

A Chaste Young Woman

A third integrity keeper was a Shulammite maiden.  Young and beautiful, she attracted the affections of not only a shepherd boy but also the wealthy king of Israel, Solomon.  Throughout the beautiful story  told in the Song of Solomon, the Shulammite remained chaste, thus earning the respect of those around her.  Solomon, though rejected by her, was inspired to record her story.  The shepherd she loved also respected her chaste conduct.  At one point he mused that the Shulammite was like "a garden barred in."  (Song of Solomon 4:12) In ancient Israel, beautiful gardens contained a delightful variety of vegetables, fragrant flowers, and stately trees.  Such gardens were typically enclosed  by a hedge or a wall that cold be entered only through a locked gate.  (Isaiah 5:5) To the shepherd, the Shulammite's moral purity and loveliness were like such a garden of rare beauty.  She was completely chaste.  Her tender affections would be available only to her future husband.

In moral integrity, the Shulammite set an excellent example for Christian women today.  Jehovah saw and appreciated the virtue of the Shulammite girl and blessed her just as he blessed Joseph and Job.  For our guidance, their acts of integrity are recorded in God's Word.  While our efforts to keep integrity today are not recorded in the Bible, Jehovah has a "book of remembrance" for those seeking to do his will.  Let us never forget that Jehovah is "paying attention" and rejoices as we loyally strive to keep morally clean. -Malachi 3:16.

Although those without faith may scoff, we rejoice in our obedience to our loving Creator.  We have a higher morality, a godly morality.  It is something to be proud of, something to treasure.  By maintaining a clean moral standing, we can delight in God's blessing and can maintain a bright hope of endless future blessings.  In a practical sense, though, what can we do to remain morally clean?  The next article will discuss this important question.


Watchtower, 2000

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