
THE GOLDEN RULE A Universal Teaching - Golden Rule Tarnished

Golden Rule Tarnished

Throughout history, there have been cases of crime against humanity in which the rights of people were totally ignored.  These include the slave out of Africa, Nazi death camps, Japanese pow camps,  forced child labor, and brutal genocides in one place or another, the horrifying list could be much longer.  

Today, our high-tech world is self-centered.  Few people think about others when their own convenience or supposed rights are at stake.  (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Why have so many become selfish, cruel, unfeeling, and self-centered?  Is it not because the Golden Rule, though still widely known, is being brushed aside as unrealistic , a moral relic?  Sadly, this is the case even among many who claim to believe in God.  And judging by the way things are going,  people will only become more self-centered.

Therefore, the vital questions that must be considered  are:  What does living  by the Golden Rule involve?  Does anyone still live by it?  And will there ever be a time when all mankind will live in harmony with the Golden Rule?  For the truthful answers to these questions, please read the following article.

Next time: THE GOLDEN RULE It Is Practical

The Watchtower, 2001

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