

"Don't all parents correct their children?" -HEBREWS 12:7, Contemporary English Version

A SURVEY that was taken in Japan a few years ago revealed that about half of the adults interviewed felt  that there was too little communication between parents and their children and that parents indulged their children too much.  In another survey in that country, nearly a quarter of those who responded admitted that they did not know how to interact  with children.  This trend is not unique to the Orient.  "Many Canadian parents admitted  they feel unsure how to be good parents," reported The Toronto Star.  Everywhere, parents are finding it hard to bring up their children.

Why do parents have trouble rearing their children?  A major reason is that we are living in "the last days," and "critical times hard to deal with" are here.  (2 Timothy 3:1)  In addition,  "the inclination of the heart  of man is bad from his youth up," states the Bible.  (Genesis 8:21)  And youths are especially vulnerable to the attacks of Satan, who like "a roaring lion" preys on the inexperienced.  (1 Peter 5:8)  Obstacles certainly  abound for Christian parents, who set out to bring up their children "in the discipline and mental regulating of Jehovah."  (Ephesians 6:4)  How can parents help their children grow up to be mature worshipers of Jehovah, able to distinguish "both right and wrong?" -Hebrews 5:14.

Foolishness is tied up with the heart of a boy," observed wise King Solomon.  (Proverbs 13:1; 22:15)  To rid their hearts of such foolishness, young ones  require loving correction from their parents.  Youths, though, do not always welcome such correction.  In fact, they often resent counsel regardless of who gives it.  Parents, therefore, must learn to "train up a boy according to the way for him."  (Proverbs 22:6) When children take hold on such discipline, it can mean life to them. (Proverbs 4:13) How vital that parents know what is involved in training their young ones!

Next time: Discipline -What It Means

Watchtower, 2001

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