
What Does the Bible Say About Singleness and Marriage?

 In some cultures, people believe that a person cannot be happy unless he or she gets married.  Yet, not married people are happy and not single people are unhappy.  The truth is that the Bible refers to both singleness and marriage as gifts.

1. What are some benefits of being single?

The Bible says:  "Whoever marries does well, but whoever does not marry will do better."  (Read 1 Corinthians 7:32, 33, 38.)  In what ways can single person "do better"?  Single Christians do not have to look after the needs of a mate.  Thus, they generally have more freedom.  For example, some are able to expand their ministry in interesting ways, such as by traveling to another land to preach the good news.  Above all, they can spend more time drawing close to Jehovah.

2. What are some benefits of being legally married?

Marriage, like singleness, brings unique benefits.  The Bible says that  "Two are better than one." ( Ecclesiastes  4:9)   This is especially true of Christians who apply Bible principles in their marriage.  Couples who legally marry make a commitment to love, respect, and cherish each other.  As a result, they often feel more secure than do couples who simply live together.  And marriage provides a secure foundation  for raising a family. 

1. How does Jehovah view marriage?

When Jehovah performed the first marriage, he said: "A man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife." (Genesis 2:24) Jehovah wants a husband wife to love and stick to each other for as long as  they are alive.  He allows divorce only when a mate is guilty of adultery.  In such a case, Jehovah gives the innocent mate the right to decide whether he or she will get a divorce. (Matthew 19:9)  Jehovah does not approve of polygamy among Christians. - 1 TIMOTHY 3:2.

Next time: What Does the Bible Say About Singleness and Marriage? DIG  DEEPER

From the jw.org publications

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