

Turn Away From Bad

Apart from what happened to the nation of Israel as a whole, the Bible contains real-life experiences of individuals who were overtaken by jealously, immorality, greed, or pride.  Some of these men had served Jehovah for many years, but at one crucial moment in their life, their fear of God was  not sufficiently strong, and they reaped a bitter harvest.  Meditating on such Scriptural examples can strengthen our resolve not to make similar mistakes.  How sad it would be if we waited until we had a personal tragedy before taking God's advice to heart!  Contrary to what is commonly believed, experience -especially from self-indulgence-is not the best teacher. -Psalm b19:7.

Another powerful reason for cultivating godly fear is our desire to safeguard our relationship with God.  We fear to displease Jehovah because we treasure  his friendship.  Whom does God consider to be a friend, someone he would invite into his figurative tent? Only the one "who is walking faultlessly and practicing righteousness."  (Psalm 15:1, 2) if we value this privileged relationship with out Creator, we will take care to walk faultlessly in his eyes.

Sadly, some Israelites in Malachi's day took friendship with God for granted.  Instead of fearing and honoring Jehovah, they offered sick and lame animals on his altar.  Their lack of godly fear was also reflected  in their attitude toward marriage.  In order to marry younger women, they divorced the wives of their youth for trivial reasons.  Malachi told them that Jehovah hated  "a divorcing" and that their treacherous spirit had alienated them from their God.  How could God look with favor on their sacrifices when the altar was figuratively covered with tears-the bitter tears shed by their abandoned wives?  Such flagrant disrespect for his standards moved Jehovah to ask:  "Where is the fear of me?" -Malachi 1:6-8; 2:13-16.

Today, Jehovah likewise sees the heartbreak of many innocent mates and children who have been devastated by selfish and immoral husbands and fathers or even wives and mothers.  Surely it grieves him.  A friend of God will see matters the way God sees them and will work hard to strengthen his marriage, reject worldly thinking that belittles the importance of the marriage bond, and "flee from fornication. " -1 Corinthians 6:18.

In marriage as well as in other areas of our life, hatred for all that is bad in Jehovah's eyes, along with a deep; appreciation for his friendship, will bring Jehovah's favor and approval.  The apostle Peter firmly stated:  "For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him."  (Acts 10:34. 35) We  have Scriptural examples that show how godly fear moved individuals to do what was right in various trying circumstances.


The Watchtower, 2001

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