
Set Your Heart on Spiritual Treasures -OUR LIFESAVING MINISTRY

Recall that Jesus has assigned us to preach and teach the good news of God's Kingdom. (Matthew 28:19, 20) The apostle Paul recognized the high value of the ministry.  He described the ministry of the new covenant as a "treasure in earthen vessels."  (2 Corinthians 4:7; 1 Timothy 1:12)  Although we are simply imperfect earthen vessels, the message we preach can bring everlasting life to us and to those who listen to us. Knowing this, Paul said:  "I do all things for the sake of the good news, in order to share it with others."  (1 Corinthians 9:23)  Yes, Paul's love for the ministry moved him to work hard at making disciples.  (Read Romans  1:14, 15; 2 Timothy 4:2)  That helped him to endure severe opposition.  (1 Thessalonians 2:2) How can we demonstrate such love for the ministry? 

One way that Paul demonstrated appreciation for the ministry was by being alert to opportunities to speak to others.  Like the apostles and early Christians, we preach informally, publicly, and from house to house. (Acts 5:42; 20:20) As our circumstances  allow,we look for ways to expand our ministry, perhaps by serving as an auxiliary or a regular pioneer. We might also learn another language, move to another area in our own country, or even move to another land. -Acts 16:9, 10. 

Consider the example of Irene, a single sister in the United States. She had a deep desire to preach to Russian-speaking immigrants. When she began doing so in 1993, there were only about 20 publishers in the Russian language group on New York City.  For some 20 years, Irene has worked hard in that language field.  "I still do not speak  Russian perfectly," Irene admits.  Yet,  Jehovah has blessed her zealous spirit and that of others like her.   Today, there are six Russian congregations in  New York City. Fifteen of those with whom Irene studied got baptized. Some of them serve as Betheletes, pioneers, and elders. Irene says,  "When I think of other goals I could have pursued, I can't imagine one that would have brought me more joy." Yes, she treasures her ministry!

If we treasure our ministry, we will be like the apostle Paul, continuing to preach despite persecution.  (Acts 14:19-22)  During the 1930's  and early 1940's, our brothers  in the United States faced tremendous opposition. Yet, like Paul, they stood firm and continued preaching.  To protect our right to do that, the brothers fought many legal battles.  In 1943, Brother Nathan H. Knorr, when commenting on one victory in the U.S. Supreme Court, stated:  "The victories won are due to your fight.   If the publisher had not kept on in the field, there would not be any case in the Supreme Court; but it is because you, the publisher, the brothers all over the world, keep on and will not quit that the defeat of persecution is brought about.  It is this victory of the Lord's people standing firm that finally brings that decision."  This same firm stand by brothers in other countries has led to similar victories. Yes, our love for the ministry can defeat persecution.  

When we view the ministry as a priceless treasure from Jehovah, we will never be content with simply "counting time."  Rather, we will do everything in our power "to bear thorough witness to the good news." (Acts 20:24; 2 Timothy 4:5)  But what will we teach to others?  Consider another treasure from God.

Next time: Set Your Heart on Spiritual Treasures -OUR TREASURES STORE OF REVEALED TRUTHS 

From the jw.org publications 

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