
Jehovah Provides for Your Liberty - THE FIRST TO BE LIBERATED

The liberty or freedom, that Isaiah foretold and that Jesus read about began to be  granted in the first century.  Jesus confirmed this when he announced:  "Today, this scripture that you just heard is fulfilled." () 

Luke 4:21)  Many who heard what Jesus read were probably looking for some political change, for liberation from Rome.  They  may have felt like the two men who said" We were hoping that this man was the one who was going to deliver Israel." (Luke 24:13,21)  But you  know that Jesus did not urge his followers to revolt against the heavy yoke of Rome.  Instead, he instructed them to pay "Caesar's things to Caesar." (Matthew 22:21) So how did Jesus bring freedom at that time? 

God's Son came to help people gain liberty, or freedom, in two ways.   First, Jesus opened the way to liberty from the oppressive  doctrines taught by the religious leaders.  Many Jews back then were enslaved to traditions and mistaken beliefs.  (Matthew 5:31-37; 15:1-11)  Those who presumed to be spiritual guides were in a sense blind.  In rejecting the Messiah and the spiritual enlightenment he offered. they remained in darkness and in sin. (John 9:1, 14-16, 35-41) By his correct teachings, and good example, Jesus made known to meek ones a spiritual liberation. - MARK 1:22; 2:23-3:5.

The second way in which Jesus provided liberation involved freeing mankind from enslavement to inherited sin. On the basis of Jesus' sacrifice, God could forgive the sins of those who show faith  and who accept the ransom he provided.  (Hebrews 10:12-18) Jesus said: "If the Son sets you free, you will be truly free." (John 8:36)  That freedom was certainly greater than what could be gained during Israel's Jubilee year!  For instance, a man set free during the Jubilee might again become a slave, and in any case, he would eventually die.

On the day of Pentecost C.E. , Jehovah anointed with holy spirit the apostles and other faithful men and women.  He adopted them as his sons so that in time they would be resurrected to heaven and reign with Jesus. (Romans 8:2, 15-17)  These were the first to benefit  from the liberty that Jesus announced in the synagogue of Nazareth.  Those men and women were no longer enslaved to false teachings and unscriptural practices  of the Jewish religious leaders.   God also considered them liberated from the deadly effects of sin.  They symbolic Jubilee that began with the anointing of Christ's followers in 33 C.E. will end at the conclusion of Jesus' Thousand Year Reign.  What will have been accomplished by that time?

Next time: Jehovah Provides for Your Liberty - Aspects of the Symbolic Jubilee

From the jw.org publications

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