
Build Strong Friendships Before the End Comes - HEART-TO-- HEART COMMUNCATION

We might find it difficult to open up to others because someone might hurt us in the past.  (Proverbs 8:19, 24) Or we may feel that we lack the time and energy to cultivate close relationships.  However, we should not give up. If we want our brothers to stand by us when trials come up, we must learn to trust them now with our thoughts and feelings. That is an important step toward becoming true friends. - 1 PETER 11:22.

Jesus showed that he trusted his friends by communicating openly with them.  (John 15:15) We can imitate him by sharing our joys, concerns, and disappointments with others. Listen carefully as someone talks to you, and you may learn  that you have many thoughts, feelings, and goals in common.  Consider the example of Cindy, as sister in her 20's. She befriended a pioneer in her 60's named Mary-Louise. Cindy and Mary-Louise work together in field service. Thursday morning, and they talk freely with each other about a variety of subjects. Cindy says, "I enjoy having deep conversations with friends because this helps me to know and understand them better." Friendship thrives in the warm atmosphere of open communication.  Like Cindy, if you take the initiative to have warm and open communication with others, your friendships with them are likely to grow. - PROVERBS 27:9. 

Next time: Build Strong Friendships Before the End Comes - WORK TOGETHER

From the jw.org publications

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