
She Opened Hre Heart to God in Prayer - Conclusion of "Self-Concerned No More


Humans, however, are not as uunderstanding and empathetic as Jehovah is.  As Hannah wept and prayed, she was startled by a voice. It was Eli, the high priest, who had been observing her.  He said: "How long will you behave drunk?  Put away your wine from upon you." Eli had notice Hannah's quivering lips, her sobs, and her emtional demeanor. Instead of inquring what was wrong, he jumped to the conclusion that she was drunk.  - 1 SAMUEL 1:12-14. 

How hurtful for Hannah, in that moment of angush, to have to face such a baseless accusation-and that from a man who held such an honored position!  Nevertheless, she again swet a praiseworthy example of faith.  She did let a man's imperfections get in the way of her worship of Jehovah.  She answered Eli respectfully and explained her situaion.  He replied, perhaps in a chastened and softern tone: "Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant your petition that you have asked of him." - 1 SAMUEL 1:15-17. 

What was the effecet on Hannah of opening her heart to Jehovah and worshipping him there at his taberbnacle?  The account reads: "The woman proceeded to go on her way and to eat, and her face became concerned no more." (1 Samuel 1:18) The Jerusalem BIble her reads: Her countenance ws no more sad."  Hannah felt relieved.  She had, in a sense, transferred the weight of her emotional burden to the shoulders infinitely standing broader and stronger than her own, those of her heavenly Father. (Read Pslam 55:22)  Is any problem too heavy for him? No-not then-not now, not ever! 

When we feel loaded down, overwhelmed, or overcome with sadness, we do well to follow Hannah's example amd speakk only to the One whom the Bible calls the "Hearer of prayer."  (Psalm 65:2)  If we do so in faith, we too may find that our sadness is replaced by "the peace of God that excels all thought." -PHILIPPIANS 4:6, 7. 

Next time: She Opened Her Heart to God in Prayer - "There Is No Rock Like Our God"

From the jw.org  publications

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