
Jehovah God Provides Comfort in All Our Trials-Conclusion of PROBLEMS IN MARRIAGE

Consider another example. A sister in England always wanted to have children. When she realized that she would not be able to have children int his system, she felt devastated.  Then she and her husband decided to adopt a child. But she still grieved for some time. She said, "I knew that adoption would not exactly be the same as giving birth to my own child."

The Bible says that a woman "will be kept safe through childbearing."  (1 Timothy 2:15)  But this does not mean that she will get everlasting life just because she has children. So,l what does this verse mean?  A mother is very busy caring for her children and home. That can help her avoid such things as gossiping or getting involved in things that do not concern her. (1 Timothy 5:13)  Even so, she may still have problems in her marriage and family. 

Among the tribulations that some married people may have is the death of their mate. Even though they may have thought that this would never happen to them, many have had to endure this very difficult situation. Christians firmly believe in the promise of the resurrection, and this givens them much comfort.  (John 5:28, 29) In his Word, our Father, Jehovah made many promises that comfort us during difficult times. Now let us see how some of Jehovah's servants have felt that comfort and how it has helped them. 

Next time: Jehovah God Provides Comfort in All Our Trials -COMFORT WHEN WE SUFFER TRIALS

From the jw.org publications 

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