

What Ab0ut Evil Spirits?

Many witches agree with the Bible on this point:  Evil spirits do exist. In one essay a promoter of witchcraft warns:  "The Shadows are out there.  They exist,in the invisible world that parallels our own, living creatures. . . .The terms 'Imp," 'Evil Spirit' and Demon' are fairly accurate.  They are very strong. . .The most intelligent variety . . . are capable  (if someone is helpful enough to open a doorway for them) of entering our world. . . They can enter your body . . ., even asserting a  degree of control over you (see, I told you) Yes, this is exactly like the old stories of Demon possession.

In Bible times, demon possession afflicted people in various ways.  Some of those affected were unable to speak, some were blind, some acted insane, and some possessed superhuman strength.  (Matthew 9:32; 12:22; 17:15, 18; Mark 5:2-5; Luke 8:29; 9:42; 11:14; Acts 19:16) At times the agony was compounded when many demons gained possession of a person simultaneously.  (Luke 8:2, 30)  Surely, then, there is good reason why Jehovah warns people to stay away from witchcraft and other occult practices. 

Next time: Religion Based on Truth

Watchtower, 2000

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