

We find many instances where Jehovah's compassion must have been involved. Think of what God did for Lot. That righteous man was "greatly distressed" by the brazen conduct of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. Indeed, God determined that those immoral people deserved to die.  (2 Peter 2:7, 8)  God sent angels to rescue Lot.  They urged him and his family to flee from the doomed cities.  "When he kept lingering, then because of Jehovah's compassion for him the [angels] seized hold of his hand and the hand of his wife and the hands of his two daughters, and they brought him out and stationed him  outside the city."  (Genesis 1 9:16) Does that example not indicate that Jehovah is fully aware of the difficult situations in which his faithful people sometimes find themselves? -Isaiah 63:7-9; James 5:11;  2 Peter 2:9. 

Not only has Jehovah shown compassion but he has also taught his people the need to display that quality. Consider the law given to Israel regarding the seizing of a man's garment as security for a loan.  (Read Exodus 22:26, 27)  A hard-hearted lender might have been tempted to seize the debtor's garment, leaving him without a covering in which to sleep. Yet, Jehovah taught his people to avoid such an unfeeling attitude and course.  His people were to be compassionate. Does not the principle reflected in that particular law move us to action?  Would we want to leave our brothers out  in the cold so to speak, if there is something that we can do to relieve their suffering? -Colossians 3:12; James 2:15, 16; read 1 John 3:17.

Jehovah felt compassion for his people Israel even when they sinned. We read: "Jehovah the God of their forefathers kept warning them by means of his messengers, warning them again and again, because he felt compassion for his people and for his dwelling place." (2 Chronicles 36:15)  Should we not feel similar compassion for people who could potentially repent over a sinful life course gain God[s favor?  Jehovah does not want any to be destroyed in the coming judgment.  (2 Peter 3:9) So until God acts to destroy the wicked, let us continue to proclaim his compassionate warning message. 

Many experiences could be used to illustrate God's acts of compassion. Consider what happened to the family of a 12-year -old lad whom we call Milan. It was during a time of ethnic strife in the early 1990's. Milan, his brother, his parents, and a number of other Witnesses were riding on a bus from Bosnia to Serbia. They were on their way to a convention at which Milan's parents intended to get baptized. But at the border, soldiers pulled the family off the bus because of their ethnicity; yet, they allowed the other brothers to proceed. After the family for two days, the officer in charge radioed his superior to ask what should be done with them. The officer was standing right in front of the family, so all heard the response, "Just take them out and shoot them!"   

Next time: Imitate Jehovah's Compassion -JEHOVAH THE PERFECT MODEL OF COMPASSION

From the jw.org publications   

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