
"Do You Love Me More Than These?" -Conclusion of KEEP SECULAR WORK IN ITS PROPER PLACE

"After planning for about a year" he explained, "I decided to become a street vendor and sell ice cream. In the beginning, I struggled financially and got discouraged.  When I met my former workmates, they would laugh at me and ask why I thought selling ice cream was better than working with computers in an air-conditioned environment. I prayed to Jehovah, asking him to help me to cope and to reach my goal of having more time for spiritual activities.  Before long, thing began to improve. I got better acquainted with my customers' tastes and became more skillful in making ice cream. Soon, I was selling all my ice cream every day. Actually, I was better-off financially than when I worked  with computers. It has made me happier because I do not have the stress and worry that I had with my former job. And most important, I now feel closer to Jehovah." -Read Matthew 5:3, 6.  

Industriousness is a godly quality, and hard work is rewarding.  (Proverbs 12:14) Still, as the brother mentioned above learned, secular work needs to be kept in its proper place. Jesus said:  "Keep on, then seeking first the kingdom  and his righteousness, and all these other things [basic material needs] will be added to you."  (Matthew 6:33) To help  determine whether we have a balanced view of secular matters and spiritual responsibilities, it is good to ask ourselves:  'Do I find secular work interesting and exciting but view my spiritual activities as ordinary or routine?'  Thinking  about and meditating  on how we feel about our secular and spiritual activities can help us to determine where our true affection lies. 

Jesus set the standard in balancing secular interests and spiritual matters. On one occasion, Jesus visited the home of Mary and her sister, Martha.  While Martha scurried about preparing a meal, Mary chose to sit at Jesus' feet and listen to him.  When Martha complained that Mary was not helping, Jesus told Martha:  "Mary chose the good portion, and it will not be taken away from her."  (Luke 10:38-42)  Jesus was teaching Martha a valuable lesson. To avoid being distracted by secular matters and  to prove our love for Christ, we must continue to choose "the good portion,"  to give priority to spiritual things. 

Next time: "Do You Love Me More Than These?" -OUR VIEW OF RECREATION AND ENTERTAINMENT

From the jw.org publications 

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