
Cherish Your Place in Jehovah's family

 "You made him a little lower than angels, and you crowned him with glory and splendor." - PSALM 8:5.

WHEN we ponder the vast universe that Jehovah has created, we may feel as did the psalmist David, who prayerfully asked: "When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars you have prepare, what is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and a son of man that you take care of him? (Psalm 8:3, 4)  Like David, we may look at the small place we occupy in the universe and marvel that Jehovah keeps us in mind at all. Yet, as we shall see, Jehovah not only took notice of the first humans, Adam and Eve, but also made them part of his family. 

Adam and Eve were Jehovah's first earthly children, and Jehovah was their loving heavenly Father. He expected this couple to be productive family  members.  God told them:  "Be fruitful and become many.  fill the earth and subdue it." (Genesis 1:28)  They were to have children and take good care of their earthly home.  If they had obediently cooperated with Jehovah's  purpose for them, Adam and Eve and their offspring would have remained members of God's family forever. 

Adam and Eve had an honorable place in Jehovah's family. As recorded at Psalm 8:5, David said this about Jehovah's creation of man:"  "You made him a little lower than angels, and you crowned him with glory and splendor." (Psalm 103:20)   Yet, mankind is only  "a little lower" than those mighty spirit creatures.  Imagine that Jehovah truly gave our first parents a wonderful start. 

Sadly, Adam and Eve lost their place in Jehovah's family.  This has had disastrous consequences for their descendants, (us), as we will see later in this article.  But Jehovah's purpose has not changed. He wants obedient humans to be his children forever. First, let us discuss how Jehovah has honored us.  Then, we will discuss what we can do now to show that we want to be part of God's family.  Finally, we will consider the blessings that Jehovah's earthly children will enjoy forever.

Next time: Cherish Your Place in Jehovah's Family - HOW JEHOVAH HAS HONORED HUMANS

From the jw. org publications

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