
Is the End Near?


3. THE EARTH IS BEING RUINED The  Bible states that God will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth." (Revelation 11:18) In what ways would people be ruining the earth?  The  time period when Noah lived was described in a similar way: "The earth had become ruined in the sight of the true God, and the earth was filled with violence.  Yes, God looked down upon the earth, and it was ruined."So God said of that corrupt society: "I am bringing them to ruin." (Genesis 6:11-13) Have you noticed the mounting evidence that the earth is becoming filled with violence? Additionally, humans have arrived at a unique poing in history:  They have the potential to literally ruin the earth by wiping out all human life on it.  They have the weaponry in their hands.  And the earth is being ruined in another way.  The systems that support life on earth-the air we breath, the animal and plant ecosystems, the oceans-are steadily being degraded because of human mismanagement. 

Ask yourself, 'Just over a century ago, did mankind even have the power of complete self-destruction? But now humans are exerting that power by amassing advanced weaponry and by devastating the environment.  The rapid developments in technology  seem to be outpacing man's ability to understand or control the consequences.  However, earth's destiny is not for man to decide or control.  Before all life on this earth is eradicated, God will step in to destroy those destroying the earth.  What is his promise!

4. A GLOBAL PREACHING WORK Another part of the sign of the end foretold that an unprecedented work would be under way:"This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for  a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14)  This preaching campaign would differ significantly from most  religious proselytizing carried out over the centuries.  During the last days, a specific message would be emphasized, "this good news of the Kingdom." Do you know of any religious group that highlights that particular message?? and even if some seem to be preaching such a message, are they a local group, or have they spread this good news to "all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the  nations?

The web site www.jw.org focuses on "this good news of the Kingdom." The site features literature explaining that message in over 700 languages.  Do you know of any other initiative that emphasizes the Kingdom news to such a global extent? Long before the Internet was available, Jehovah's Witnesses had gained a reputation for their efforts to spread the good news about God's Kingdom.  Since 1939, the cover of each issue  of The Watchtower magazine has displayed the words "Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom." A book on religions commented that the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses had been "almost paralleled in itss intensity and scope."  This witnessing emphasizes the good news that very soon "the end will come" through the action of God's Kingdom. 

Next time: Is the End Near? - A PIVOTAL POINT IN WORLD HISTORY

From the jw.org publications 

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