:17) Hearing the Bible, not just having a Bible, is what builds faith. You "hear" what God has to say by reading and studying his Word. Even young ones can do this. Paul says that "from infancy" Timothy was taught "the holy writings" by his mother and grandmother. Does this suggest that some king of brainwashing was involved? No! Timothy was not manipulated or deceived in any way. He was "persuaded to believe" what was heard and read. -2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14, 15.
Sarah Jayne became persuaded in the same way. Like the first-century Beroeans, she "received the word [from her parents and other teachers] with the greatest eagerness of mind." As a little child, she no doubt put instinctive trust in what her parents told her. Later, as she grew up, she did not just blindly or passively accept everything she was taught. She 'carefully examined the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.' -Acts 17:11.
Next time: You Can Build True Faith
Watchtower, 2001
You Need the Bible
To build real faith in the Creator, however, you need something else that he has provided. What is that? The Bible-God's inspired Word, in which he reveals his will and purpose. (2 Timothy "But wait," some will say, "how can you possibly believe anything the Bible says when you see the terrible things done by people who claim to follow the Bible?" Granted, Christendom has a shocking record of hypocrisy, brutality and immorality. But any reasonable person can see that Christendom only pretends to follow Bible principles. -Matthew 15:8.
The Bible itself warned that many people would profess to worship God yet would, in fact, "disown even the owner that bought them." "On account of these," said the apostle Peter, "the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively." (2 Peter 2:1, 2) Jesus Christ said that these ones were "workers of lawlessness" who would be clearly identified by their evil actions. (Matthew 7:15-23) To reject God's Word on the basis of Christendom's record is like throwing away a letter from a trusted friend simply because the person who happened to deliver it is disreputable.
Without God's Word it is impossible to build real faith. It is only through the pages of the Bible that Jehovah presents his side of things, so to speak. He sheds light on such perennial questions as why he has permitted suffering and pain and what he will do about the situation. (Psalm 119:105; Romans 15:4) Sarah Jayne came to believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. ( 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:19-20) How? Not simply because her parents told her so, but because she took the time to evaluate honestly all the evidence that shows the Bible to be a unique revelation from God. (Romans 12:2) She observed , for example, the Bible's powerful influence in the lives of those who adhere to its principles. With the help of such publications as The Bible-God's Word or Man's? Internal evidence that proves divine inspiration.
Next time: "Faith Follows the Thing Heard"
Watchtower, 2001
To build real faith in the Creator, however, you need something else that he has provided. What is that? The Bible-God's inspired Word, in which he reveals his will and purpose. (2 Timothy "But wait," some will say, "how can you possibly believe anything the Bible says when you see the terrible things done by people who claim to follow the Bible?" Granted, Christendom has a shocking record of hypocrisy, brutality and immorality. But any reasonable person can see that Christendom only pretends to follow Bible principles. -Matthew 15:8.
The Bible itself warned that many people would profess to worship God yet would, in fact, "disown even the owner that bought them." "On account of these," said the apostle Peter, "the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively." (2 Peter 2:1, 2) Jesus Christ said that these ones were "workers of lawlessness" who would be clearly identified by their evil actions. (Matthew 7:15-23) To reject God's Word on the basis of Christendom's record is like throwing away a letter from a trusted friend simply because the person who happened to deliver it is disreputable.
Without God's Word it is impossible to build real faith. It is only through the pages of the Bible that Jehovah presents his side of things, so to speak. He sheds light on such perennial questions as why he has permitted suffering and pain and what he will do about the situation. (Psalm 119:105; Romans 15:4) Sarah Jayne came to believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. ( 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:19-20) How? Not simply because her parents told her so, but because she took the time to evaluate honestly all the evidence that shows the Bible to be a unique revelation from God. (Romans 12:2) She observed , for example, the Bible's powerful influence in the lives of those who adhere to its principles. With the help of such publications as The Bible-God's Word or Man's? Internal evidence that proves divine inspiration.
Next time: "Faith Follows the Thing Heard"
Watchtower, 2001
Seek God . . and Really Find Him"
To develop faith and trust in someone, you need to know him and to learn how he thinks and acts. This process involves the heart as well as the mind. It is really the same when it comes to developing true faith in God. You need to get to know him, to learn about his qualities and his personality, to find out how trustworthy and dependable he has proved to be in all that he has said and done. -Psalm 9:10; 145:1-21.
Some feel that this is impossible. God, they say, is too distant, too mysterious-if he exists at all. "If God is as real as he seems to be to Christians like Sarah Jayne," asks the skeptic, "why doesn't he make himself known to the rest of us?" But is God really too distant and unsearchable? In a speech to the philosophers and intellectuals in Athens, the apostle Paul said that "the God that made the world and all the things in it" has provided all that is needed to "seek [him] . . . and really find him." In fact, Paul said: "He is not far off from each one of us." -Acts 17:24-27.
How, then, can you "seek God . . . and really find him"? Some have done this simply by observing the universe around them . For many, that in itself gives enough evidence to convince them that there must be a Creator. (Psalm 19:1; Isaiah 40:26; Acts 14:16, 17) They feel, as the apostle Paul did, that "[God's] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship." -Romans 1:20; Psalm 104:24.
Next time: You Need the Bible
Watchtower, 2001
To develop faith and trust in someone, you need to know him and to learn how he thinks and acts. This process involves the heart as well as the mind. It is really the same when it comes to developing true faith in God. You need to get to know him, to learn about his qualities and his personality, to find out how trustworthy and dependable he has proved to be in all that he has said and done. -Psalm 9:10; 145:1-21.
Some feel that this is impossible. God, they say, is too distant, too mysterious-if he exists at all. "If God is as real as he seems to be to Christians like Sarah Jayne," asks the skeptic, "why doesn't he make himself known to the rest of us?" But is God really too distant and unsearchable? In a speech to the philosophers and intellectuals in Athens, the apostle Paul said that "the God that made the world and all the things in it" has provided all that is needed to "seek [him] . . . and really find him." In fact, Paul said: "He is not far off from each one of us." -Acts 17:24-27.
How, then, can you "seek God . . . and really find him"? Some have done this simply by observing the universe around them . For many, that in itself gives enough evidence to convince them that there must be a Creator. (Psalm 19:1; Isaiah 40:26; Acts 14:16, 17) They feel, as the apostle Paul did, that "[God's] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship." -Romans 1:20; Psalm 104:24.
Next time: You Need the Bible
Watchtower, 2001
When Sarah Jayne was 19, she learned that she had ovarian cancer. Following surgery, she felt good and was optimistic about the future. So optimistic, in fact, that when she was 20, she got engaged and began to make plans for her wedding. That same year the cancer returned, and she learned that she had weeks to live. Sarah Jayne died in June 2000, just before she turned 21.
WHAT impressed visitors to Sarah Jayne's bedside in the hospital was her calm confidence about the future, along with her deep faith in God and his Word, the Bible. Despite the terrible tragedy she was facing, she was sure of the resurrection hope-that she would see all her friends again. (John 5:28, 29) "I will see all of you in God's new world," she said.
Some dismiss that kind of faith as delusional. "What else is the afterlife but a belief among the insecure," asks Ludovic Kennedy, "that at the last trump there will be cakes and ale, even caviar and trumpets for them too, that in some leafy Eden they will share happy hours with those who have good before and others who may well come after? To that, we must raise a counter question. Which is more reasonable-to believe that "this life is all we have, so we had better make the most of it," as Kennedy suggests, or to believe in God and his promise of a resurrection? Sarah Jayne chose the latter. How did she develop such faith?
Next time: "Seek God . . . and Really Find Him"
Watchtower, 2001
WHAT impressed visitors to Sarah Jayne's bedside in the hospital was her calm confidence about the future, along with her deep faith in God and his Word, the Bible. Despite the terrible tragedy she was facing, she was sure of the resurrection hope-that she would see all her friends again. (John 5:28, 29) "I will see all of you in God's new world," she said.
Some dismiss that kind of faith as delusional. "What else is the afterlife but a belief among the insecure," asks Ludovic Kennedy, "that at the last trump there will be cakes and ale, even caviar and trumpets for them too, that in some leafy Eden they will share happy hours with those who have good before and others who may well come after? To that, we must raise a counter question. Which is more reasonable-to believe that "this life is all we have, so we had better make the most of it," as Kennedy suggests, or to believe in God and his promise of a resurrection? Sarah Jayne chose the latter. How did she develop such faith?
Next time: "Seek God . . . and Really Find Him"
Watchtower, 2001
TRUE FAITH-Is It Still Possible?
Lost Faith
Many things can cause people to lose what faith they may have. Among them are the traumas and trials of everyday life. Professor Michael Goulder, for example, was a parish priest in Manchester, England, at the time of the 1958 Munich air disaster in which many of the Manchester United football team were killed. In a BBC television program, announcer Joan Bakewell explained that Goulder "felt helpless before the scale of people's grief." One result was that he "lost his faith in a God who intervenes in human destiny." Goulder stated his belief that "the Bible isn't . . . the inerrant word of God" but, rather, "the errant word of man, perhaps with some divine inspiration here and there."
Sometimes faith just withers away. That was what happened in the case of writer and broadcaster Ludovic Kennedy. He says that from childhood his "doubts and uncertainties [about God] went to and fro and [his] disbeliefs grew." No one, it seems, could give him reasonable answers to his questions. His father's death at sea was a serious blow to what was already a very weak faith. Prayers to God to "preserve us from the dangers of the sea and from the violence of the enemy" went unanswered as the converted passenger liner his father was on was attacked and destroyed by German battleships during World War II. -All in the Mind-A Farewell to God.
Such experiences are not unusual. "Faith," says the apostle Paul, "is not a possession of all people." (2 Thessalonians 3:2) What do you think? Is true faith in God and in his Word still possible in an increasingly skeptical world? Examine what the following article has to say on this subject.
Next time: You Can Have TRUE FAITH
Watchtower, 2001
Many things can cause people to lose what faith they may have. Among them are the traumas and trials of everyday life. Professor Michael Goulder, for example, was a parish priest in Manchester, England, at the time of the 1958 Munich air disaster in which many of the Manchester United football team were killed. In a BBC television program, announcer Joan Bakewell explained that Goulder "felt helpless before the scale of people's grief." One result was that he "lost his faith in a God who intervenes in human destiny." Goulder stated his belief that "the Bible isn't . . . the inerrant word of God" but, rather, "the errant word of man, perhaps with some divine inspiration here and there."
Sometimes faith just withers away. That was what happened in the case of writer and broadcaster Ludovic Kennedy. He says that from childhood his "doubts and uncertainties [about God] went to and fro and [his] disbeliefs grew." No one, it seems, could give him reasonable answers to his questions. His father's death at sea was a serious blow to what was already a very weak faith. Prayers to God to "preserve us from the dangers of the sea and from the violence of the enemy" went unanswered as the converted passenger liner his father was on was attacked and destroyed by German battleships during World War II. -All in the Mind-A Farewell to God.
Such experiences are not unusual. "Faith," says the apostle Paul, "is not a possession of all people." (2 Thessalonians 3:2) What do you think? Is true faith in God and in his Word still possible in an increasingly skeptical world? Examine what the following article has to say on this subject.
Next time: You Can Have TRUE FAITH
Watchtower, 2001
TRUE FAITH-Is It Still Possible?
"Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that the believer would stake his life on it a thousand times." -MARTIN LUTHER, 1522.
"To all intents and purposes we already are a secular society in which Christian faith and practices have become largely moribund." -LUDOVIC KENNEDY, 1999.
VIEWS on faith differ dramatically. In the past, faith in God was the norm. Nowadays, in a world of skepticism and suffering, true faith in God and in the Bible is disappearing rapidly.
True Faith
To many, "faith" simply means having a religious belief or following a form of worship. As used in the Bible,however, "faith" basically means total trust-complete, unshakable confidence in God and his promises. It is quality that marks a disciple of Jesus Christ.
On one occasion, Jesus Christ spoke about the need to pray and "not to give up." In so doing, he raised a question about whether true faith would exist at all in our day. He asked; "When the Son of man arrives, will he really find this faith on the earth?" Why did he raise such a question? -Luke 18:1,8.
Next time: Lost Faith
Watchtower, 2001
"To all intents and purposes we already are a secular society in which Christian faith and practices have become largely moribund." -LUDOVIC KENNEDY, 1999.
VIEWS on faith differ dramatically. In the past, faith in God was the norm. Nowadays, in a world of skepticism and suffering, true faith in God and in the Bible is disappearing rapidly.
True Faith
To many, "faith" simply means having a religious belief or following a form of worship. As used in the Bible,however, "faith" basically means total trust-complete, unshakable confidence in God and his promises. It is quality that marks a disciple of Jesus Christ.
On one occasion, Jesus Christ spoke about the need to pray and "not to give up." In so doing, he raised a question about whether true faith would exist at all in our day. He asked; "When the Son of man arrives, will he really find this faith on the earth?" Why did he raise such a question? -Luke 18:1,8.
Next time: Lost Faith
Watchtower, 2001
There Are Living Gems in Namibia
The Need for Spiritual Miners
Before the arrival of the missionaries in 1950, there was only one publisher of the good news in Nambia. The number has steadily increased to a peak of 995. Yet, much work remains to be done. In fact, some regions have hardly been touched. Are you in a position to server where the need for zealous Kingdom proclaimers is great Then, please, step over into Namibia and help us find and polish more spiritual gemstones. -Compare Acts 169.
Next time: TRUE FAITH Is it Still Possible?
Watchtower, 1999
Before the arrival of the missionaries in 1950, there was only one publisher of the good news in Nambia. The number has steadily increased to a peak of 995. Yet, much work remains to be done. In fact, some regions have hardly been touched. Are you in a position to server where the need for zealous Kingdom proclaimers is great Then, please, step over into Namibia and help us find and polish more spiritual gemstones. -Compare Acts 169.
Next time: TRUE FAITH Is it Still Possible?
Watchtower, 1999
There Are Living Gems in Namibia
Polishing the Gemstones
Some of Namibia's literal gems have been polished by the movement of waves and sand over millenniums of time. But, of course, such natural processes do not produce living gemstones. It takes effort for imperfect humans to "put away the old personality" and clothe themselves with a new Christian personality. (Ephesians 4:20-24) For example, the veneration of dead ancestors is a strong tradition among many tribes of Namibia. Those who do not perform acts of ancestor worship are often persecuted by family members and neighbors. When individuals learn from the Bible that the dead "are conscious of nothing at all," they face a test. ( Ecclesiastes 9:5) In what way?
A Herero Witness explains: "It was a great challenge to be obedient to the truth. I accepted a Bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses, but it took time for me to apply the things I was learning. First, I had to test whether it would be safe for me not to practice traditional beliefs. For example, I would drive past certain places in Namibia without stopping to put a stone on a grave or raising my hat in a greeting to the dead. Gradually, I became convinced that nothing would happen to me for not worshiping dead ancestors. How happy I am that Jehovah has blessed my efforts to help my family and other interested ones to learn the truth."
Next time: The Need for Spiritual Miners
Watchtower, 1999
Some of Namibia's literal gems have been polished by the movement of waves and sand over millenniums of time. But, of course, such natural processes do not produce living gemstones. It takes effort for imperfect humans to "put away the old personality" and clothe themselves with a new Christian personality. (Ephesians 4:20-24) For example, the veneration of dead ancestors is a strong tradition among many tribes of Namibia. Those who do not perform acts of ancestor worship are often persecuted by family members and neighbors. When individuals learn from the Bible that the dead "are conscious of nothing at all," they face a test. ( Ecclesiastes 9:5) In what way?
A Herero Witness explains: "It was a great challenge to be obedient to the truth. I accepted a Bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses, but it took time for me to apply the things I was learning. First, I had to test whether it would be safe for me not to practice traditional beliefs. For example, I would drive past certain places in Namibia without stopping to put a stone on a grave or raising my hat in a greeting to the dead. Gradually, I became convinced that nothing would happen to me for not worshiping dead ancestors. How happy I am that Jehovah has blessed my efforts to help my family and other interested ones to learn the truth."
Next time: The Need for Spiritual Miners
Watchtower, 1999
There Are Living Gems in Namibia
Full-Time Workers Arrive
In 1950, four missionaries trained at the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead arrived in Namibia. The number of missionaries rose to eight by 1953. They included Dick and Coralie Waldron, an Australian married couple who are still serving here faithfully. Many other full-time Kingdom proclaimers from South Africa and abroad have also shared in mining Namibia's spiritual gems. Other missionaries, as well as graduates of the Ministerial Training School, have been sent to Namibia.
Another factor contributing to spiritual growth in Namibia has been the translating and publishing of Bible literature in major local languages, such as Herero, Kwangali, Kwanyama, Nama/Damara, and Ndonga. Since 1990, a fine translation office and home for full-time volunteer workers has been operating in the capital, Windhoek. Karen Deppisch, who has shared with her husband in the full-time evangelizing work in various parts of Namibia, says: "Many are amazed when we offer them literature in their own language, especially when very few books of any kind are available in that particular language."
Next time: Polishing the Gemstones
Watchtower, 1999
In 1950, four missionaries trained at the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead arrived in Namibia. The number of missionaries rose to eight by 1953. They included Dick and Coralie Waldron, an Australian married couple who are still serving here faithfully. Many other full-time Kingdom proclaimers from South Africa and abroad have also shared in mining Namibia's spiritual gems. Other missionaries, as well as graduates of the Ministerial Training School, have been sent to Namibia.
Another factor contributing to spiritual growth in Namibia has been the translating and publishing of Bible literature in major local languages, such as Herero, Kwangali, Kwanyama, Nama/Damara, and Ndonga. Since 1990, a fine translation office and home for full-time volunteer workers has been operating in the capital, Windhoek. Karen Deppisch, who has shared with her husband in the full-time evangelizing work in various parts of Namibia, says: "Many are amazed when we offer them literature in their own language, especially when very few books of any kind are available in that particular language."
Next time: Polishing the Gemstones
Watchtower, 1999
There Are Living Gems in Namibia!
Spiritual Mining Gets Started
It was in 1928 that a start was made to mine the spiritual gems of Namibia. During that year the South branch of the Watchtower Society mailed 50,000 pieces of Bible literature to people scattered throughout the country. The following year an anointed Christian from South Africa named Lenie Theron followed up on the interest shown. In four months she traversed the vast country alone, placing over 6,000 Bible study aides in Afrikaans, English, and German. All this work certainly was not in vain.
For example, consider Bernhard Baade, a German miner. In 1929 he received a supply of eggs from a farmer who wrapped each egg in a page from a Watchtower publication. Bernhard eagerly read every page, wondering who wrote the book. He eventually got to the last page, which gave a German address of the Watchtower Society. Bernhard wrote for more literature and became the first Namibian to take a stand for the truth.
Next time: Full-Time Workers Arrive
Watchtower, 1999
It was in 1928 that a start was made to mine the spiritual gems of Namibia. During that year the South branch of the Watchtower Society mailed 50,000 pieces of Bible literature to people scattered throughout the country. The following year an anointed Christian from South Africa named Lenie Theron followed up on the interest shown. In four months she traversed the vast country alone, placing over 6,000 Bible study aides in Afrikaans, English, and German. All this work certainly was not in vain.
For example, consider Bernhard Baade, a German miner. In 1929 he received a supply of eggs from a farmer who wrapped each egg in a page from a Watchtower publication. Bernhard eagerly read every page, wondering who wrote the book. He eventually got to the last page, which gave a German address of the Watchtower Society. Bernhard wrote for more literature and became the first Namibian to take a stand for the truth.
Next time: Full-Time Workers Arrive
Watchtower, 1999
There Are Living Gems in Namibia!
NAMIBIA stretches nearly 1,000 miles along the southwest coast of Africa. The country's entire coastline consists of sand dunes, rocky hills, and vast gravel plains. Mingled among the st of Namibia's pebble beaches are gemstones of every conceivable color. Even diamonds are occasionally found there. But the country has something much more precious than these stones. Namibia has living gems - the people of its many national groups.
The earliest inhabitants of Namibia spoke a family of languages called Khoisan. Their speech was known for its click sounds. Among the Khoisan speakers today are the dark-skinned Damara, the light-skinned people of small stature called the Nama, and the famous Bushman hunters. Many black tribes have also come into Namibia in more recent centuries. These fall under three main national groups: The Ovambo (the largest ethnic group in Namibia), The Herero, and the Kavango. Europeans started settling in Namibia during the 19th century. More immigrants arrived after diamonds were discovered on the desert sands.
Namibia's inhabitants are precious because they are part of the world of mankind for which God gave his Son, thus opening the way to everlasting life. (John 3:16) Hundreds of Namibians from many tribes have already responded to the message of salvation. These can be likened to living gemstones because they are among "the desirable things of all the nations" now being gathered to Jehovah's house of worship. -Haggai 2:7.
Next time: Spiritual Mining Gets Started
Watchtower, 2000
The earliest inhabitants of Namibia spoke a family of languages called Khoisan. Their speech was known for its click sounds. Among the Khoisan speakers today are the dark-skinned Damara, the light-skinned people of small stature called the Nama, and the famous Bushman hunters. Many black tribes have also come into Namibia in more recent centuries. These fall under three main national groups: The Ovambo (the largest ethnic group in Namibia), The Herero, and the Kavango. Europeans started settling in Namibia during the 19th century. More immigrants arrived after diamonds were discovered on the desert sands.
Namibia's inhabitants are precious because they are part of the world of mankind for which God gave his Son, thus opening the way to everlasting life. (John 3:16) Hundreds of Namibians from many tribes have already responded to the message of salvation. These can be likened to living gemstones because they are among "the desirable things of all the nations" now being gathered to Jehovah's house of worship. -Haggai 2:7.
Next time: Spiritual Mining Gets Started
Watchtower, 2000
Philip A Zealous Evangelizer
Philip's Further Privileges
After preaching to the Ethiopian official Philip witnessed in Ashdod, "and he went through the territory and kept on declaring the good news to all the cities until he got to Caesarea." (Acts 8:40) In the first century, these two cities had substantial Gentile population. On his way north to Caesarea, Philip likely preached in prominent Jewish centers, such as Lydda and Joppa. Perhaps that is why disciples could later be found in these areas. -Acts 9:32-43.
The final mention of Philip occurs some 20 years later. At the end of his third missionary journey, Paul disembarked at Ptolemais. "The next day," says Paul's traveling companion Luke, "we set out and arrived in Caearea, and we entered onto the house of Philip the evangelizer." By this time, Philip had "four daughters, virgins, that prophesied." -Acts 21:8, 9.
Apparently, Philip had settled in Caesarea. But he had not lost his missionary spirit, for Luke calls him "the evangelizer." This expression often indicates one who leaves his home to preach the good news in unworked regions. The fact that Philip had four daughters who prophesied suggests that they followed in their zealous father's footsteps.
Present-day Christian parents should remember that their children are their most important disciples. Even if such parents have had to relinquish certain theocratic privileges because of family responsibilities, like Philip they can remain wholehearted servants of God and exemplary parents. -Ephesians 6:4.
The visit of Paul and his companion gave Philip's family a fine opportunity to show hospitality. Imagine the interchange of encouragement! Perhaps it was on this occasion that Luke gathered the details about Philip's activities, later included in Acts chapters 6 and 8.
Jehovah God used Philip extensively to further Kingdom interests. Philip's zeal enabled him to spread the good news in new territories and to promote a healthy spiritual atmosphere in his home. Would you like to enjoy similar privileges and blessings? Then you would do well to imitate the qualities displayed by Philip the evangelizer.
Next time: There Are Living Gems in Namibia!
Watchtower, 2000
After preaching to the Ethiopian official Philip witnessed in Ashdod, "and he went through the territory and kept on declaring the good news to all the cities until he got to Caesarea." (Acts 8:40) In the first century, these two cities had substantial Gentile population. On his way north to Caesarea, Philip likely preached in prominent Jewish centers, such as Lydda and Joppa. Perhaps that is why disciples could later be found in these areas. -Acts 9:32-43.
The final mention of Philip occurs some 20 years later. At the end of his third missionary journey, Paul disembarked at Ptolemais. "The next day," says Paul's traveling companion Luke, "we set out and arrived in Caearea, and we entered onto the house of Philip the evangelizer." By this time, Philip had "four daughters, virgins, that prophesied." -Acts 21:8, 9.
Apparently, Philip had settled in Caesarea. But he had not lost his missionary spirit, for Luke calls him "the evangelizer." This expression often indicates one who leaves his home to preach the good news in unworked regions. The fact that Philip had four daughters who prophesied suggests that they followed in their zealous father's footsteps.
Present-day Christian parents should remember that their children are their most important disciples. Even if such parents have had to relinquish certain theocratic privileges because of family responsibilities, like Philip they can remain wholehearted servants of God and exemplary parents. -Ephesians 6:4.
The visit of Paul and his companion gave Philip's family a fine opportunity to show hospitality. Imagine the interchange of encouragement! Perhaps it was on this occasion that Luke gathered the details about Philip's activities, later included in Acts chapters 6 and 8.
Jehovah God used Philip extensively to further Kingdom interests. Philip's zeal enabled him to spread the good news in new territories and to promote a healthy spiritual atmosphere in his home. Would you like to enjoy similar privileges and blessings? Then you would do well to imitate the qualities displayed by Philip the evangelizer.
Next time: There Are Living Gems in Namibia!
Watchtower, 2000
Philip A Zealous Evangelizer
Opening Up New Territories
Jesus had foretold his disciples would preach "both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part the earth." (Acts 1:8) By preaching in Samaria, Philip was sharing in the fulfillment of those words. The Jews generally had little respect for Samaritans. But Philip did not prejudge these people, and his impartiality was blessed. Indeed many Samaritans got baptized, including a former magician name Simon. -Acts 8:6-13.
In time, Jehovah's angel directed Philip to go to the desert road that ran from Jerusalem to Gaza. There Philip spotted a chariot carrying an Ethiopian official who was reading aloud from Isaiah's prophecy. Philip ran alongside the chariot and struck up a conversation. Though the Ethiopian was a proselyte with some knowledge of God and the Scriptures, he humbly admitted that he needed help to understand what he was reading. Hence, he invited Philip to get on the chariot and sit with him. After a witness was given,they came to a body of water. "What prevents me from getting baptized?" The Ethiopian asked. Philip went on his way rejoicing. Likely, this new disciple spread the good news back in his homeland. -Acts 8:26-39.
What can we learn from Philip's ministry involving the Samaritans and the Ethiopian official? Never should we assume that individuals of a certain nationality, race or social status will not be interested in the good news. Instead we should declare the Kingdom message to "people of all sorts." (1 Corinthians 9:19-23 If we make ourselves available by preaching to all, Jehovah can use us in the work of 'making disciples o people of all the nations' before the end is wicked system arrives.-Matthew 28:19, 20.
Next time: Philip's Further Privileges
Watchtower, 2000
Jesus had foretold his disciples would preach "both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part the earth." (Acts 1:8) By preaching in Samaria, Philip was sharing in the fulfillment of those words. The Jews generally had little respect for Samaritans. But Philip did not prejudge these people, and his impartiality was blessed. Indeed many Samaritans got baptized, including a former magician name Simon. -Acts 8:6-13.
In time, Jehovah's angel directed Philip to go to the desert road that ran from Jerusalem to Gaza. There Philip spotted a chariot carrying an Ethiopian official who was reading aloud from Isaiah's prophecy. Philip ran alongside the chariot and struck up a conversation. Though the Ethiopian was a proselyte with some knowledge of God and the Scriptures, he humbly admitted that he needed help to understand what he was reading. Hence, he invited Philip to get on the chariot and sit with him. After a witness was given,they came to a body of water. "What prevents me from getting baptized?" The Ethiopian asked. Philip went on his way rejoicing. Likely, this new disciple spread the good news back in his homeland. -Acts 8:26-39.
What can we learn from Philip's ministry involving the Samaritans and the Ethiopian official? Never should we assume that individuals of a certain nationality, race or social status will not be interested in the good news. Instead we should declare the Kingdom message to "people of all sorts." (1 Corinthians 9:19-23 If we make ourselves available by preaching to all, Jehovah can use us in the work of 'making disciples o people of all the nations' before the end is wicked system arrives.-Matthew 28:19, 20.
Next time: Philip's Further Privileges
Watchtower, 2000
Philip A Zealous Evangelizer
THE Scriptures contain many accounts of men and women whose faith is worthy of imitation. Consider Philip, a first-century Christian missionary. He was not an apostle, yet he was used powerfully in spreading the Kingdom message. In fact, Philip became known as "the evangelizer." (Acts 21:8) Why did Philip have that designation? And what can we learn from him?
Philip appears in the Bible record soon after Pentecost 33 C.E. At that time the Greek-speaking Jews began murmuring against the Hebrew-speaking Jews, claiming that their widows were being overlooked in the daily food distribution. To handle the matter, the apostles appointed "seven certified men." Philip was among those chosen. - Acts 6:1-6.
These seven men were "certified." James Moffatt's translation says that they were " of good reputation." Yes, at the time of their appointment, they were already known to be spiritual men with practical thinking ability. It is similar with those who serve as Christian overseers today. Such men are not appointed hastily. (1Timothy 5:22) They must have "a fine testimony from people on the outside," and fellow Christians should know that they are reasonable and sound in mind. -1 Timothy 3:2, 3; 7; Philippians 4:5.
Evidently, Philip cared well for his assignment in Jerusalem. Soon, however, a wave of bitter persecution broke out and scattered Christ's followers. Like others, Philip left the city, but his ministry was not over. Before long, he was busy preaching in a new territory-Samaria. -Acts 8:1-5.
Next time: Opening Up New Territories
Philip appears in the Bible record soon after Pentecost 33 C.E. At that time the Greek-speaking Jews began murmuring against the Hebrew-speaking Jews, claiming that their widows were being overlooked in the daily food distribution. To handle the matter, the apostles appointed "seven certified men." Philip was among those chosen. - Acts 6:1-6.
These seven men were "certified." James Moffatt's translation says that they were " of good reputation." Yes, at the time of their appointment, they were already known to be spiritual men with practical thinking ability. It is similar with those who serve as Christian overseers today. Such men are not appointed hastily. (1Timothy 5:22) They must have "a fine testimony from people on the outside," and fellow Christians should know that they are reasonable and sound in mind. -1 Timothy 3:2, 3; 7; Philippians 4:5.
Evidently, Philip cared well for his assignment in Jerusalem. Soon, however, a wave of bitter persecution broke out and scattered Christ's followers. Like others, Philip left the city, but his ministry was not over. Before long, he was busy preaching in a new territory-Samaria. -Acts 8:1-5.
Next time: Opening Up New Territories
Conclusion of How to Promote Wholesome Communication
Yes, how something is said is very important. the apostle Paul wrote: "Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt." (Colossians 4:6) Endeavor to be gracious in your tone of voice and choice of words. Bear in mind that "pleasant sayings are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and a healing to the bones." -Proverbs 16:24.
For some couples, working together on projects at home can provide a fine atmosphere for communication. Such cooperation can promote a sense of sharing while affording time for wholesome conversation. For other marriage mates, a quiet time alone together without trying to do some work is better and is more conductive to wholesome communication.
Much can often be learned by taking note of how compatible marriage mates communicate with each other. What has made them that way? Most likely, their harmony and the ease with which they communicate have resulted from personal effort, patience and loving consideration. They themselves apparently had a lot to learn, for good marriages do not happen automatically. How important it is, then, to consider your partner's viewpoint, to appreciate his or her needs, and to defuse potentially stressful situations with a discreet word. (Proverbs 16:23) If you are married, then, work at being pleasant to live and easy to apologize to. That will go along way in making your marriage a good one.
Jehovah God wants people to enjoy happy, lasting marriages. (Genesis 2:18, 21) But the key lies in the hands of those united in wedlock. It takes two loving people who really work together to unlock the door to a successful marriage by mastering the art of wholesome communication.
Next time: Philip A Zealous Evangelizer
Watchtower, 2000
Yes, how something is said is very important. the apostle Paul wrote: "Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt." (Colossians 4:6) Endeavor to be gracious in your tone of voice and choice of words. Bear in mind that "pleasant sayings are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and a healing to the bones." -Proverbs 16:24.
For some couples, working together on projects at home can provide a fine atmosphere for communication. Such cooperation can promote a sense of sharing while affording time for wholesome conversation. For other marriage mates, a quiet time alone together without trying to do some work is better and is more conductive to wholesome communication.
Much can often be learned by taking note of how compatible marriage mates communicate with each other. What has made them that way? Most likely, their harmony and the ease with which they communicate have resulted from personal effort, patience and loving consideration. They themselves apparently had a lot to learn, for good marriages do not happen automatically. How important it is, then, to consider your partner's viewpoint, to appreciate his or her needs, and to defuse potentially stressful situations with a discreet word. (Proverbs 16:23) If you are married, then, work at being pleasant to live and easy to apologize to. That will go along way in making your marriage a good one.
Jehovah God wants people to enjoy happy, lasting marriages. (Genesis 2:18, 21) But the key lies in the hands of those united in wedlock. It takes two loving people who really work together to unlock the door to a successful marriage by mastering the art of wholesome communication.
Next time: Philip A Zealous Evangelizer
Watchtower, 2000
How to Promote Wholesome Communication
How important it is to take time for loving, wholesome communication! Some spend so much time in front of the TV watching other people's lives that they have little time for their own. Hence, turning off the television set is often a necessary step toward wholesome communication.
Just as there is a right time to speak, however, there is a time to keep quiet. the wise man said: "For everything there is an appointed time, . . .a time to keep quiet and a time to speak." Indeed, there are also proper words to say. "A word at its right time is O how good!" notes a proverb. (Ecclesiastes3:1, 7; Proverbs 15:23) So determine when it is the best time to make your point or to express your heart's concern. Ask yourself: '*Is my mate tired or in a relaxed and refreshed frame of mind? Is the subject that I wish to broach potentially explosive? What did my spouse object to in my choice of words when we last spoke about this matter?'
It is good to remember that people react best when they can see how cooperating or complying with a request would benefit them. If some stress has developed between mates, on of them might be inclined to say, "Something has been bothering me, and we are going to get it straightened out right now!" Of course, exact wording would depend on the circumstances, but it may be better to say something like this, "Dear, I have been thinking about the matter we discussed earlier and how things might be worked out." Which approach would your mate be more likely to appreciate?
Next time: How to Promote Wholesome Communication
Watchtower, 2000
How important it is to take time for loving, wholesome communication! Some spend so much time in front of the TV watching other people's lives that they have little time for their own. Hence, turning off the television set is often a necessary step toward wholesome communication.
Just as there is a right time to speak, however, there is a time to keep quiet. the wise man said: "For everything there is an appointed time, . . .a time to keep quiet and a time to speak." Indeed, there are also proper words to say. "A word at its right time is O how good!" notes a proverb. (Ecclesiastes3:1, 7; Proverbs 15:23) So determine when it is the best time to make your point or to express your heart's concern. Ask yourself: '*Is my mate tired or in a relaxed and refreshed frame of mind? Is the subject that I wish to broach potentially explosive? What did my spouse object to in my choice of words when we last spoke about this matter?'
It is good to remember that people react best when they can see how cooperating or complying with a request would benefit them. If some stress has developed between mates, on of them might be inclined to say, "Something has been bothering me, and we are going to get it straightened out right now!" Of course, exact wording would depend on the circumstances, but it may be better to say something like this, "Dear, I have been thinking about the matter we discussed earlier and how things might be worked out." Which approach would your mate be more likely to appreciate?
Next time: How to Promote Wholesome Communication
Watchtower, 2000
Obstacles to Wholesome Communication
Most couples approach marriage with optimism, even euphoria. For many, however, the euphoria soon evaporates, and the optimism fades. Assuredness may be replaced by a bitter mixture of frustration, anger, hostility, even strong dislike. The marriage then becomes a situation of mere endurance "til death do us part." To improve or sustain the wholesome communication necessary for a good marriage, then, certain obstacles must be overcome.
A real obstacle to wholesome communication can be fear of how a marriage mate would react to certain information or expressed desire. For instance, fear of rejection may arise after one learns that a serious personal disability is developing. How does one explain to a mate that an upcoming procedure will drastically alter one's appearance or ability to function? (What happened to in sickness and in health, which include operations) In such cases, honest communication and thoughtful planning for the future are needed as never before. Verbal assurances of continuing love, along with frequent acts of tenderness, would communicate a personal interest that would help to promote a truly satisfying marriage. In marriage this proverb should find its richest expression: "A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress." -Proverbs 17:17.
Resentment is another obstacle to wholesome communication. It has fittingly been said that a happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers. To fit that description, a married couple would make every effort to follow the apostle Paul's practical advice: "Let the sun not set with you in a provoked state." (Ephesians 4:26) Applying this counsel instead of nursing anger or resentment certainly calls for humble communication. Partners in a good marriage do not persistently succumb to anger, quarreling, and holding a grudge. (Proverbs 30:33) They seek to imitate God, who does not harbor resentment. (Jeremiah 3:12) Indeed, they forgive each other from the heart. -Matthew 18:35.
A definite obstacle to any kind of communication is the silent treatment. This may involve glum expressions, heavy sighs, robot like actions and a one-sided embargo on speech. A marriage mate who acts in this way is communicating some form of displeasure. But vocalizing personal feelings in a frank and winning manner does much more to improve a marriage than does remaining silent and sullen.
Failure to listen well or at all when a mate speaks is another hurdle that must be overcome for good communication in the close quarters of marriage. Perhaps we are too tired or just too busy to muster the mental and emotional energy needed to listen to each other carefully. Arguments may erupt over misunderstood arrangements that one mate thought were clearly spelled out but that the other insists are being heard for the first time. Obviously, poor communication is responsible for such difficulties.
Next time: How to Promote Wholesome Communication
Watchtower, 2000
Most couples approach marriage with optimism, even euphoria. For many, however, the euphoria soon evaporates, and the optimism fades. Assuredness may be replaced by a bitter mixture of frustration, anger, hostility, even strong dislike. The marriage then becomes a situation of mere endurance "til death do us part." To improve or sustain the wholesome communication necessary for a good marriage, then, certain obstacles must be overcome.
A real obstacle to wholesome communication can be fear of how a marriage mate would react to certain information or expressed desire. For instance, fear of rejection may arise after one learns that a serious personal disability is developing. How does one explain to a mate that an upcoming procedure will drastically alter one's appearance or ability to function? (What happened to in sickness and in health, which include operations) In such cases, honest communication and thoughtful planning for the future are needed as never before. Verbal assurances of continuing love, along with frequent acts of tenderness, would communicate a personal interest that would help to promote a truly satisfying marriage. In marriage this proverb should find its richest expression: "A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress." -Proverbs 17:17.
Resentment is another obstacle to wholesome communication. It has fittingly been said that a happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers. To fit that description, a married couple would make every effort to follow the apostle Paul's practical advice: "Let the sun not set with you in a provoked state." (Ephesians 4:26) Applying this counsel instead of nursing anger or resentment certainly calls for humble communication. Partners in a good marriage do not persistently succumb to anger, quarreling, and holding a grudge. (Proverbs 30:33) They seek to imitate God, who does not harbor resentment. (Jeremiah 3:12) Indeed, they forgive each other from the heart. -Matthew 18:35.
A definite obstacle to any kind of communication is the silent treatment. This may involve glum expressions, heavy sighs, robot like actions and a one-sided embargo on speech. A marriage mate who acts in this way is communicating some form of displeasure. But vocalizing personal feelings in a frank and winning manner does much more to improve a marriage than does remaining silent and sullen.
Failure to listen well or at all when a mate speaks is another hurdle that must be overcome for good communication in the close quarters of marriage. Perhaps we are too tired or just too busy to muster the mental and emotional energy needed to listen to each other carefully. Arguments may erupt over misunderstood arrangements that one mate thought were clearly spelled out but that the other insists are being heard for the first time. Obviously, poor communication is responsible for such difficulties.
Next time: How to Promote Wholesome Communication
Watchtower, 2000
In 1778, Robert Barron patented a double-acting , lever-tumbler lock that remains a basis of the modern key lock. His design called for the use of a single key capable of raising the lock's two tumblers together.
Similarly, a successful marriage depends on a husband and wife working together in unison. ( too bad, it isn't that way with most couples) To unlock and experience the precious joys of a good marriage, one essential is wholesome communication. (Not very much of that going on anymore, unfortunately)
What Wholesome Communication Involves
What does wholesome communication involve? One dictionary defines communication as "the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs." (and ladies, this does not mean talk to the hand) communication therefore involves a sharing of sentiments and ideas. And wholesome communication entails things that are upbuilding, refreshing, virtuous, praiseworthy and consoling. -Ephesians 4:29-32; Philippians 4:8.
Wholesome communication is made possible by confidence, trust and mutual understanding. These qualities result when marriage is viewed as a lifelong relationship and there is genuine commitment to make it work. (most couples do not how, they give up too easily) Commenting on such a relationship, 18th -century essayist Joseph Addison wrote: "Two persons who have chosen each other out of all species, with the design to be each other's mutual comfort and entertainment, have, in that action, bound themselves to be good-humored, affable, discreet, forgiving, patient and joyful, with respect to each other's frailties and perfections, to the end of their lives." How happy such a union is! And these jewel like qualities can adorn your marriage, for they can be yours through wholesome communication.
Next time: Obstacles to Wholesome Communication
Watchtower, 2000
Similarly, a successful marriage depends on a husband and wife working together in unison. ( too bad, it isn't that way with most couples) To unlock and experience the precious joys of a good marriage, one essential is wholesome communication. (Not very much of that going on anymore, unfortunately)
What Wholesome Communication Involves
What does wholesome communication involve? One dictionary defines communication as "the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs." (and ladies, this does not mean talk to the hand) communication therefore involves a sharing of sentiments and ideas. And wholesome communication entails things that are upbuilding, refreshing, virtuous, praiseworthy and consoling. -Ephesians 4:29-32; Philippians 4:8.
Wholesome communication is made possible by confidence, trust and mutual understanding. These qualities result when marriage is viewed as a lifelong relationship and there is genuine commitment to make it work. (most couples do not how, they give up too easily) Commenting on such a relationship, 18th -century essayist Joseph Addison wrote: "Two persons who have chosen each other out of all species, with the design to be each other's mutual comfort and entertainment, have, in that action, bound themselves to be good-humored, affable, discreet, forgiving, patient and joyful, with respect to each other's frailties and perfections, to the end of their lives." How happy such a union is! And these jewel like qualities can adorn your marriage, for they can be yours through wholesome communication.
Next time: Obstacles to Wholesome Communication
Watchtower, 2000
Onward to Our Destination
Our faith and love may be severely tested before we reach the new system of things. But Jehovah has provided us with an anchor "both sure and firm" -our wonderful hope. (Hebrews 6:19; Romans 15:4, 13) When we are battered by opposition or other trials, we can endure if we are securely anchored by means of our hope. After one storm subsides but before another one breaks out, let us be determined to fortify our hope and strengthen our faith.
Before mentioning the "anchor for the soul," Paul said: "We desire each one of you to show the same industriousness [to "speed up,"] so as to have the full assurance of the hope down to the end,in order that you may not become sluggish, but be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." (Hebrews 6:11, 12) Impelled by love for Jehovah and for his Son and empowered by holy spirit, let us keep the ship of our faith on course until we reach the haven of God's promised new world.
Next time:WHOLESOME COMMUNICATION-A Key to a Good Marriage
Watchtower, 2000
Our faith and love may be severely tested before we reach the new system of things. But Jehovah has provided us with an anchor "both sure and firm" -our wonderful hope. (Hebrews 6:19; Romans 15:4, 13) When we are battered by opposition or other trials, we can endure if we are securely anchored by means of our hope. After one storm subsides but before another one breaks out, let us be determined to fortify our hope and strengthen our faith.
Before mentioning the "anchor for the soul," Paul said: "We desire each one of you to show the same industriousness [to "speed up,"] so as to have the full assurance of the hope down to the end,in order that you may not become sluggish, but be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." (Hebrews 6:11, 12) Impelled by love for Jehovah and for his Son and empowered by holy spirit, let us keep the ship of our faith on course until we reach the haven of God's promised new world.
Next time:WHOLESOME COMMUNICATION-A Key to a Good Marriage
Watchtower, 2000
Impelled by Love and Holy Spirit
A Christian will not progress toward the new system if his only motive for serving Jehovah is the hope of living forever on a paradise earth. While keeping his anchor of hop as a stabilizing factor in his life, he needs to add to it and to his faith the impelling force of love. Paul underscored this fact when he wrote: "There remain faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." -1 Corinthians 13:13.
Our motivating force in rendering sacred service should be heartfelt love for Jehovah, in response to his immeasurable love for us. The apostle John wrote: "He that does not love has not come to know God, because God is love. By this the love of God was made manifest in our case, because God sent forth his only-begotten Son into the world that we might gain life through him. As for us, we love, because he first loved us." ( 1 John 4:8, 9, 19) Out of gratitude to Jehovah, our primary concern should be, not to gain personal salvation, but to witness the sanctification of his holy name and the vindication of his righteous sovereignty.
Jehovah wants us to serve him because we love him, not just Paradise. The Bible encyclopedia Insight on the Scriptures states: "Jehovah glories in the fact that his sovereignty and the support of it by his creatures is based primarily on love. He desires only those who love his sovereignty because of his fine qualities and because it is righteous, who prefer his sovereignty to any other. (1 Corinthians 2:9) They choose to serve under his sovereignty rather than try to be independent-this because of their knowledge of him and of his love, justice, and wisdom, which they realize far surpasses their own. (Psalm 84:10, 11)" -Volume 2, page 275.
As Christians, we also show love for Jesus in response to his love for us. Paul reasoned: "The love the Christ has compels us, because this is what we have judged, that one man died for all; so, then, all had died; and he died for all that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised up." ( 2 Corinthians 5:14, 15) Christ is that very foundation upon which our spiritual lives, our faith and our hope are built. Our love for Christ Jesus bolsters our hope and stabilizes our faith. especially in times of stormy testing. -1 Corinthians 3:11; Colossians 1:23; 2:6, 7.
While our love for God and for his Son is the main impelling force in our lives as Christians, Jehovah provides something else that impels us, energizes us and gives us strength to go forward in his service. It is his active force, or holy spirit. The Hebrew and Greek words rendered "spirit" basically refer to the dynamic movement of the air, such as wind. Sailing ships like those Paul boarded relied on the invisible force of the wind to get to their destination. Similarly, we need love and the action of God's invisible active force if our ship of faith is to move us onward in Jehovah's service. -Acts 1:8; Ephesians 3:16.
Next time: Onward to Our Destination!
Watchtower, 2000
A Christian will not progress toward the new system if his only motive for serving Jehovah is the hope of living forever on a paradise earth. While keeping his anchor of hop as a stabilizing factor in his life, he needs to add to it and to his faith the impelling force of love. Paul underscored this fact when he wrote: "There remain faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." -1 Corinthians 13:13.
Our motivating force in rendering sacred service should be heartfelt love for Jehovah, in response to his immeasurable love for us. The apostle John wrote: "He that does not love has not come to know God, because God is love. By this the love of God was made manifest in our case, because God sent forth his only-begotten Son into the world that we might gain life through him. As for us, we love, because he first loved us." ( 1 John 4:8, 9, 19) Out of gratitude to Jehovah, our primary concern should be, not to gain personal salvation, but to witness the sanctification of his holy name and the vindication of his righteous sovereignty.
Jehovah wants us to serve him because we love him, not just Paradise. The Bible encyclopedia Insight on the Scriptures states: "Jehovah glories in the fact that his sovereignty and the support of it by his creatures is based primarily on love. He desires only those who love his sovereignty because of his fine qualities and because it is righteous, who prefer his sovereignty to any other. (1 Corinthians 2:9) They choose to serve under his sovereignty rather than try to be independent-this because of their knowledge of him and of his love, justice, and wisdom, which they realize far surpasses their own. (Psalm 84:10, 11)" -Volume 2, page 275.
As Christians, we also show love for Jesus in response to his love for us. Paul reasoned: "The love the Christ has compels us, because this is what we have judged, that one man died for all; so, then, all had died; and he died for all that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised up." ( 2 Corinthians 5:14, 15) Christ is that very foundation upon which our spiritual lives, our faith and our hope are built. Our love for Christ Jesus bolsters our hope and stabilizes our faith. especially in times of stormy testing. -1 Corinthians 3:11; Colossians 1:23; 2:6, 7.
While our love for God and for his Son is the main impelling force in our lives as Christians, Jehovah provides something else that impels us, energizes us and gives us strength to go forward in his service. It is his active force, or holy spirit. The Hebrew and Greek words rendered "spirit" basically refer to the dynamic movement of the air, such as wind. Sailing ships like those Paul boarded relied on the invisible force of the wind to get to their destination. Similarly, we need love and the action of God's invisible active force if our ship of faith is to move us onward in Jehovah's service. -Acts 1:8; Ephesians 3:16.
Next time: Onward to Our Destination!
Watchtower, 2000
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