If Elijah cherished any notion that the war against Baal worship was all but over, his hopes came crashing down at that moment. Jezebel was undeterred. A great many of Elijah's faithful colleagues had already been executed on her orders, and now it seemed, he was to be next. What effect did Jezebel's threat have on Elijah? The Bible tells us: "He became afraid." Did Elijah picture in his mind's eye the terrible death that Jezebel had in store for him? If he dwelled on such thoughts, it is no wonder that his courage failed him. At any rate, Elijah "began to go for his soul"-He ran for his life. - 1 KINGS 18:4; 19:3.
Elijah was not the only man of faith ever to be overcome by fear. Much later, the apostle Peter had a similar problem. For instance, when Jesus enabled Peter to join Him in walking on water, the apostle began "looking at the windstorm." He then lost his courage and started to sink. (Read Matthew 14:30.) The examples of Elijah and Peter thus teach us a valuable lesson. If we want to maintain our courage, we must not let our mind dwell on the dangers that frighten us. We need to keep our focus on the Source of our hope and strength.
Next time: ELIJAH/He Took Comfort in His God - "It Is Enough!"
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