

Reunion in Dominican Republic

Unbeknownst to each other, Mark and Dennis were working on similar projects in the Dominican Republic. One day they happened upon each other at the branch facilities of Jehovah's Witnesses in Santo Domingo. As you can imagine, they were delighted to get reacquainted. After all, they were both 33 years older and had a lot of catching up to do. With growing wonder, they shared much of what you have read above. But most remarkable to them-as well as to all with whom they have shared their experiences-were the many similarities in their lives. 

Both lived-hippies live-styles and moved to remote  areas to get away from the materialistic modern way of life with all its anxieties. Dennis married a girl named Kathy; Mark married a girl named Kathi. Both men accepted  a Bible study when attending their first meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses. Both were baptized in March 1974.  Both became members  of branch families of Jehovah's Witnesses-Dennis in the United States and Mark in Canada. both have made efforts to keep life simple in order to pursue spiritual goals.  (Matthew 6:22) Both became involved in international construction and have received assignment in numerous countries. Until their chance meeting in the Dominican Republic, neither had ever met any former friends who had accepted Bible truths.  

Do Mark and Dennis attribute these remarkable coincidences to fate? Not at all.  They recognize that, as the Bible says,  "time and unforeseen occurrence befall [us] all"-sometimes in very interesting ways.  (Ecclesiastes  9:11) However, they also recognize that something else played a role in their reunion: their mutual quests for purpose in life and their love for Jehovah God.

The history of Dennis and Mark highlights some things that are common to all honest-hearted ones who learn Bible truth. Dennis comments:  "What Mark and I have experienced demonstrates that Jehovah is aware of the life situations of people, and when their heart becomes rightly disposed, he draws  them to him." -2 Chronicles 16:9; John 6:44. Acts 13:48. 

Mark adds:  "Jehovah definitely blesses those who put his Kingdom first.  I consider it a special blessing to be able to serve as a member of the Canada branch family and to participate  in international construction."

A unique reunion?  Yes, because as Mark says:  "The real reason why meeting up with each other was such a thrill is that both of us have come to know, love, and serve the unique God, Jehovah.  

Next time: Who are Jehovah's Witnesses?

From the Awake! magazine, 2002

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