
The Bible-A Book of Accurate Prophecy - "The Last Days"


Prophecy 1:

"Nation will rise against nation."- MATTHEW 24:7.

Fulfillment: In the early years of the 20th century, many were expecting continued peace.  The start of World War I shocked the world and began an era of unprecendented warfare.  As the Bible book of Revelation foretold, peace was "take away from the earth so that they [mankind]should slaughter one another." - REVELATION 6:4.

What the evidence reveals: 

* "The outbreak of the First World War in 1914 still seems to mark the end of an era and the beginning of a new one." - The Origins of the First World War, published in 1992. 

* Although the catasrophic death tol of World War I cannot be precisely determined, one enclyclopedia estimates that military deaths alone totaled 8,500, 000. 

* Word War II was far more deadly, with figures varying from some 35 million to 60 million soldiers and civilians  killed.

* Between the end of the second world war and 2010, there were 246 armed conflicts in 151 locations worldwide. 

Prophecy 2: 

"There will be food shortages ." - MATTHEW 24:7. 

Fulfillment: Famine caused more than 70 million deaths in teh 20th century and continues to be a global problem.

What the evidence reveals: 

* According to the United Nations, hunger is the world's greatest health risk, and 1 in 7 people worldwide don't get enough to eat. 

Note: They either don't get enough to eat or the government there doesn't give much to the charity or none at all, to those charities or people who feed them. They put it in their pockets and call it administrative fees, like here in the United States.  Jerry Lewis when doing a Telethon said so himself years ago and the more these charites get, the less the people who need it get the most get. That's why they keep begging.  For more money to go in their pockets and less for the people who need it. 

* "Today's food shortages are not the result of one-time, weather-driven crop failures but rather of four critical long-term trends; rapid population growth, loss of topsoil, spreading water shortages and raising temperatures." Scientific American.

Note: Not totally. Not many people want to believe this, but the government take that food and stores it also, so that people  don't as much or don't eat at all. They are not above killing someone for their own selfish motives.  Something to think and dwell on. 😒

Next time: The Bible-A Book of Accurate Prophecy -"The Last Days" - Prophecy 3

From the jw.org publications 

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