
"Give Thanks for Everything" - GRATITUDE AND A BALANCED VIEW OF SELF

One solid reason for us to cultivate a grateful spirit is that it can contribute to a positive view of ourselves.  A person who offers thanks is likely inclined  to feel good about himself, and the one who receives the thanks feels better too. Why does gratitude produce both effects?  Well, consider this example:  When you realize that others are willing  to something for you, does that not suggest that you must be worth the effort?  They care for you. When you sense that care, it should suggest that you feel good about yourself. We can imagine that was so in the case of Ruth. Boaz showed generously to Ruth.  No doubt  it made Ruth very happy to realize that someone cared about her.- RUTH 2:10-13.

It is especially appropriate to be grateful to God. No  doubt, you have at times thought about the many spiritual and physical gifts he has provided and continues to provide. (Deuteronomy 8:16, 18; Acts 14:17) But rather than give God's goodness just a brief thought, why not take time to ponder the many blessings that God has poured out on your and your loved ones.  Meditating on your Creator's generosity  will intensify your appreciation for him and reinforce your sense of how much he loves you and appreciates you. - 1 JOHN 4:9.

But go beyond just thinking about his generosity and pondering the blessings; give thanks to Jehovah for his goodness.  Psalm 100:4, 5) It has been said that "the expression of gratitude contributes in an important way to human happiness."

Next time: "Give Thanks for Everything" - GRATITUDE DRAWS PEOPLE CLOSER TOGETHER

From the jw.org publications

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