
She Stood Up for God's People - Esther's Faith Under Test - Conclusion

 Mordecai knew that he had to act. But what could he do?  Esther heard of his distress and sent clothes to him, but Mordecai refused   to take comfort. Maybe he had long wondered why his God, Jehovah, had allowed dear Esther to be taken away from him and made the queen  of a pagan ruler?  Now the reason seemed to be emerging. Mordecai sent a message to the queen imploring her to intercede with the king, to stand up  "for her own people." - ESTHER 4:4-8. 

Esther's heart must have sunk when she heard that message. Here was her greates rest of faith.  She was afraid, as she freely revealed in her reply to Mordecai. She reminded him of the king's law. To appear before the king unsummoned meant a death sentence. Only if the king held out his golden scepter was the offender spared. And did Esther have any reason to expect such clemency, especially  in view of Vashti's fate when she had refused the king's command to appear? Esther told Mordecai that the kind had not invited her to see him in 30 days!  Sucn neglect left hr plenty of reason to wonder if she had fallen out of her favor with this capricous monarch. - ESTHER  4:9-11.

Mordecai replied firmly to bolster Esther's faith.  He assured her that if she failed to act, salvation for the Jews would arise from some other source. But how could she expect  to be spared once the persecution gathered force?  Here Mordecai showed his profound faith in Jehovah, who would never let His people be exterminated and His promises go unforgilled.  (Joshua 23:14)  Then Mordecai asked Esther: "Who is there knowing whether it is for a time like this that you have attained that dignity?"  (Esther 4:12-14)  Is not Mordecai worthy of imitation?  He trusted completely in his God, Jehovah. Do we? - PROVERBS 3:5, 6. 

Next time:  She Stood Up for God's People - A Faith Stronger Than the Fear of Death

From the jw.org publications

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