

"There remain faith,hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." -1 Corinthians 13:13.

THE apostle Paul warns us that, like a ship, our faith can be wrecked.  He speaks of "holding faith and a good conscience, which some have thrust aside and have experienced shipwreck concerning their faith."  (1 Timothy 1:19)  In the first century C.E., seagoing vessels were built of wood.  Their seaworthiness depended on the quality of the timber and on skillful shipbuilding.

What might be called the ship of our faith must remain afloat amid the turbulent seas of humanity.  (Isaiah 57:20; Revelation 17:15)  So it must be well built, and this depends on us.  When the  "seas" of the Jewish and Roman worlds were becoming  particularly rough for the early Christians, Jude wrote:  "Beloved ones, by building up  yourselves on your most holy faith, and praying with holy spirit, keep yourselves in God's love, while you are waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ with everlasting life in view."  (Jude 20, 21)  Since Jude also spoke of  fighting for 'the faith delivered to the holy ones,"  the expression "most holy faith" may refer to the whole range of Christian teachings, including the good news of salvation.  (Jude 3)  Christ is the foundation of that faith.  Strong faith is needed if we are to cling to true Christian faith.

Next time: Weathering the "Sect Scare" Storm

Watchtower, 2000

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