
Word Pictures in the Bible - Do You Understand Them? - Word Pictures That Teach Us About God

No human can possibly grasp all aspects of the personality and powers of the Almighty.  In ancient time, King David wrote that Jehovah's  "greatness us unsearchable." (Psalm 145:3)  After  considering some of God's creative works, Job exclaimed:  "Look! These are the fringes of his ways, and what a whisper of a matter had been heard of him!  But of his mighty thunder who can show an understanding?" - JOB 26:14.

Even so, the Bible uses word pictures to help you comprehend, in a limited way, the magnificent qualities of our  heavenly God.  Jehovah is depicted as  a King, a Lawmaker, a Judge, and a Warrior-clearly someone you should respect. He is also portrayed as a Shepherd, a Counselor, a Teacher, a Father, a Healer, and a Savior-someone you can love. (Psalm 16:7; 23:1; 32:8; 71:17;  89:26; 103:3; 106:21; Isaiah  33:22; 42:13; John 6:45) Each of these simple descriptions invokes a host of warm images with several points of similarity. Such word pictures convey more than an abundance of words during adequately could.

The Bible also likens Jehovah to an inanimate things. He is described as "the Rock of Israel," as a "crag," and as a "stronghold." (Samuel 23:3; Psalm 18:2; Deuteronomy 32:4)  What is the point of similarity?  Just as a large rock is solidly placed, unmovable, so Jehovah God can be a solid source of security for you. 

The book of Psalms is packed with word pictures that describe different facets of Jehovah's  personality.  For example, Psalm 84:11  speaks of Jehovah as "a sun and a shield" because he is the Source of light, life, energy, and protection.  On the other hand, Psalm 121:5 says that "Jehovah is your shade on your right hand."  Just as place of shade can protect y0u from the blazing sun, Jehovah can protect those who serve him from the heat of calamity, giving them shadow-like protection under his "hand" or under his "wings." - ISAIAH 51:16; PSALM 17:8; 36:7. 

Next time: Word Pictures in the Bible - Do You Understand Them? - Word Pictures That Describe Jesus

From the jw.org publications

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