

Resist Spiritual Drowsiness

The very prophecy that speaks of the oncoming "war of the great day of God the Almighty" at Armageddon warns that some may not keep awake.  "Look!  I am coming as a thief," says the Lord Jesus Christ.  "Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer garments, that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness."  (Revelation 16:14-16)  The outer garments mentioned here refer to what identifies us as Christian Witnesses of Jehovah.  This includes  our work as Kingdom proclaimers and our Christian conduct.  If we slide into sleep like inactivity, we may be stripped  of our Christian identity.  That is shameful and dangerous. We must resist falling into a state of spiritual drowsiness or lethargy.  How can we resist such an inclination?

The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the need to keep awake and keep our senses.  For example,the Gospel accounts remind us:  "Keep on the watch" (Matthew 24:42; 25:13; Mark 13:35. 37); "prove yourselves ready"  (Matthew 24:44);  "Keep looking, keep awake"  (Mark 13:33); "Keep ready"   (Luke 12:40).  After stating that the day of Jehovah is going to come unexpectedly upon the world, the apostle Paul urges fellow believers:  "Let us not sleep on as the rest do, but let us stay awake and keep our senses."  (1 Thessalonians 5:6)  In the last book of the Bible, the glorified Christ Jesus stresses the suddenness of his coming, saying:  "I am coming quickly."  (Revelation 34:11; 22:7, 12, 20)  Many of the Hebrew prophets also describe and warned of the great day of Jehovah's judgment.  (Isaiah 2:12, 17; Jeremiah  30:7; Joel 2:11; Zephaniah 3:8)  reading God's  Word, the Bible, daily and reflecting on what we read is a fine help; in remaining spiritually alert.

Yes, what  a stimulant to our spiritual wakefulness is diligent personal study of the Scriptures using Bible-based publications provided by "the faithful and discreet slave"!  (Matthew 24:45-47)  For personal study to produce benefits,m however, it must be progressive and consistent.  (Hebrews 5:14-6:3) We must take in solid spiritual food regularly.  Finding time for it in this day and age may be a challenge. (Do it, it is more important than those stupid tennis lessons or dancing lessons etc.  God should always come first and foremost in your life)  (Ephesians  5:15, 16) Still, reading the Bible and Scriptural publications  only when it is convenient is not enough.  Regular personal study is essential if we are to stay "healthy in the faith" and keep awake. -Titus 1:13. 

Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions also help us to fight spiritual drowsiness.  How?  By means of the instruction we receive.  At these gatherings, are we not regularly reminded of the nearness of the day of Jehovah?  Weekly Christian meetings also provide opportunities to 'incite one another to love and fine works.'  Such inciting, or stirring up, is conducive to spiritual wakefulness.  Not surprisingly, we are commanded  to gather regularly as we "behold the day drawing near." -Hebrews 10:24, 25.

We are also helped to remain awake when we share wholeheartedly in the Christian ministry.  What better means is there to keep fresh in mind the signs of the times and their meaning than to talk to others about them?  And when we see those with whom we study the Bible make progress and begin to act on what they are learning our own sense of urgency is heightened.  "Brace up your minds for activity," said the apostle Peter,  "keep your senses completely."  (1 Peter 1:13)  "Always having plenty to do in the work of the Lord" is a fine remedy for spiritual stupor.  -1 Corinthians 15:58.

Next time: Shun Spiritually Damaging Life-Styles

The Watchtower, 2003

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