
Elijah Stood Up for Pure Worship


Elijah looked out over the crowd as they trudged up the slopes of Mount Carmel.  Even in the dim light of early morning, the poverty and want afflicting these people were plain to see. The drought, three an a half years long, had left its mark on them.

Among them strutted the 450 prophets of Baal, full of pride and burning hatred for Elijah, Jehovah's prophet.   Queen Jezebel had executeed many servants of Jehovah, but this man still stood firm against Baal worship. Ah, but for how long?  Perhaps those priests reasoned that a lone man could never prevail against all of them.  (1 Kings 18:4, 19, 20) King Ahab had also come riding his royal chariot. He too bore no love for Elijahj.

Ahead of that solitary  prophet lay a day like no other in his life. As Elijah watched, the stage was being set for one of the most dramatic  confrontations between good and evil that the world has ever seen. How did he feel as that day dawned?  He was not impervious to fear, being "a man with feelings like ours." (Read James 5:17) We can be sure, at least, of this much: Surrounded by the faithless people, their apostate king, and those murderous priests, Elijah keenly felt that he was all alone. -  1 KINGS 18:22. 

What, though, had brought Israel to this crisis?  And what does this account have to do with you?  Consider Elijah's examnple of faith and how practical it can be for us today. 

Next time: Elijah Stood Up for Pure Worship - A Long Struggle Reaches a  Climax

From the jw.org publications

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