

Sexual Depravity Becomes Rampant

Our time corresponds to Noah's day in another respect.  Jehovah had commanded the first man and woman to "fill the earth" with their kind, using their God-given sexual powers honorably within the  marriage arrangement.   (Genesis 1:28) In Noah's day, disobedient angels contaminated humanity with unnatural sex.  They came down to earth, materialized bodies, and cohabited with beautiful women producing offspring that were half human, half demon -the Nephilim.  (Genesis 6:2, 4)  (that certainly sounds like one of ex husbands ancestors really did a no no, my ex husband was definitely an evil man) The sin of these lustful angels is likened to the perversions of Sodom and Gomorrah.  (Judah 6< 7) Consequently, sexual depravity was widespread in those days. (It is that way now too)

What about the moral climate of today? In these final days, the lives of many revolve around sex.  Paul graphically describes such ones as "having come to be past all moral sense";   (You certainly got that right)   many have given themselves over  "to loose conduct to work uncleanness of every sort of greediness."  (Ephesians 4:19) Pornography, premarital sex, sexual abuse of children, and homosexuality are common-place.  Some are already "receiving in themselves the full recompense" in the form of transmitted diseases, breakdown of family life, and other social ills. -Romans 1:26, 27.

In Noah's day, Jehovah sent the great Deluge and brought an end to that sex-crazed world.  We must never lose sight of the fact that these days are truly just as the days of Noah were.  The upcoming "great tribulation" will clear the earth of 'fornicators, adulterers, men kept for unnatural purposes, and men who life with men.'  (Matthew 24:21; 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; Revelation 21:8)  How urgent it is  that we cultivate hatred for what is bad and stay clear of circumstances that could lead to immorality! -Psalm 97:10; 1 Corinthians 6:18.

Next time: Earth Becomes "Filled With Violence"

The Watchtower, 2003

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