
The Bible - A Book of Accurate Prophecies - "The End Times"

Prophecy 5: 

"People will "betray one another and will hate one another. . . . The love of the greater number will cool off. -MATTHEW 24:10, 12.

Fulfillment: Hate-fueled genocide has claimed the lives of millions. In numerous countries, armed conflicts and crime have led to cycles of increasing fear and violence. 

What the evidence reveals:

* The Nazi regime killed six million Jews and millions of othes. Regarding the reaction of ordinary citizens, author Zygmunt Bauman observes: "Mass destruction was accompanied not by the uproar of emotions, but the dead slience of unconcern."

* According to BBC News, it is estimated thaty some 800,000Tutsi  and moderate Hutu were killed within just a few months.  One researcher estimates that some 200,000  people particpated in the mass murder.

* Each year, more than 740,000 people die as a result of crime and armed conflict. 

Next time: The Bible - A Book of Accurate Prophecies - "The End Times" -Prophecy 6

From the jw.org publications

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