
Doers of GOD'S WORD Find Happiness- Day Three- Be Doers of Jehovah's Word

Day Three-Be Doers of Jehovah's Word

The final day of the convention started with a discussion of the day's text.  Then came the symposium "Zephaniah's Meaningful Prophecy for Those Doing God's Will."  The three talks of this symposium showed that, as he did in the days of wayward Judah, Jehovah will bring distress upon those who now refuse to heed his warning.  Because they sin against God, they will walk about as helpless as blind men, unable to find deliverance.  True Christians, however, faithfully keep seeking Jehovah, and they will be concealed in the day of God's anger. Moreover, they enjoy many blessings even now.  They have the blessed opportunity to speak the "pure language" of Bible truth. (Zephaniah 3:9) The speaker noted:  "Speaking the pure language involves not only believing the truth and teaching it to others but also harmonizing our conduct with God's laws and principles."

Conventioneers eagerly awaited the drama "Warning Examples for Our Day."   This full costume drama showed how thousands of Israelites lost their lives at the border of the promised land because they forgot Jehovah and were seduced by pagan women into fornication and false worship.  One of the main characters -Jamin-was initially torn between the allure of the Moabite women and his devotion to Jehovah.  The false reasoning and deceptive things of ungodly Zimri came prominently to the fore, as did the faith and devotion of Phinehas.  The danger of becoming involved with those who do not love Jehovah was vividly portrayed .

The drama set the tone for the follow-up talk,  "Do Not Become Forgetful Hearers."  An analysis of 1 Corinthians 10:1-10 showed that Jehovah tests our obedience to determine our worthiness to receive an inheritance in the new world.  For some, fleshly desires  crowd out spiritual goals even now, close to our entry  into the new system.  All were encouraged not to forfeit the opportunity to 'enter into Jehovah's rest.' -Hebrews 4:1.

The public discourse was on the subject "Why Be Attentive to God's Wonderful Works."  Jeh0vah's "wonderful works" demonstrate his wisdom and his authority over the physical creation all around us.  (Job 37:14)  A number of searching questions from Jehovah were enough to impress Job with the power of the almighty Creator.  Jehovah will also do future  "wonderful works" in behalf of his faithful servants.  The speaker concluded:  "We have abundant reason to give attention to Jehovah's wonderful works-what he has done in the past, what he is doing around us in creation today, and what he promises to do in the near future."

Following a summary of the Watchtower study article for the week, the final talk of the convention was presented.  Entitled "Highly Esteem Your Privilege as a Doer of God's Word," this stirring discourse stressed that it is an honor to be doers of God's Word.  (James 1:22) The audience was reminded that our privilege as doers of God's Word is unique, and the longer we exercise it, the more highly we will esteem it. All in attendance were encouraged to reflect the beneficial stimulation of this district convention in their desire to be doers of God's Word to the fullest extent.  That is the only way to experience the greatest happiness possible.  

Next time:Jesus' Family  Who Were They?

The Watchtower, 2001

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