
Reaching the Hearts of Non-Religious People - SHARING THE TRUTH WITH PEOPLE FROM ASIA

Worldwide, many publishers are meeting people from nations in Asia, including some who come from places where governments  have put limits on religious activity.  In a number of Asian countries, many have never given serious consideration to the idea of a Creator.  Some are curious and accept a direct offer of a Bible study, but others initially hesitate  to explore new ideas.  What can we do to reach them?  Some experienced publishers  have success by starting a casual conversation, showing personal interest, and then when appropriate relating how their life improved when they started applying a specific Bible principle.

Many people are first attracted to the practical wisdom found in the Bible.  (Ecclesiastes 7:12)  In New York, a sister who visits Mandarin speaking people says:  "I try to take an interest in people and listen to them.  If I learn that they are new  immigrants, I might ask: "How are you settling in?  Have you found work? Are the local people treating you well?"   Sometimes this opens the way to introduce a Bible teaching.  When appropriate, the sister may add:  "What would you say is the key to getting along with people?  May I show you a proverb from the Bible?  It says: 'Beginning a fight  is like opening a flood gate, before the quarrel breaks out, take your leave.'  Dob you think that this is advice would help us get along with others?"  (Proverbs 17:14) Such conversations can help us to identify people who would welcome further visits.

What about those who tell us that they do not believe in God?  A brother with much experience preaching to non-religious people in the Far East explains:  "Typically, when a person here says, 'I don't believe in God,'  he means that he does not believe in worshipping traditional gods.  So I usually agree  that most gods are man-made and are not real. I often read Jeremiah 16:20: 'Can man make gods for himself when they are not really gods?'  Then I ask: 'How could we tell a real god from man-made ones?'  I listen carefully, and then I read Isaiah 41:23: "Tell us what will happen in the future, so that we may know that you are gods.'   Then I show an example of how Jehovah has foretold the future." 

Next time: Reaching the Hearts of Non-Religious People - Conclusion of SHARING THE TRUTH WITH PEOPLE FROM ASIA

From the jw.org publications

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