

An Inherent Human Need

King or commoner, ancient or modern-man has felt the need for trustworthy predictions regarding the future.  As intelligent creatures, we humans study the past, are aware of the present, and are especially interested in the future.  A Chinese proverb aptly says:  "He who could foresee affairs three days in advance would be rich for thousands of years."

Throughout the ages, millions have attempted to peer into he future by consulting what they perceived as being divine.  Take the ancient Greeks as an example.  They had scores of sacred oracles, such as those of Delphi, Delos,m and Dodona, where they could go and inquire of their gods with regard to political or military developments as well as such private affairs as travel, marriage and children.  Not just kings and military leaders but entire tribes and city-states sought guidance from the spirit realm through these oracles.

 According to one professor, there is now a "sudden proliferation of organizations devoted to the study  of the future."  Yet, many prefer to ignore the only accurate   source of prophecy-the Bible.  They pointedly dismiss any possibility that Bible prophecies contain the very information they are seeking.  Some scholars go so far as to equate Bible prophecy with the predictions given by ancient oracles.  And modern-day skeptics are  usually biased against Bible prophecy.

We invite you to check the record for yourself.  What does a careful comparison of Bible  predictions and human oracles reveal?  Can you trust Bible prophecy more than ancient oracles?  And can you reliably build your life around Bible prophecies?


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