

Seek God . . and Really Find Him"

To develop faith and trust in someone, you need to know him and to learn how he thinks and acts.  This process involves the heart as well as the mind.  It is really the same when it comes to developing true faith in God.  You need to get to know him, to learn about his qualities and his personality, to find out how trustworthy and dependable he has proved to be in all that he has said and done. -Psalm 9:10; 145:1-21.

Some feel that this is impossible.  God, they say, is too distant, too mysterious-if he exists at all.  "If God is as real as he seems  to be to Christians like Sarah Jayne," asks the skeptic,  "why  doesn't he make himself known to the rest of us?"  But is God really too distant and unsearchable?  In a speech to the philosophers and intellectuals in Athens, the apostle Paul said that "the God that made the world and all the things  in  it" has provided all that is needed to "seek [him] . . . and really find  him."  In fact,  Paul said:  "He is not far off from each one of us." -Acts 17:24-27.

How, then, can you "seek God . . . and really find him"?  Some have done this simply by observing the universe around them .  For many, that in itself gives enough evidence to convince them that there must be  a Creator.  (Psalm 19:1; Isaiah 40:26; Acts 14:16, 17)  They feel, as the apostle Paul did, that "[God's] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even  his eternal power and Godship." -Romans 1:20; Psalm 104:24.

Next time: You Need the Bible

Watchtower, 2001

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